Dark Melee/Fiery Aura - Tank, Brute or Scrapper?
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
I have stone/fire and a ss/fire brutes. Built right, /fire isn't too squishy. Get a couple kin com sets, steadfast unique, and tod or oblits sets. Im not sure about dm, but ss with perma rage may offer more damage than dark, esp with an aoe in foot stomp to partner with burn. Just my opinion.
Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.
"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality
Didn't you hear? Burn no longer causes mobs to scatter because of fear. Turn your range back on HIGH please.
As for the OP - my preference is FA brutes. Tanks don't do enough damage to keep me happy (although FA, like shields, pushes them pretty close) and FA scrappers are just a little to squishy for my taste - the extra HP brutes get make a bigger difference than most people would think. Also, Fiery Embrace gives you some insane damage numbers when your fury is up - my ss/fire brute puts up some sick orange numbers when I fire of FE.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

Lowest HP cap
Lowest resist numbers
Highest damage
Benefits most from +dam (Higher base = higher damage)
Lowest base damage (even lower than Tanks)
Higher HP and resist numbers than Scrappers, lower than tanks
Fury is nifty
Highest HP and resistances
Easier to stack defense on (tanks get more defense from weave)
Bruising is nifty
Higher base damage than brutes, lower than scraps.
If survivability is your main concern, do a Tank. If you value damage over survivability, go with scrappers. I myself would rather kill fast than survive a long time, and take 30 minutes to kill a spawn (exaggeration)

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
Lowest base damage (even lower than Tanks) Higher HP and resist numbers than Scrappers, lower than tanks Fury is nifty |
It also directly boosts FA, Burn & FE.
Fury + Soul Drain + FE = Amazing.
Going Brute also grants access to Gloom & Darkest Night (I'd also pick up Dark Oblit).
Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix
What I'd like to build towards, IO-wise, is something like a minimum of 33% S/L and/or Melee defense (would love to get close to soft-cap though) while still maintaining high recharge, possibly Perma-Hasten and/or Perma-Soul Drain levels.
Here is a fire/dark brute vs. scrapper thread:
Bellatrix's point was that while burn no longer has a fear/flee component, the AI still makes mobs run out of DoT patches after they take a certain amount of damage. I have seen this on my KM/FA scrapper - if I don't finish off mobs with burn or hit them with burst immediately after to knock them down, they will turn and run. This might not be as noticeable on an FA brute/tank as they have a taunt effect in blazing aura (and in their attacks) that will keep the mobs on you.
As for the OP - my preference is FA brutes. Tanks don't do enough damage to keep me happy (although FA, like shields, pushes them pretty close) and FA scrappers are just a little to squishy for my taste - the extra HP brutes get make a bigger difference than most people would think. Also, Fiery Embrace gives you some insane damage numbers when your fury is up - my ss/fire brute puts up some sick orange numbers when I fire of FE. |
Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.
"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality
I've been having a lot of fun with these two powersets together but I've come to the point where I realize I'm only going to be running one of these to Incarnate levels and can really only afford one expensive build. So, I am wondering which one would end up being the most powerful and benefit the most from Incarnation and IOing.
The pros and cons I've discovered so far are as follows:
Pros: Huge damage and benefits the most from Soul Drain.
Cons: Rather squishy, doesn't benefit as much from team buffs, and mobs will scatter from Burn due to AI and lack of Taunt effect in Blazing Aura.
Pros: Taunt Aura, Great Damage, Gets buffed well on team.
Cons: Still somewhat squishy, Soul Drain seems less powerful.
Pros: Least Squishy, Taunt Aura.
Cons: Least damage, have to take Shadow Punch.
What I'd like to build towards, IO-wise, is something like a minimum of 33% S/L and/or Melee defense (would love to get close to soft-cap though) while still maintaining high recharge, possibly Perma-Hasten and/or Perma-Soul Drain levels.
What would be my best bet for AT?