How do you Farm Inf?..

Adeon Hawkwood



Im just Returning from about a 2 yr break.. I have Rogue... Just wondering what a good Build and Map Farm would be to gather Infl.. The prices of some of the IO's are kinda crazy now.. so I need to make some bank.. and Just a heads up.. I suck at Auction flipping... Mindless map farming I can do no problem



Well let's see if your talkin redside maps then I hear the Code Merlin arc from Tavis Bell is good and then you have the TV farms.

Blueside would have to be the Battle Maiden farm from maria Jenkins, and the dimensional ruptures from Unai Kemen.

I'm sure there are others, these are just the ones I know.

As far as AT's are concerned it's probably a tie between a ss/fa brute and a fire/kin troller, I hear spines/fa scrapper and spines/da scrappers are good. Fire/psi doms used to be popular.

As with anything I'm sure there others this info is just what I have heard and/or seen.

GL farmin and wb.



The absolutely bestest way to get Inf is a combination of marketeering and farming. Even if you suck at marketeering, adding the market to your farming will make you exponentially richer.

The best farm maps in the "regular game" now are the same ones that they were before, except that max level Freaks and Family have had their Inf/XP values reduced. The Demon Farm from Harvey Maylor, the various big outdoor maps from Unai Kemen, the Battle Maiden map from Maria Jenkins, the Demon farm from Tavish Bell and Liberate TV are all good for farming. After clearing the map a few times, you'll want to go to the market and sell the random drops you've filled up on. It'll take some practise, but eventually you'll start to recognize certain recipes as better selling than others. Most of the time, you'll want to craft these and sell them. Silly people will pay anywhere from twice to ten times as much for a crafted IO as they will for the individual components.

The other option is to go play in the Mission Architect. Find a mission that works well for your farmer of choice, and farm the heck out of it. Generally, you'll get more Inf/minute from the kills, but you won't get any drops, except Inspirations and Architect Tickets. Tickets can be traded in for recipes and salvage (and a few other things). I won't go into which categories are best to choose for ticket rolls; there's too much difference of opinion, so anything I recommended, someone would tell you that a defferent category would be better.
Once you've got some rewards from AE, market them just like you would from a normal mission.

If you select a Dev Choice mission, you can choose "Standard Rewards" or "AE Rewards". Generally, Dev choice missions aren't that great for farming though.

Each method has advantages over the other. The biggest advantage to "regular content" farming is the chance for purples. With AE Farming, you have more control over what type of drops you'll be getting when you use your tickets.

One other thing: Do your tip missions. You can do up to 5 each day, and while running them, you have a chance of purple recipes (if you're a level 50). Every other day, you'll be able to do an Alignment Mission. The first Alignment Mission will reward you with 50 Merits. After that, each Alignment Mission you do will award you an Alignment Merit. Alignment Merits can be used to purchase almost anything in the game. If you're tight on money, it's almost always better to get an expensive recipe with A-Merits instead of Inf. And if you prefer, you can sell the expensive item you got, and have enough to pick up a handful of cheaper IOs instead.

Finally, the high prices on the market are paid by the impatient people who value their time more than their play money. If you bid low and wait, sometimes you can get expensive items at super discount bargain prices. When you have enough money later, you can always pull down the bids that haven't filled yet and try again with higher offers.




Personally, I don't farm to make inf any more. I play the markets for my inf needs. It's far, FAR more efficient than farming. If you really want to make a lot of inf, you need to learn to play the markets.

That being said, there's a couple of old standbys that still work well for farming.

Maria Jenkins gives the Battle maiden farm, that's always a good one. The TV farm is good if you're playing redside, but one thing to be aware of there, is that the map is long enough that you'll fill your recipes up before you get to the end of it if you're running solo. So you'll want to only run about half of it or be clearing crap recipes out as you get them.

As far as ATs go, fire/kins are a classic for a reason. They're excellent farmers, and they don't require a lot of skill to play, or a lot of expensive IOs to be capable of it. SS/FA brutes are another excellent choice, but they require more skill to play and/or a more expensive build generally to reach the same level of performance as a fire/kin. A well built and well-played SS/FA will probably out-farm a well-built and well-played fire/kin though.

There are lots of other combinations that will make good farmers, those are just two of the most popular. Basically anything that can dish out enough damage to kill things quickly and is tough enough not to die while doing so can farm. Some other successful farm builds are:

Archery/MM blasters
Spines/Fire, Spines/dark, Spines/electric scrappers
Fire/SS tanks
Fire/Shield or electric/shield scrappers
Fire/Shield, SS/Shield, Mace/Shield or electric/shield brutes

And these are just some of the better builds. You can farm with anything, you just won't be as effective at it.

One note is that if you play redside and will be running the TV farm, don't play a tank/scrapper/brute/stalker with a defense-based secondary. The to-hit buffs from stacked vengeance will make your defenses pretty much completely useless.




@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Thanks for the info and Replys..
and Wow... so fire/kins have made it this far?... I would have thought they would be replaced by now... When last I played there was a HUGE influx of Electric/Shield scrappers and looked like Kins were a thing of the past... I almost havea good kin build going... think I need a few more Sets to do more dmg and have a faster recharge.. but I havent looked at it in a while... As for marketin.. its hard for me... I tend to be a pack rat... I currently have like 6-7 purples that Im not useing.. I could sell them.. but I know Ill want them later and they will be 3x more expencive later.. a recipe was 80k when I last played, now they are 600k... I bought some GoTA +7.5% Run recipes for 1-5k last night, and I know the crafted IO will sell for over a mill... but I wanna keep em and use em on my Stone tanker.. = / Altaholics need as many IO's as they can get.. and my A.D.D. makes me play a lot of different toons unless im map farming... then my brain can go anywhere it wants and my hands are on autopilot.. lol



I farm inf very quickly by killing lots o stuff.



Go into your Options menu and pick the "No XP, Double Inf" while exemplared selection. Then go run Ouro arcs and TFs/SFs below your level to your heart's content!

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Alignment merits are probably the most reliable way to make INF, and are great for people with limited (1-2hrs/day) play time. Save up 30 and buy a Gladiator's 3% defense, then sell it for 2-3 billion, or sell other expensive IOs like Luck of the Gambler global recharge.



Originally Posted by DanZero View Post
I farm inf very quickly by killing lots o stuff.
lmao.. helpful ty...

Originally Posted by Syntax42 View Post
Alignment merits are probably the most reliable way to make INF, and are great for people with limited (1-2hrs/day) play time. Save up 30 and buy a Gladiator's 3% defense, then sell it for 2-3 billion, or sell other expensive IOs like Luck of the Gambler global recharge.
did you mean million?... or is it realy Billion?... isnt the cap at 2 billion?... how on earth would you sell it for 3?



No, you read that right. Those IOs are highly sought-after and have a very low PVP only drop rate, hence the high price tag. As for how they go for more than two billion, they get sold off-market with people using multiple characters to transfer that much inf.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by FreakofFate View Post
lmao.. helpful ty...
In all seriousness, if you stick to level 50s, inf comes in waves. I average 10 mil an hour not counting rare drops and purples etc. That's just standard IO recipies and trash plus mob inf.

You don't need a particular build, just a 50 and a couple hours a day.

Example, was just tooling around killing junk and a purple dropped. I checked it, hmmmm. armageddon. 600 mil inf.

Remember, the high prices on the market favor the poor. Why? We don't buy, we sell. When we get a high priced item from a drop, we get more inf that we can reasonably spend unless we're buying really really sought after junk on the market, which we can just get anyways through playing the game.

If you hit a farm for 2 hours a day, for one week, you'll realize that farming inf is silly easy.

Hence my tongue in cheek post. Point character to 50 mobs, kill as fast as you can, rake in the clams. Good weeks, I make a billion. Bad weeks, 200 mil. And that's not even trying...



Saving up 30 Alignment Merits for a Gladiator proc seems silly, especially when you have Luck of the Gamble +7.5% Globals going for 200-250 million. You could get 15 of those for the cost of one Gladiator Defense.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by DanZero View Post
Example, was just tooling around killing junk and a purple dropped. I checked it, hmmmm. armageddon. 600 mil inf.

Remember, the high prices on the market favor the poor. Why? We don't buy, we sell. When we get a high priced item from a drop, we get more inf that we can reasonably spend unless we're buying really really sought after junk on the market, which we can just get anyways through playing the game.
That would be one of my issues... I know I will want one of those purples or rare drops... so I dont sell em... the reason Im trying to make the infl in the first place is so I can buy some of these drops... so why sell it if I will just want to buy it later? = /

Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
No, you read that right. Those IOs are highly sought-after and have a very low PVP only drop rate, hence the high price tag. As for how they go for more than two billion, they get sold off-market with people using multiple characters to transfer that much inf.
I dont get it.. if all people need to do is run the Alignments and get the recipes.. why pay so much for em/... is it not a guarenteed thing off the vender/.. like the AE drop pools?



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Saving up 30 Alignment Merits for a Gladiator proc seems silly, especially when you have Luck of the Gamble +7.5% Globals going for 200-250 million. You could get 15 of those for the cost of one Gladiator Defense.
Where can I check for the Vender for these? feel like im picking up this game for the first time again... -_-



It's the number of Alignment Merits. You can earn 1 A-Merits every 2 days and you can exchange regular merits and inf for a single A-Merits once daily. So amassing over 30 of the things takes what to many players is a prohibitive amount of time

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by FreakofFate View Post
That would be one of my issues... I know I will want one of those purples or rare drops... so I dont sell em... the reason Im trying to make the infl in the first place is so I can buy some of these drops... so why sell it if I will just want to buy it later? = /
Trust me. You'll never get the one you want or need until you already own it. Unless you farm for purples, which is different from farming for inf.

If you want the inf, sell the purples, if you want the purples farm the purples. There's another thread with purple farm info front page in this sub forum.



Originally Posted by FreakofFate View Post
Where can I check for the Vender for these? feel like im picking up this game for the first time again... -_-
Fort Trident for heroes. Walk in, head left, box next to BOTLER.



Originally Posted by FreakofFate View Post
That would be one of my issues... I know I will want one of those purples or rare drops... so I dont sell em... the reason Im trying to make the infl in the first place is so I can buy some of these drops... so why sell it if I will just want to buy it later? = /
IO builds are, in many ways, subject to diminishing returns. Selling a single high value purple recipe can potentially fund your purchase of a large chunk of your build. That will in turn allow you to farm faster which means getting the expensive parts of the build (such as purples) comes faster.

I dont get it.. if all people need to do is run the Alignments and get the recipes.. why pay so much for em/... is it not a guarenteed thing off the vender/.. like the AE drop pools?
Because it takes time and requires doing something not everyone wants to. There are plenty of other ways to generate inf in the game (such as farming or marketeering) so for someone who prefers something else buying it makes sense.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Saving up 30 Alignment Merits for a Gladiator proc seems silly, especially when you have Luck of the Gamble +7.5% Globals going for 200-250 million. You could get 15 of those for the cost of one Gladiator Defense.
It works out about the same in the end since with the gladiator proc you don't have to pay the market or for salvage (ok, technically you can sell the LotGs off market, but people rarely do).

But yeah, from an Inf making point of view trading A-Merits for LotGs makes more sense.



Originally Posted by Syntax42 View Post
Alignment merits are probably the most reliable way to make INF, and are great for people with limited (1-2hrs/day) play time. Save up 30 and buy a Gladiator's 3% defense, then sell it for 2-3 billion, or sell other expensive IOs like Luck of the Gambler global recharge.
And you can run those @ +n x8 to increase your acquisitional pleasure.



Originally Posted by DanZero View Post
In all seriousness, if you stick to level 50s, inf comes in waves. I average 10 mil an hour not counting rare drops and purples etc. That's just standard IO recipies and trash plus mob inf.
To the OP:

Just so you have a point of comparison, I can pretty easily make a billion inf a week playing the markets for maybe a total of half an hour over the course of that week. I could make a lot more each week if I wanted to put in more time at the markets.

I know you said you're a pack rat, but look at it this way. Hoarding enhancements in your base is like hiding money under your mattress. It's safe, but it doesn't do anything for you. Playing the markets is like investing in the stock market. Risky, but your money is out there earning more money for you.



Gonna have to go with "the market". Start small and you'll make loads of Inf by accident.



Originally Posted by FreakofFate View Post
I dont get it.. if all people need to do is run the Alignments and get the recipes.. why pay so much for em/... is it not a guarenteed thing off the vender/.. like the AE drop pools?
It's still kind of slow kitting out even a single character with five LOTG Recharge IOs. It's a bare minimum of 40 hours just to get one of them (if the player is converting old Merits to Alignment Merits as well as the 1 merit from doing two days worth of Tips) and the best you can do is to get 5 of them in about 6 days at the cost of 10 Alignment Merits, 350 regular merits and 140 million Inf. That's if your doing your Tips and trading Merits as close as possible to every 20 hours.

Since it's hardly likely that people would be able/willing to do that and the fact that some people who have been farming/marketing for a LONG time simply have bucketloads of spare INF that spending 200 Million on a rare recipe, or even 1 Billion on five of them is nothing to them.



Yea.. after this threads responces, I started my Dailies, and yea... if I had a ton of currency, I could see spending it on a recipe instead of waiting 2 months for it.. lol... 1 merit every 2 days and it takes 30 merits?... for 1 recipe?... ouch.... even at 10 merits per... thats almost a month of dailies... and from some of the reading Ive been doing... some people in the Brute threads were saying they can clear a farm, make on average 4000 tickets and a few mill in a matter of minutes...