Powerset Idea: spear combat




I would realy like it if they had a spear powerset so I am going to suggest one. Here it is.

Power 1. stab. you stab your foe quickly with your spear doing minor lethal damage. damage minor, recharge very fast.

Power 2. thrust. you thrust your spear into your foe, dealing moderate lethal damage in a very narrow cone. damage moderate, recharge moderate, very narrow cone.

Power 3. spin. you spin in a circle with your spear, dealing moderate lethal damage to all foes within range. damage moderate, recharge moderate, pbaoe.

Power 4. spear throw. you throw your spear at your foe, dealing moderate lethal damage. damage moderate, recharge moderate, medium range.

Power 5. battle cry. you shout a battle cry to everyone around you, increasing the damage and accuracy for a brief time and doing the opposit to your foes. +damage and to hit buff for alies within 50 feet, and opposit to foes. recharge long.

Power 6. challenge. just threw this in 'cuse every scrapper primay has this.

Power 7. volly of spears. you throw a volly of spears at your foe, dealing moderate lethal damage to all nearby enemies. targeted aoe. high damage, long recharge.

Power 8. run through. basicly shield charge only lethal damage.

Power 9. flurry of the spear. you stab a foe multible times to deal extreme damage over time. cone, extreme lethal damage over time, long recharge.

as you can see by the powers the theme of this set is combo moderate ranged attacks and melee attacks mixed with multi target melee and ranged attacks. I am open to any opinions and help about this idea.



I haven't taken the time to read over your power choices for each level and compare them to existing powers.

Staves and pole-arms of many types have been suggested before. Regardless if they have a metal point or not, I would dump them all into the same set.

Semi-ranged weapons make an intresting addition to the game.
I think the range issues on such weapons are part of the problem with the balancing issue.

I think this would fall into shape-shifting AT. The same kind of set would have things like stretching, animal changes, vampiric state changes, etc.

I had suggested a dual pistol Melee set. All point bank shoots with some pistol-whiping thrown in a long way back. I was half joke and half serious.
In the end, many would argue for longer than melee range attacks for such a set.

So maybe this dual pistol melee set would also fall into the shape shifting/extended reach AT. Secondaries would be protection set.

This isn't a new idea (The set and AT suggests I made above). It's an old one that I posted long ago.
I've never brought up the Staff/pole-arm idea myself as so many others have wanted it for so many years.

Here's what you'll get from othe posters generally with a post about "staves and pole-arms":

People have asked about this for a long time.
(If so many people have posted requesting it, it is a "good idea".)

You should use the search function before posting.
(Often someone else has already brought up "a good idea").

It would be to hard to do all new animations for a new set. You would have to do all new attack and reaction animations.
(When new sets come out, they all get new animations. So you can't say that the reason is needing to make the animations. Many reactions are used over and over again - so that won't be an issue.)

Staff and pole-arms aren't the same - one has a metal edge on them.
(For game play reasons, you can argue if getting hit with the point of a staff is lethal or smashing. Get a good sized staff and strike something with it with a thrusting or stabbing motion like a spear. It's piercing damage, and I'd drop that into the lethal pool. For the sake of game play, the DEVs should have given up on the restriction a while ago and allowed batons in the dual-sword set. People have been asking for baton, escrima stick, etc. fighting sets for a long time. Seems easy enough to fix that one - batons are are already in the weapon set.)

New AT?
(Sure the villain sets were all new when they came out, so were the EATs and VEATs.)



What about changing Power 7 from a TAoE to:

Reverse Strike (or whatever better name you can come up with).
You reverse the spear and striek your foe in the heat with the butt end.
Minor Smashing Damage, Mag 4 Stun, Moderate recharge.
Medium Smashing Damage, 70% Mag 3 Stun, Moderate Recharge.

Also Power 8 - I cant see how you could "Run Through" a group of foes.
How about "Spear Pin"?
You throw your spear impaling your foe to the floor/walls/etc.
Moderate Lethal Damage, Range 40', Mag 3 immob (12 secs), Moderate Recharge.



Staffs and spears have been suggested many, many times - since the game was first made. We don't have them yet, due to game limitations. Staffs and spears will not work with the existing weapon stances; they can not use a single weapon model for all body types, like they do with the other weapons (you can really see this effect in play by messing with the size sliders on a Huge body with a katana. But while its annoying there, it would be far worse with staffs.)

All together, Staffs, Spears, halberds, etc... the devs know that people WANT them. But unless they can find a work around for the graphical issues, these will remain a pipe dream.

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



On the upside, the quadrufecta of Staff, Spear, Polearm and Scythe have the benefit that the worst part of the work to add one would also make the other two a matter of new attack animations.

Of course, then we'd get four new S/L melee sets. Um, yay?

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Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
I had suggested a dual pistol Melee set. All point bank shoots with some pistol-whiping thrown in a long way back. I was half joke and half serious.
In the end, many would argue for longer than melee range attacks for such a set.
I would argue that this would be a perfect Assault set for Dominators. No AoE attacks, but a pistol-whip, several short-to-midrange melee attacks, a PBAoE melee attack, and one or two range 80 attacks would be perfect.



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
Staffs and spears have been suggested many, many times - since the game was first made. We don't have them yet, due to game limitations. Staffs and spears will not work with the existing weapon stances; they can not use a single weapon model for all body types, like they do with the other weapons (you can really see this effect in play by messing with the size sliders on a Huge body with a katana. But while its annoying there, it would be far worse with staffs.)

All together, Staffs, Spears, halberds, etc... the devs know that people WANT them. But unless they can find a work around for the graphical issues, these will remain a pipe dream.
Not what I heard. Last I heard from BaBs before he left was that it was a case of there are literally no existing animations they could use as a basis for a set like this. Therefore, a bit like the whip, they'd have to do all new, completely from scratch animations for it. Which'd take a helluva lot of time.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Not what I heard. Last I heard from BaBs before he left was that it was a case of there are literally no existing animations they could use as a basis for a set like this. Therefore, a bit like the whip, they'd have to do all new, completely from scratch animations for it. Which'd take a helluva lot of time.
Somewhat different from the whip. The whip isn't fundamentally different than other right handed attacks. It's only different in that the movement of the actual whip was an absolute [REDACTED] to model, and even those four animations were extremely art team time intensive.

The problem with Staff is that you'd need to create a whole new mode of movement. That means new animations for everything. Standing, walking, running, ninja running, beast running, strafing, backing up, jumping, falling over, dodging, taking a hit, flying, most of the above while flying, hovering, everything.

And that's before they get to the actual attack animations.

Even worse, even if somehow they had the resources to make all that, the engine does not currently support a two-handed weapon. They'd have to teach it that (imagine the bugs!), or invent some impressive klutz to create a very convincing illusion that the character holds the staff in one hand.

And no, having one hand glued to the staff and the other hovering inside it does not count.

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I see you read my previous post and heavily borrowed from it.