It is Over




Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I'm making it known that the BBC needs to recruit more members for the base builders forums, it would help to let it be known that -you- <as in any base builder reading this> has interest in joining.

Strength in numbers.
I would be. I'm an avid builder, have collected several bases over my years here and I am currently (re)drafting my base wish lists.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Here's the short version of my issue with bases. The only reason to use a base is for crafting and that is depending on what zone you are in. Period. It doesn't matter how uber sexy the base building community makes their bases look if nobody takes the time and effort to actually go into them.

The devs have done a good job of nearly eliminating the need to use a base for travel as they have made a number of ways to ease travel use for all players. You are basically looking at restricted zones as being "out of the way."

Base raids? (laughing)

Easiest thing to do is to make the mission computer worth a damn. Missions from it should give bonus prestige. All the more so for more members of the SG being involved. Let's say you get a prestige factor of 2 for SG members, 1.5 for coalition members, and 1.0 for anybody else. You could even have a porter that goes to whatever mission you get from it. You could even make unique maps/zones for some of the missions. Now people want to go due a SG mission. Now startup SGs get help in terms of prestige.

Even if the quick and easy fix for not doing base raids would be to include the various Items of Power as buyable through prestige, at least this would give older SGs something to burn their excess prestige on. I'm just sitting here listing items that could be given to bases and just shaking my head this hasn't been done yet. "Dude, we got the Super Defensitor. It gives us all a small def bonus," or "We got the Ultra Craftinator. It helps us save 10% on crafting cost."



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Yes, some red name mention of bases would be nice. Increasing salvage bins beyond the limit of 30 would be nicer. I fondly remember the days of having hundreds of items in them.
That would NOT be good enough. Every time complaints get to a fevered pitch, a red name makes a slight mention that they "talk" about bases in their meetings. Yet nothing EVER comes of it.

I quit the game for 2 1/2 months...not by choice but due to finances and no Internet...I only just came back a few days ago and still nothing new to bases.

And what ticks me off is that they can take the time to make a stupid Vanguard SG Symbol, but they cannot take a tiny portion of time to make a blank sg symbol.

They've been blowing air up our rears for years, and we've been just accepting it.

There is ZERO hope for Bases. It's not because of's because they want to make a profit by bringing NEW subscribers to the game, or bring back old ones. We existing ones don't count for anything anymore.

They could make us happy by using existing coding with just a few edits, such as adding water to bases (water already exists in the game), or adding the same items in NPC bases to player bases.

All of that coding is there...they just have to do a little editing and add them to the base editor. Just one item each month would satisfy most of us base builders. But it won't happen.

Because we don't exist on their radar.

Which is why I likely won't be back after my subscription runs out this time. I'm tired of being ignored. I don't blame Stacker at all.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Here's the short version of my issue with bases. The only reason to use a base is for crafting and that is depending on what zone you are in. Period. It doesn't matter how uber sexy the base building community makes their bases look if nobody takes the time and effort to actually go into them.

The devs have done a good job of nearly eliminating the need to use a base for travel as they have made a number of ways to ease travel use for all players. You are basically looking at restricted zones as being "out of the way."

Base raids? (laughing)

Easiest thing to do is to make the mission computer worth a damn. Missions from it should give bonus prestige. All the more so for more members of the SG being involved. Let's say you get a prestige factor of 2 for SG members, 1.5 for coalition members, and 1.0 for anybody else. You could even have a porter that goes to whatever mission you get from it. You could even make unique maps/zones for some of the missions. Now people want to go due a SG mission. Now startup SGs get help in terms of prestige.

Even if the quick and easy fix for not doing base raids would be to include the various Items of Power as buyable through prestige, at least this would give older SGs something to burn their excess prestige on. I'm just sitting here listing items that could be given to bases and just shaking my head this hasn't been done yet. "Dude, we got the Super Defensitor. It gives us all a small def bonus," or "We got the Ultra Craftinator. It helps us save 10% on crafting cost."
Actually, they could replace base raids with a SG War system much like arena. Most of the coding is in place. Maps generated would be random that way.

As far as other base have a point. But the biggest use is the ability to express ourselves ingame and show it off. That's important to a lot of us. Just like MA was important to the storytellers.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
As far as other base have a point. But the biggest use is the ability to express ourselves ingame and show it off. That's important to a lot of us. Just like MA was important to the storytellers.
At least the storytellers are doing something with MA I can participate in. What is the benefit of giving base builders the ability to express themselves going to do for anyone else?



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
What is the benefit of giving base builders the ability to express themselves going to do for anyone else?
This. Let's say there is an SG with 50 people in it. Within the SG, there are 1-3 who are given base building rights. Now, how badly do you think the devs want to work on something that 1-3 people in a SG would be able to use when they could target the 50 instead?



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
This. Let's say there is an SG with 50 people in it. Within the SG, there are 1-3 who are given base building rights. Now, how badly do you think the devs want to work on something that 1-3 people in a SG would be able to use when they could target the 50 instead?
except maybe.. just maybe... the 50 enjoy the work that the 1-3 put into the base, and they dont want to do any base building... if they did want to edit the base, they could ask for permissions or ::gasp:: start their own SG and make their own base! a good analogy are model trains, I love looking at model trains, but I don't want to spend the time and effort putting up a set.



Originally Posted by stacker View Post
What ever I can do to help, I am willing to give whatever spare time that I have. I have broken all kinds of bases so I know the limits of them. Making new lists the bunny is correct, we have made what if lists for years now and we are at the point where we are repeating our self’s. As someone with bases and the community in mind all I want is to see some kind of attention to bases, and for people that say bases are but a small part of the game...park your but out side a base portal...any portal any server and see the traffic coming and going and i will show you bases are being used for something....don’t know what but people are going in and out.
Those are the same ones claiming that the servers are dead and they can't find any teams.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
This. Let's say there is an SG with 50 people in it. Within the SG, there are 1-3 who are given base building rights. Now, how badly do you think the devs want to work on something that 1-3 people in a SG would be able to use when they could target the 50 instead?
There is a way to make the other 47 people more interested in there sg's base. It would pretty much call for a revamp of the base system (which should be done anyway to fix other problems) . A personnel room, that would act like another instance of the game. This would be a place to put your personal trophies, and arrange them as you see fit. I know that this has been discussed here on another thread. along with adding things like a Wentworths/ Black market hub in base and a updated base computer allowing SG's to run SG specific missions.

But all this is still a moot point, just for the fact that the bases are so far on the back burner that ice thinks bases are cold.



Down but not out.

I'm not giving up.

Things are just now starting to get interesting.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
Down but not out.

I'm not giving up.

Things are just now starting to get interesting.

Me either.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow