Discussion: Another City of Heroes article on ZAM!




Good read. The criticism regarding PvP and bases was fair, but wasn't addressed...at all. I don't PvP much, but if it were more accessible and it did require not having to completely alter a build, or having make a new one to make it work, I'd go into a PvP zone more. I had a base when I first began playing CoX, I have long since abandoned it and deleted my SG since, A) my SG buddies all left this game and B) It was more or less a storage center for salvage and crafted enhancements. Whatever fuctions it could serve, or did serve, became pointless for a one man SG.



I feel for the dev team. There are starting to be so many side projects as mentioned in the article that at least one of the sub-groups forming based on those side projects will be screaming that they aren't getting enough attention compared to the others.

Unless they absolutely bombed the studio with resources for them and came out with a monster expansion that covered all the issues at once there would be a sub-group would come out saying "What about some love for us?!?!"

Of course then you would have the another group pipe in that they should have spread the updates out abit because its such a grind to get through all the new content, badges, redo their bases, pwn some nOObs in Siren's and make a ham sammich all in 2 weeks.

Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
As for bases...rip out the whole system and start from scratch. Look at the Bat Cave. Look at the Hall of Justice/Watch Tower. Bases need to be that cool, and functional, and accessible to the solo player as well as the largest Super Group. Tall order, but if you can't do that, don't bother with bases at all.
Only problem with ripping them out is the fact that to do so would most likely destroy any and all stored salvage/enhancements/insps/etc. That would NOT go over very well. One has to work with that fact. I know that I have a personal salvage museum containing each piece of Base Salvage that had dropped at some point. As well as multiple enhancement bins containing a LOT of IOs.

Now, what might be possible to do is to create a separate system and allow a Move command of all stored items (NOT deleting anything, even if it goes over the container limit, see Legacy Salvage Bins) to the new system. The Move would prevent dupin' rares that could be done by Copying, removal of stuffs, Copy again, etc. Once moved, the old base is archived away. An Archive would prevent loss of items during the move, but would only be accessible to GMs and CS people to take care of any issues that arise.



What was up with this line? "Unfortunately, CoH is showing its age with combat, as it feels sluggish and unresponsive in comparison to faster, more modern MMOs, like Rift or World of Warcraft."

I have not played Rift, so I don't know anything there, but sluggish and unresponsive I would not call CoH's combat. At all. And I have always found WoW's combat to be sluggish and lame compared to CoH. Trying to figure out what the comparison points were, there.

I'd also quibble a little with the graphics bit, as they've always been decent, and ultra mode made things even better. DCUO supposedly has a lot more bells and whistles, but I find the difference in the two is more stylistic than "quality." I'm one of those weirdos that doesn't see the appeal of all the games with bleeding edge graphics with photo-realism, though... I like games with character and a good look to them.

But still, I'm sure it's fair to say that CoH isn't going to have as good of graphics as a brand new game. And I'm sure the devs could make the combat system more smooth (have grappling, etc.) if they had a new game on their hands. Still, CoH is a lot more fun to play than many games out there, and it can certainly look great. I still sometimes pause to watch as the sun rises over the ocean while I fly about the city.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by ChaosAngelGeno View Post
Good read. The criticism regarding PvP and bases was fair, but wasn't addressed...at all.
Actually yes,

Yes it was addressed.

-By ZAM-

If a gamers site is publicly acknowledging the existence of two subgroups, labels then as NEGLECTED... that says: We did our homework, we know about these sub groups, we know what they are about, we know how they are neglected, everyone <minus the stubborn powers that be> agrees that these groups need attention, and it's only a matter of time before someone tries "really hard" to steal your paying customers.

I am going to continue with my investment however, I would have to leave if something better came along. That's not a rage quit. No crybaby fits or threats or anything of that nature. That's me going for a product I want. Plain, simple, Nothing more.

Good luck to you Paragon.

I hope something good happens.

I hope some base development is in the near future.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Only problem with ripping them out is the fact that to do so would most likely destroy any and all stored salvage/enhancements/insps/etc. That would NOT go over very well.
I would be willing to step forward and take all the blame just to get it done before some other competitor does.

I'm nutty like that.

edit: seriously you could even make the GMOTD : blame that sick rabbit, it's ALL his fault!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I would be willing to step forward and take all the blame just to get it done before some other competitor does.

I'm nutty like that.

edit: seriously you could even make the GMOTD : blame that sick rabbit, it's ALL his fault!
Sorry but no. Any base revamp MUST take into account the things in storage. Deleting stuff or otherwise removing items from storage would really be one of the stupidest things they could possibly do. People have come to depend on the storage there, especially those who managed to keep the Legacy containers, if only for Brainstorm conversions.

Like I said, they could do it in such a way that it doesn't remove stuff. It would be more work to implement the system correctly, but that would be preferable to arbitrarily deleting stuff. I don't have it in me to try and start over.

Though their past history with the Base Salvage removal does not inspire me with a lot of confidence.



Until you actually click on the thread to see what it is, it looks like it says, Another City of Heroes. I thought, What, ok who is making a CoX2.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Nothing will happen until the ****** designer can see the flaws in his own creation.
It took them several issues and and pressure from heavy lobbying(only way to get real changes) to fix bugs from i13 closed beta.
Some things like indom will for widows did not get fixed at all(added immob protection instead of fixing the kb when mezzed bug)

Seeing how Positron defended his design baby in a recent DR thread, don't hold your breath.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Sorry but no. Any base revamp MUST take into account the things in storage. Deleting stuff or otherwise removing items from storage would really be one of the stupidest things they could possibly do. People have come to depend on the storage there, especially those who managed to keep the Legacy containers, if only for Brainstorm conversions.

Like I said, they could do it in such a way that it doesn't remove stuff. It would be more work to implement the system correctly, but that would be preferable to arbitrarily deleting stuff. I don't have it in me to try and start over.

Though their past history with the Base Salvage removal does not inspire me with a lot of confidence.
humor aside, if they were going to do something new, I would imagine the best and easiest way to do it is to introduce a new system while keeping the old.

then BB's would have the option of , old bases with old builder -or- new bases with new builder.

to keep your original sg name might involve stripping then deleting the original base. if that is the case then there should be some method of transferring prestige via sg lead.

Something like that.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.