Shadow Cloak




I'm working on my Warshade and am wondering how useful Shadow Cloak is, I like playing and seeing my costume but if the power keeps me from getting killed I def. have to keep it. Any thoughts?



Shadow cloak + stealth IO in sprint=total invisibility which combined with Warshade inherent TP means free recall to the end of the mission setup.

Shadow cloak like most defense powers is another 2.5% after being supressed maybe 4% totally enhanced. So your talking with something like combat jumping and maneuvers and weave your looking at 16% defense to everything. However since changing forms means more and more re-toggling it means more annoyance if you shift forms often.

Jorrus 50 MercPoison Mastermind / Samuel Geary 50 Warshade/Triform
Relenia 50 DB/Will Scrapper / Jonas Geary 50 Cold/Storm Controller

'They don't call it a "Free Fire Zone" because it's filled with kittens and butterflies"-Obsidius



Stealth IO in Sprint requires Sprint to be toggled on. The IO got changed to disengage its stealth when toggled off.

Note that this condition does NOT apply to the Teleport Stealth IO. That's because Teleport is a click, not a toggle. As a result, you get 120 seconds of Stealth after teleporting, if using the Teleport Stealth IO ... which I like putting into my Dwarf Teleport power (since I use it more tactically than for travel).

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



It depends on what your role is for the team really.

Stealther = get it. its your stealth *duh* and its better than stealth from concealment.

Humanformer = If you skip this your crazy. Its the beginnings of your meager defenses and every scrap counts.

Triformer who cant be bothered to help the team by stealthing when he already has an inherent tp = ... I think that summed it up really.

Get it.
Learn to live with the fact that it obscures your costume.
Learn to love how it looks with the other toggles

Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.