~*~Happy Birthday LADY CYRSEI~*~
Happy birthday!
Awwww thanks you guys!
:extra big hugs all around to VexXxa, Henri and extra snuggles to panthera for their awesome color job of her character Rose Maiden she received for her B-Day:
Beautiful works you are all lovely!
~Lady C
Happy Birthday!

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Happy Birthday Lady Cyrsei.
Getting a little behind on my birthday sketches as I'm spending my spare time on improving my "ice" fx for the
FArt contest but I do have a sketch in the works for you.
Hope you had a great day,
Aww thanks Chris, cant wait to see what awesomeness you come up with for the FArt battle.
As for my B-day is was fabulous! Though perhaps a little to much red wine last evening....
:Biiig Hugs to all: <3
~Lady C
Happy Belated Birthday Lady Cyrsei!
Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2

Awww thanks you guys
Happy Anniversary of your birth!
Be Well!
Thanks FH and Lord G!
:Gives Caem big hugs: You wished me a happy B-Day on my art thread but thanks for the 2nd go round ^^
Oh WOW Chris she looks great! :Glomp tackle hugs: Thank you so much for this drawing of Seri my birthday wishes are complete
Remind me to do an art trade with you any time
Can't let this special day slip by without a special birthday thread for Lady Cyrsei! Enjoy your special day, Lady C!!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT