How do you slot Water spout?
The damage is respectable and if you combine it with Hibernate it will keep the fight going while you're taking a breather. It also ticks procs very nicely. I have mine slotted with a stun set to make more use of it as a panic button. The knockup isn't horribly bad and I've seen it stagger bosses while I'm beating on them.
Basically it's a terrific power and the main reason for going leviathan mastery. It can be frankenslotted for maximum recharge and damage, used for a set bonus or just used as a proc mule. Just try to avoid slotting for accuracy since it's auto-hit
If that ITF you were on was at 10 pm EST last night on Liberty and that person using it was a stalker named "Strikyr" then it was me. My secondary is /nin, so I have it six-slotted with Kinetic Crash for the kb protection (to go with the Karma in hide) and (because I could) for the recharge bonus. I like to toss it out with a procc'd out caltrops for extra fun. (note to self: get the knockdown proc in caltrops asap). If you slot it that way make sure you're in an enclosed space like a cave when you use it. Me? I was giddy with power after the first mission and used it helter-skelter outside or inside. Sorry about that. No I'm not. But don't use it outside on a team if you slotted it with any knockback whatsoever.
With a willpower secondary I'd do exactly what David said - throw in some recharge and proc that sucker out! In addition to whatever damage sets it might take (don't remember right now) Explosive Strike and Force Feedback from the stun sets both have great procs, and Razzle Dazzle has a chance for immobilize that might do you some good.
Come to think of it, I don't REALLY need those extra three points of kb protection, do I? Might proc it out myself, now that I'm typing this...
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
Sorry Im a Union player.
But was a similar history, and I felt in love with the power and the FX.
Waterspout can also take the Achilles Heel -res proc.
Personally I think that Proc should be added to everything that can take it.
EDIT: Now that I think about it, I never actually see Waterspout unless it's the one I used. I wonder why that might be.
I was thinking of taking WS on one of my melee toons once they go through the PPP arcs. How exactly does it work? Is it like Tornado, i.e. a mobile pseudopet that does dam/stun/fear? How's the KU work? Actual KU or KB like 'Nado? How often do the various procs fire, just every 10s or faster depending on the proc (e.g. hold procs in Volcanic Gasses will fire every 6s since it summons another pseudopet every 6 sec vs damage procs that just fires every 10s)? Thanks.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
I was thinking of taking WS on one of my melee toons once they go through the PPP arcs. How exactly does it work? Is it like Tornado, i.e. a mobile pseudopet that does dam/stun/fear? How's the KU work? Actual KU or KB like 'Nado? How often do the various procs fire, just every 10s or faster depending on the proc (e.g. hold procs in Volcanic Gasses will fire every 6s since it summons another pseudopet every 6 sec vs damage procs that just fires every 10s)? Thanks.
The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]
Water spout is sorta like a toned down version of tornado. It's still a mobile pseudopet, it behaves the same, but it doesn't have all of tornado's abilities. It has a chance for knockup, but no knockback (whether that's good or bad is up to you). It has a chance to stun rather than a guaranteed stun, and does about 2/3rds the damage. However, it does seem to have had the fear component removed, and it has a 10 foot radius instead of a 7 foot radius.
Procs in tornado/waterspout will check every 10 seconds, and yes you definitely should stick the achilles proc in there.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
I think I may finally have a goal to build for if it's possible to get WS up anywhere near to perma...
I'd slot mine better, but since I don't have slots to spare, I will not be.
I'm slotting mine for the -Def component in my final build, but right now (having just got it)
I have 2 endurance redux in it so I can use it without losing 1/4 of my endurance.
This power is better than whatever the storm variant is, as it knocks up rather than around. Meaning it doesn't ruin groups and keeps the damage/debufs pretty evenly spread out.
Also it's a good base -def debuff (I think it starts at 15%)
I usually 5 slot Rag w/Proc or Posi w/Proc + Achilles
I have been using the Achilles Proc plus a second Achilles -Def/Recharge plus the Rag Proc, Posi Proc, basic recharge enhancement & basic knockup enhancement. It is a wonderful power as it keeps all foes within melee range, reduces defense and resistance and keeps everybody flying up unable to attack.
I may be the guilty party. I've been on a few ITFs recently on my Mind/Dark/Leviathan Dominator and I took it so I can recolour it something nice and black when i24 goes live. Between it and Bile Spray, it adds some nice AoE to my build.
As for slotting, I've been using my spare Overwhelming Force enhancements as I have loads of them left over from the Summer Event. So I'm quite interested in how other people are slotting it too for when I do my level 50 respec.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

I did a comparison on beta between a Positron's Blast proc and a Dam/Rech Ragnarok. They both added roughly the same amount of damage on average with the proc peaking substantially higher.
I'm planning on 6 slotting mine with 4 damage procs (Posi's, Lady Grey, Explosive Strike, and Javelin's Volley), a Dam/Rech Ragnarok, and the new TAoE proc. I have access to the Achilles' Heel through another power, but if I didn't I would slot it in place of a damage proc.
Proud member of the Twilight Avengers
Shunya~DB/Electric Scrapper capable of 262 DPS pre Incarnate
Mindtrix~Ill/Cold Controller soloed Lusca pre Incarnate
Psyanara~Night Widow/Fortunata 300+ DPS w/ Reactive
I never saw this power in action before, but in a ITF someone was using it all the time and I think looks awesome.
I think about getting it for my BS/WP, but got no idea how to use it...
How do you slot it? Its a worthy power?
Thank you guys.