Global CHAT? channels?
My two chatter outlets are VirtueUnited and Radio Virtue. VU might be full, I'm already on there so I don't know. Radio Virtue is a few weeks old. Neither is a constant stream of verbage but both are fairly active and invite casual chit-chat.
Are you looking for In Character chat, or just general chatter? Cape Radio's global is good for general chatter(just poke your friendly local DJ for an invite), but there sadly isn't much in the way of In Character chat out there, they seem to all implode over the channel owner's ideas of 'how to RP right'
Are you looking for In Character chat, or just general chatter? Cape Radio's global is good for general chatter(just poke your friendly local DJ for an invite), but there sadly isn't much in the way of In Character chat out there, they seem to all implode over the channel owner's ideas of 'how to RP right'
Well feel free to hit up Cape Radio, you can tune in at to see whose on to poke, or stop by a show in game, the Wednesday DJs are host in Pocket D on the center platform.
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Or...someone *hint* could always start a chat specifically named "VirtueChat" or somesuch. I don't do much chat, but just remembered how much fun the Public channel used to be on the MUSHes, MUSEs and such I used to be on, back in the day.
Just a thought...
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Hey all,
I just resubbed and decided to give Virtue a try, everything is going ok except that I can't find a global channel where people chat, rather all the channels I am on are all about finding TF's and such (which is fine, but).
Anyone reccomend a channel thats not full that people actually yack on? I figured I would be RP'ed to death and I haven't seen much or any really.
Thanks all!