New Warshade, having an awesome time!




Hello all!

I recently resubbed to CoX, and I rolled a Warshade to see what it was like. Coming from my SS/Inv Brute it was obviously a pretty big difference in playstyle, but in just 2 weeks I'm up to 37 already! I never feel like dead weight on teams, and I love the flexibility I have. Not to mention the feeling I get when I use dark extraction or stygian circle >.>

These boards have definitely been a HUGE help to me in trying to improve myself. The guide from Dechs has helped me especially. I never sit in one form for too long now. The other thing I've been using as a reference is Plasma's guide to the powers, and so far it's been pretty spot on with what's effective an what's not from what I can tell. As I get higher up though, I am wondering if his recommended slotting for the powers still applies, or if there are better choices now with all the changes the game has gone through since he wrote it.

I'm nowhere near being able to afford more than an SO build for a long time I imagine, but I do want to make sure I'm not hampering myself needlessly as I get higher up in levels.

That's all for now I think, excuse me while I go back to sucking souls out of people!



Thanks for letting me know. I'm always glad to hear I've helped somebody out. Also, there's no better advertising than a good testimonial .

You don't even have eclipse. Just wait until you get that slotted up.

Don't worry too much about your build. Like I've said before, a Warshade on SOs (played right) is still a sight to behold. You'll start running TFs and whatnot, and your 'shade will make them go faster for everybody involved. The merits will come flowing in and you can roll them right back out for the IOs you want.

Really, though, I appreciate hearing these kind of things. Thanks again.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I'd wait until level 47-50, and then use your second build for an IO monster.
And no, those two are not exclusive. An IO'd Warshade, played right, is whirlwind of destruction and pain.

You should know our mantra now;


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I rolled one a few days ago after reading your guide, Dechs.

I do need some advice/lessons in how to do some things. I'm only around...I guess 17 now, but dropping out of nova to mire and then back in, generally I try to stay as far away as possible when in nova, but I need to be in the middle of everything to get a good mire. It seems to take a while and I'm not sure it's worth the time to get the boost.

Also, when I've got aggro as a nova, I'm dropping to human and giving them some unslotted tier 1 and Sands of Mu. I'm not sure that makes any sense, but the nova is such a glass cannon it doesn't take much.

Does anyone ever put a freebird stealth in nova?



I finally have been adding IOs to my Warshade.

I went for all this time without.

A Warshade is a monster without IOs.
Adding the IOs just enhances the awesome factor. But either way, you need to find more bodies. It's annoying on Incarnate Trials since you can't get those bodies you want because other people destroy spawns in seconds... 2x eclipse isn't as awesome as 12x eclipse.

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



Pfft... my new warshade just hit level 12 and while I was leaving the mission to level up the game crashed in an effort to contain my awesome.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
Does anyone ever put a freebird stealth in nova?
Yes, I do.

I find that little extra bit of concealment a godsend, since I did NOT take nebulous form and sometimes need to scoot.

I just hit 50 on mine, and I am looking forward to sucking a soul from the corpse of Nightstar!



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
Does anyone ever put a freebird stealth in nova?
on the WS i am working up very very slowly (dont play it much atm), i do not plan to even take nova, i plan on only switching between dwarf and human form, staying in dwarf form about 85% of the time during the fight (mostly because i absolutely hate not having mez protection)



Originally Posted by BeornAgain View Post
Yes, I do.

I find that little extra bit of concealment a godsend, since I did NOT take nebulous form and sometimes need to scoot.

I just hit 50 on mine, and I am looking forward to sucking a soul from the corpse of Nightstar!
The best thing about Nightstar is that her corpse hangs around between the first time you defeat her and when she rezzes after you defeat Siege - so you've always got a handy target for fluffie raising

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