WS vs PB? PvP Question




Could a Warshade ever beat a Peacebringer in a one vs one PvP match if both players have equal PvP skills?




Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



all things being equal, no. but if the build was just right and the to hit rolls didn't go the PBs way...maybe 1 out of 20 or so.



Even with Eclipse you'll run into the awesomeness that is diminished returns.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I dunno. Is the WS player smart enough to eclipse and mire inside a spawn of enemies first?
doesn't matter. the damage buff would get DR'd down to nothing along with the eclipse. they would eventually fade anyway.

PB's attacks are much much more procable than WS are. BU is more consistant than mire, they've got +hp which is the least hit thing in pvp by DR along with a heal. not to mention you'd have nothing to summon a pet from.

there is absolutely no situation were given equal builds, the WS wins. ever. period.

granted both are pretty bad to pvp with. PBs are only good if you have an vast amount of cash to pump into it. were as a WS could never be made decent.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I dunno. Is the WS player smart enough to eclipse and mire inside a spawn of enemies first?
I should have mentioned it would be an arena match so it can be even and NPC's will not jump in.



Even if the WS uses procs, focuses on single target attacks and gets Aidself would it be even?



Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
Even with Eclipse you'll run into the awesomeness that is diminished returns.
Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
doesn't matter. the damage buff would get DR'd down to nothing along with the eclipse. they would eventually fade anyway.
Mire I'll buy, but Eclipse? A well slotted eclipse takes five targets to reach 85% resist from nothing, and it has a target cap of 16. Maybe I'm underestimating diminishing returns, but I'd think that 16 targets would still be enough to bring the WS up to 85% resist. Also, diminishing returns doesn't affect duration, which will be 90 seconds. I don't know how long PvP duels usually go, but I'd assume it's less than 90 seconds.

Defense may not amount to a hill of beans in PvP, but resist always works.

Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
there is absolutely no situation were given equal builds, the WS wins. ever. period.
The PB has a lot of clear advantages, that much is certain. Regardless, I don't think it's impossible for a WS to win.

Originally Posted by Mod_Noc View Post
I should have mentioned it would be an arena match so it can be even and NPC's will not jump in.
Yeah, in that case, WS has no chance.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



you are underestimating diminished returns...your resists won't get all that high even with a full Eclipse buff.



Also, take something other than teleport. Which has "You no longer exist" as suppression kicking in if someone so much as breathes in the same time zone as you.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Mire I'll buy, but Eclipse? A well slotted eclipse takes five targets to reach 85% resist from nothing, and it has a target cap of 16. Maybe I'm underestimating diminishing returns, but I'd think that 16 targets would still be enough to bring the WS up to 85% resist. Also, diminishing returns doesn't affect duration, which will be 90 seconds. I don't know how long PvP duels usually go, but I'd assume it's less than 90 seconds.

Defense may not amount to a hill of beans in PvP, but resist always works.

The PB has a lot of clear advantages, that much is certain. Regardless, I don't think it's impossible for a WS to win.

Yeah, in that case, WS has no chance.
Ws damage is too low to take out a b with 2 heals and + hp. It would easily outlast both mire and eclipse and it's impossible to get either perma in pvp. The only chance a ws has a chance is in nova and even then the pb would win because the attacks are easier to proc slot. Ws can't heal or buff in a duel. It's got no chance.

A ws is literally the worst AT you can pvp with /thread

Even if you could get a situation were you could get a full mire. Worst case, you just wait for it to drop and get an easy kill or the pb has the ability to slot enough unresisted procs to take down something with only 1500-1600 hp if you slot for it. Ws can't heal. Doesn't have enough damage. And doesnt have enough hp to outlast a pb

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Simple answer: A PB will always beat a WS 1v1 when the build costs and player skill levels are even.

Old School



If the WS were able to slow the PB enough with the blasts from nova, it might give him enough time to slow down the incoming damage and heals enough to get a victory every so often...theoretically.



Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
If the WS were able to slow the PB enough with the blasts from nova, it might give him enough time to slow down the incoming damage and heals enough to get a victory every so often...theoretically.
I've tested the stacking of WS slows in pvp and DR kills them too much to be that significant. Players that are worried about slows can always add a winter's gift to counter it. In a nova battle the PB could be sitting on a lot more HP with essence boost and still have another heal to spare. You can add more procs to PB attacks so a PvP PB build would probably hit harder. The PB can always drop nova for a moment to heal but the WS is going to have to enter melee to get their heals.

If the PB is smart, then they will be evading/blasting and they would be kiting with Incandescent strike. I really can't see a PB giving a WS a lot of chances to heal. The WS might score a free heal if they used the ranged stun or starless step but that's it. A WS victory over a PB would be a matter of player error.

Old School



Originally Posted by Mod_Noc View Post
Could a Warshade ever beat a Peacebringer in a one vs one PvP match if both players have equal PvP skills?
What everyone else has said. The factors that make a WS such an awesome beast in PvE also gimp it in PvP...add in the current PvP mechanics and even a higher skilled player on a WS shouldn't be able to beat a lower skilled player on a PB.

I'd even go so far to say that if you have 3 PvPers of equal skill, 1x PB should be able to beat 2x WSs more times than not.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



i actually fought a shade a couple of days ago 1 vs 1 in rv.. it was no contest.. i didnt even need to switch to dwarf.. and he had to stay in dwarf almost the whole fight.. and after he died he use Stygian return and switch to dwarf and i killed him again.. my life barely moved beyond a quarter...

i told him if he wanted to pvp with a kheld just make a pb ... and gave him my ws build for pve..

ws = way better in pve
pb = way better in pvp

of the two...

ps. also it didnt help that im sitting on 1600 hp without dwarf and essence boost.. and i have 2-3 attack procs in each attack.. and achielles heel.. there is really no contest between the two.

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin



WS are the wost PVP toon ever. PBs are middle of the road in getting kills but difficult to kill. I've tried coming up with a decent WS PVP build and really the only thing that works is to go nova in zones and switch out to phase when anything attacks you. Arena? No way.



This topic's piqued my interest. I've been interested in PvPing on my PB for quite a while now. Anyone have any tips on how to build? I'm hearing a lot about damage procs and heals but I'm hazy on the specifics.

The character's second build is a scrapped attempt at high global recharge so I've got plenty of valuable IOs I can strip and sell to increase my budget.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
This topic's piqued my interest. I've been interested in PvPing on my PB for quite a while now. Anyone have any tips on how to build? I'm hearing a lot about damage procs and heals but I'm hazy on the specifics.

The character's second build is a scrapped attempt at high global recharge so I've got plenty of valuable IOs I can strip and sell to increase my budget.
building pbs for pvp is very pointless because your going to put in more money than you would building anything else for pvp and get a minimal return from it. not to mention pvp is broken.

i think soto had a human build that is floating around that is crazy expensive. basically all the attacks were proc/nuc slotted and all the res/heal powers used glad armors and pana's for HP buffs.

the easiest thing to do is slot nova for doing damage and dropping out to heal(while still slotting for HP) since most of the attacks have a higher range and still do some ok damage. but flying in zone is very risky.

in this specific situation, the pb wins hands down because WS are just that bad in pvp, not because pbs are that good in pvp. they just kind of happened to have all the stuff that was least hit by i13.



Originally Posted by Not_PC View Post
building pbs for pvp is very pointless because your going to put in more money than you would building anything else for pvp and get a minimal return from it. not to mention pvp is broken.

i think soto had a human build that is floating around that is crazy expensive. basically all the attacks were proc/nuc slotted and all the res/heal powers used glad armors and pana's for HP buffs.

the easiest thing to do is slot nova for doing damage and dropping out to heal(while still slotting for HP) since most of the attacks have a higher range and still do some ok damage. but flying in zone is very risky.

in this specific situation, the pb wins hands down because WS are just that bad in pvp, not because pbs are that good in pvp. they just kind of happened to have all the stuff that was least hit by i13.
Well PBs are way better off than melee toons in post i13 pvp imho.. my pb is the most versatile toon i have now.. i dont like playing my blaster.. and all my current melee toons are now obsolete, and until i get my dom or my kin scrap up, my pb is my only hope of fun in pvp.

My build is not all that expensive either.. Its a copy of Mecury Dawn's build (which is really expensive.) I took his build and made the cheaper versions.. it has about 200 less hp.. and about 150 less recharge, heals are a lil weaker, and weaker dmg procs. but it gets the job done.. I will post my build but, if you want his pm him directly.

Its a human/dwarf build.... you really only using dwarf for escape and extra healing.. everything else is emphasis on making a blapper.

Some of mids numbers are off but in real life, i have 1600 hp (2100 with essence boost, capped when in dwarf). In pvp about 45% resistance to all dmg give or take 2%. 250+% regen, 90% recharge. 22 sec recharge on reform esssence, essence boost has about a 10 sec downtime.

<font color="#489AFF"><b>Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.92</b></font><br />
<font color="#489AFF"><b></b></font><br />
<br />
<font color="#B1C9F5"><u><b><a href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lick this DataLink to open the build!</a></b></u></font><br />
<br />
<b><font color="#B3CAF7">Level 50 Natural Peacebringer</font></b><br />
<b><font color="#489AFF">Primary Power Set: </font><font color="#B3CAF7">Luminous Blast</font></b><br />
<b><font color="#489AFF">Secondary Power Set: </font><font color="#B3CAF7">Luminous Aura</font></b><br />
<b><font color="#489AFF">Power Pool: </font><font color="#B3CAF7">Fighting</font></b><br />
<b><font color="#489AFF">Power Pool: </font><font color="#B3CAF7">Speed</font></b><br />
<b><font color="#489AFF">Power Pool: </font><font color="#B3CAF7">Leaping</font></b><br />
<b><font color="#489AFF">Power Pool: </font><font color="#B3CAF7">Leadership</font></b><br />
<br />
<font color="#489AFF"><b>Hero Profile:</b></font><br />
<b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 1:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Gleaming Bolt</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Devastation - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Accuracy/Damage</font></li>
<li> (3) <font color="#7AA4EF">Devastation - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Damage/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (3) <font color="#7AA4EF">Achilles' Heel - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance for Res Debuff</font></li>
<li> (5) <font color="#7AA4EF">Touch of Lady Grey - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance for Negative Damage</font></li>
<li> (5) <font color="#7AA4EF">Shield Breaker - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance for Lethal Damage</font></li>
<li> (7) <font color="#7AA4EF">Devastation - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Damage/Recharge</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 1:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Incandescence</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Aegis - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Psionic/Status Resistance</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 2:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Glinting Eye</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Devastation - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Accuracy/Damage</font></li>
<li> (9) <font color="#7AA4EF">Devastation - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Damage/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (9) <font color="#7AA4EF">Devastation - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Damage/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (11) <font color="#7AA4EF">Achilles' Heel - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance for Res Debuff</font></li>
<li> (11) <font color="#7AA4EF">Touch of Lady Grey - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance for Negative Damage</font></li>
<li> (13) <font color="#7AA4EF">Apocalypse - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance of Damage(Negative)</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 4:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Gleaming Blast</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Devastation - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Accuracy/Damage</font></li>
<li> (13) <font color="#7AA4EF">Devastation - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Damage/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (15) <font color="#7AA4EF">Devastation - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Damage/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (15) <font color="#7AA4EF">Explosive Strike - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance for Smashing Damage</font></li>
<li> (17) <font color="#7AA4EF">Shield Breaker - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance for Lethal Damage</font></li>
<li> (17) <font color="#7AA4EF">Touch of Lady Grey - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance for Negative Damage</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 6:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Shining Shield</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Titanium Coating - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Resistance</font></li>
<li> (7) <font color="#7AA4EF">Steadfast Protection - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Knockback Protection</font></li>
<li> (19) <font color="#7AA4EF">Titanium Coating - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Endurance</font></li>
<li> (21) <font color="#7AA4EF">Titanium Coating - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Resistance/Recharge</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 8:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Essence Boost</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Doctored Wounds - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal</font></li>
<li> (23) <font color="#7AA4EF">Doctored Wounds - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Recharge</font></li>
<li> (23) <font color="#7AA4EF">Doctored Wounds - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (25) <font color="#7AA4EF">Doctored Wounds - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (25) <font color="#7AA4EF">Doctored Wounds - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal/Endurance/Recharge</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 10:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Thermal Shield</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Titanium Coating - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Resistance</font></li>
<li> (21) <font color="#7AA4EF">Titanium Coating - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Resistance/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (27) <font color="#7AA4EF">Titanium Coating - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Resistance/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (27) <font color="#7AA4EF">Steadfast Protection - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Knockback Protection</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 12:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Build Up</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">To Hit Buff/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (29) <font color="#7AA4EF">Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Recharge/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (29) <font color="#7AA4EF">Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">To Hit Buff/Recharge/Endurance</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 14:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Kick</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#5EAEFF">Empty</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 16:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Tough</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Impervium Armor - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Resistance</font></li>
<li> (43) <font color="#7AA4EF">Impervium Armor - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Resistance/Endurance</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 18:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Incandescent Strike</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Mako's Bite - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance of Damage(Lethal)</font></li>
<li> (33) <font color="#7AA4EF">Mako's Bite - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Accuracy/Damage</font></li>
<li> (33) <font color="#7AA4EF">Ghost Widow's Embrace - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance of Damage(Psionic)</font></li>
<li> (34) <font color="#7AA4EF">Mako's Bite - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Damage/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (34) <font color="#7AA4EF">Mako's Bite - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Damage/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (34) <font color="#7AA4EF">Touch of Lady Grey - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance for Negative Damage</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 20:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">White Dwarf</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Impervium Armor - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Resistance/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (42) <font color="#7AA4EF">Impervium Armor - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Resistance</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 22:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Quantum Shield</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Titanium Coating - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Resistance</font></li>
<li> (37) <font color="#7AA4EF">Titanium Coating - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Resistance/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (37) <font color="#7AA4EF">Titanium Coating - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Resistance/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (39) <font color="#7AA4EF">Steadfast Protection - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Knockback Protection</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 24:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Reform Essence</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Doctored Wounds - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal</font></li>
<li> (39) <font color="#7AA4EF">Doctored Wounds - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (39) <font color="#7AA4EF">Doctored Wounds - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Recharge</font></li>
<li> (40) <font color="#7AA4EF">Doctored Wounds - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal/Endurance/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (40) <font color="#7AA4EF">Doctored Wounds - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal/Recharge</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 26:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Hasten</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#8BAFF1">Recharge Reduction</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
<li> (40) <font color="#8BAFF1">Recharge Reduction</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
<li> (42) <font color="#8BAFF1">Recharge Reduction</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 28:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Super Speed</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#8BAFF1">Run Speed</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 30:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Combat Jumping</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Luck of the Gambler - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Defense</font></li>
<li> (33) <font color="#7AA4EF">Luck of the Gambler - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Defense/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (45) <font color="#7AA4EF">Luck of the Gambler - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Defense/Recharge</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 32:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Super Jump</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#8BAFF1">Jumping</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 35:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Quantum Flight</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#8BAFF1">Endurance Reduction</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 38:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Assault</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#8BAFF1">Endurance Reduction</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 41:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Light Form</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Efficacy Adaptor - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">EndMod/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (42) <font color="#7AA4EF">Performance Shifter - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">EndMod</font></li>
<li> (45) <font color="#7AA4EF">Efficacy Adaptor - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Accuracy/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (46) <font color="#7AA4EF">Performance Shifter - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Accuracy/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (48) <font color="#7AA4EF">Performance Shifter - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">EndMod/Accuracy/Recharge</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 44:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Tactics</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance for Build Up</font></li>
<li> (45) <font color="#7AA4EF">Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">To Hit Buff/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (46) <font color="#7AA4EF">Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">To Hit Buff/Recharge/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (46) <font color="#7AA4EF">Rectified Reticle - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Increased Perception</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 47:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Conserve Energy</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#8BAFF1">Recharge Reduction</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 49:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Acrobatics</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#8BAFF1">Endurance Reduction</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 0:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Freedom Phalanx Reserve</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
<b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 0:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Portal Jockey</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
<b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 0:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">The Atlas Medallion</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
<b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 50:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Musculature Core Paragon</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
<font color="#489AFF">------------</font><br />
<b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 1:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Brawl</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#5EAEFF">Empty</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 1:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Sprint</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#5EAEFF">Empty</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 2:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Rest</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#5EAEFF">Empty</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 1:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Cosmic Balance</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
<b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 1:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Energy Flight</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#8BAFF1">Flight Speed</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 10:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Combat Flight</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Luck of the Gambler - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Recharge Speed</font></li>
<li> (31) <font color="#7AA4EF">Luck of the Gambler - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Defense/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (48) <font color="#7AA4EF">Luck of the Gambler - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Defense</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 4:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Ninja Run</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
<b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 2:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Swift</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#8BAFF1">Run Speed</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 2:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Health</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Miracle - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">+Recovery</font></li>
<li> (19) <font color="#7AA4EF">Numina's Convalescence - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">+Regeneration/+Recovery</font></li>
<li> (31) <font color="#7AA4EF">Numina's Convalescence - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal</font></li>
<li> (31) <font color="#7AA4EF">Numina's Convalescence - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal/Endurance</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 2:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Hurdle</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#8BAFF1">Jumping</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 2:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">Stamina</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Performance Shifter - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Chance for +End</font></li>
<li> (36) <font color="#7AA4EF">Performance Shifter - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">EndMod</font></li>
<li> (36) <font color="#7AA4EF">Performance Shifter - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">EndMod/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (36) <font color="#7AA4EF">Efficacy Adaptor - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">EndMod/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (37) <font color="#7AA4EF">Efficacy Adaptor - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">EndMod/Accuracy</font></li>
</ul><font color="#489AFF">------------</font><br />
<b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 20:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">White Dwarf Antagonize</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#8BAFF1">Accuracy</font><font color="#8BAFF1"> IO</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 20:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">White Dwarf Flare</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Scirocco's Dervish - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Accuracy/Damage</font></li>
<li> (48) <font color="#7AA4EF">Scirocco's Dervish - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Damage/Endurance</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 20:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">White Dwarf Smite</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Pounding Slugfest - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Accuracy/Damage</font></li>
<li> (43) <font color="#7AA4EF">Pounding Slugfest - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Damage/Endurance</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 20:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">White Dwarf Step</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#5EAEFF">Empty</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 20:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">White Dwarf Strike</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Analyze Weakness - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Defense Debuff</font></li>
<li> (50) <font color="#7AA4EF">Analyze Weakness - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Accuracy/Defense Debuff</font></li>
</ul><b><font color="#4FA7FF">Level 20:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#B3CAF7">White Dwarf Sublimation</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li> (A) <font color="#7AA4EF">Regenerative Tissue - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal/Endurance</font></li>
<li> (43) <font color="#7AA4EF">Regenerative Tissue - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Endurance/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (50) <font color="#7AA4EF">Regenerative Tissue - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal/Recharge</font></li>
<li> (50) <font color="#7AA4EF">Regenerative Tissue - </font><font color="#7AA4EF">Heal/Endurance/Recharge</font></li>
</ul><br />

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin



Originally Posted by Not_PC View Post
building pbs for pvp is very pointless because your going to put in more money than you would building anything else for pvp and get a minimal return from it. not to mention pvp is broken.

i think soto had a human build that is floating around that is crazy expensive. basically all the attacks were proc/nuc slotted and all the res/heal powers used glad armors and pana's for HP buffs.

the easiest thing to do is slot nova for doing damage and dropping out to heal(while still slotting for HP) since most of the attacks have a higher range and still do some ok damage. but flying in zone is very risky.

in this specific situation, the pb wins hands down because WS are just that bad in pvp, not because pbs are that good in pvp. they just kind of happened to have all the stuff that was least hit by i13.
Yes my PB's build is mad expensive; however, I did not pay for the IO's since it was given to me by a buddy that quit the game. You know when someone says that they are quitting and you ask "Can I Haz YouR Stuff"? Well one time it actually worked for me! o.O I dont think it is a waste of IO's since every time Log into the game that is the first character I log on as. I did make a Rad/Energy Blaster and tried to make it as close to my PB as possible and it is fun if I want quicker kills, but it dies way faster for my playstyle. I just enjoy fight people with an AT that is not the FoTM and that is not overplayed in PvP zones.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Originally Posted by Not_PC View Post
building pbs for pvp is very pointless because your going to put in more money than you would building anything else for pvp and get a minimal return from it. not to mention pvp is broken.

i think soto had a human build that is floating around that is crazy expensive. basically all the attacks were proc/nuc slotted and all the res/heal powers used glad armors and pana's for HP buffs.

the easiest thing to do is slot nova for doing damage and dropping out to heal(while still slotting for HP) since most of the attacks have a higher range and still do some ok damage. but flying in zone is very risky.

in this specific situation, the pb wins hands down because WS are just that bad in pvp, not because pbs are that good in pvp. they just kind of happened to have all the stuff that was least hit by i13.
The post is about WSs versus PBs, not PBs compard to Blasters/Dominators etc in PvP. Yeah, you can play a Psi/Em Blaster like everyone else if money is tight. Like Big Soto said, I rather not use the same builds as most of the population.

I added a lot of +range and procs to my PB and get plenty of kills from 170ft blasts in Nova form. It works fine; I get way more kills than deaths and only worry about webnaders once in awhile. With 3 heals and a built in phase, I don't even sweat webnaders much.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
The post is about WSs versus PBs, not PBs compard to Blasters/Dominators etc in PvP.
except that the quoted post was about pbs in pvp/builds.