Alpha slot nerf with i20?




Last night after getting schooled on both the new incarnate trials, I ran some radio and alignment missions. Same difficulty I'd been running on the past 2 or 3 weeks. Only this time even though the mobs were conning the same as they had previously, my damage output seemed reduced from what it was before i20 went live. I have my Tier 4 musculature slotted and while I don't have any hard numbers, it sure felt like it was taking a lot longer to wipe out groups than it had. Does anyone know if there was a mean, "damage output adjustment" ?



Originally Posted by Bill_of_Rights View Post
Last night after getting schooled on both the new incarnate trials, I ran some radio and alignment missions. Same difficulty I'd been running on the past 2 or 3 weeks. Only this time even though the mobs were conning the same as they had previously, my damage output seemed reduced from what it was before i20 went live. I have my Tier 4 musculature slotted and while I don't have any hard numbers, it sure felt like it was taking a lot longer to wipe out groups than it had. Does anyone know if there was a mean, "damage output adjustment" ?
Several reports of problems with alpha slots in the incarnate trials. Possible connection?



Ran the Lambda trial last night and did some missions after, seemed to be working normally. Chalking it up to "post quad-failing trial bias" making me think I was en-n00bled.



Watching my attributes in the LS trial, on my Fire/SS with a tier 4 cardiac, everything starts out normal. My S/L Res sits at 80 ish % and stays that way until I get defeated. Going to the hospital or hitting RoTP takes my S/L res back down to 71% and makes my endurance woes come back.

It is easily noticeable and repeatable watching your combat attributes.



In an incarnate trial, I'd noticed that I'd slotted my +Resist Cardiac rare, and my Energy Resistance had dropped from about 69% to 62% - the alpha bonus disappeared. This also followed a brutal defeat at the hands of the Praetorians.

No problems in regular content.