Critical Damage Proc possible?



I've been trashing Martial Arts a lot on stalker because it doesn't have any aoe at all. I think it's a pretty bad design but I figure I need to try it myself before I totally trash it. My MA/Will is now lvl 24 and so far, he is doing ok. His ST damage against mobs that don't have much smashing resistance is very good. It is typical to critical a minion to death with just Axe kick.

Anyway, I've been trying to come up ways that can add more AoE damage to a set that doesn't have any. I don't want to change the powers because that would break the cottage rule and mess with Melee Set VS AoE Set bonuses.

My friend has an IOed Ice Dominator and I've seen how Confuse proc works with his Arctic Air confuse, which makes me wonder if it is possible to add Critical Proc that does damage to the nearby mobs when Critical happens? It doesn't have to be in every critical damage. I would say Eagle Claw is a good one to have that Critical proc damage chance. Basically, when you deal critical damage, the nearby foes may take critical damage as well (just the critical part, not the whole damage). What do you think?

This way we don't need to mess with set bonuses and it only affects certain powers and it makes Placate and Stalker's Critical/Hidden system better because your Critical damage is more effective on a larger team. I am thinking only single target attack can have this ability.

I am guessing when a target is Confused, the game checks for a chance to Confuse nearby foes. Can this be done in Stalker's Critical damage as well? When a target receive Critical damage, the nearby foes may get/share critical damage as well?

What do you think? Or maybe this can be one of the unique Alpha abilities specific to Stalker?

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



The judgement slot will give an AoE power as part of the Incarnate system.

Additionally, a few of the Patron (Leviathan via Waterspout) and APP Pools (Blaze via Fireball) have AoE attacks in them.

As for what you are asking, I think something like contagious confusion's proc that spread damage rather than a mez condition is theoretically possible.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



That makes no sense at all.



I can't see anyway to have an IO that only Martial Arts could use. Nor an Incarnate ability only available to Stalkers. Anything the devs could come up with, would be slottable in any single target melee power, or available to every Incarnate character.

I don't beleive that you understand how the %Chance to confuse proc works either, which might be part of the problem. The proc has a percent chance to fire every 10 secs (in a toggle like Arctic Fog). It can only hit (confuse) enemy mobs that Arctic Fog has NOT already confused (confusing a confused enemy is pointlessly confusing). So it might SEEM like the proc is jumping from one (Arctic Fog) confused enemy to a non confused enemy, all it is really doing is hitting a non-confused enemy within Arctic Fog's area of effect.

If we were to apply the same mechanic to a single target melee critical hit effect, it could only affect a SINGLE TARGET who wasn't already critted by the activating power...x% of the time at that. It would boost your crit rate, technically, but there's no way for the proc to target an enemy that the power it was slotted in didn't also target.

Make sense?



Thanks for the clarification on the proc. I always thought it worked a little like the electric attacks that jump from enemy to enemy (jolting chain etc). I just have it on one character and I never really pay that much attention to how/when/if it fires. Shame really a chain-like proc would be cool. But since I have it in seeds of confusion from the plant set, it's not like I really need it to chain =)

I sort of avoided responding to the whole, "only works for one AT or powerset" intentionally just to say that AoEs are already available to stalkers even MA stalkers.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Guardien View Post
I can't see anyway to have an IO that only Martial Arts could use. Nor an Incarnate ability only available to Stalkers. Anything the devs could come up with, would be slottable in any single target melee power, or available to every Incarnate character.

I don't beleive that you understand how the %Chance to confuse proc works either, which might be part of the problem. The proc has a percent chance to fire every 10 secs (in a toggle like Arctic Fog). It can only hit (confuse) enemy mobs that Arctic Fog has NOT already confused (confusing a confused enemy is pointlessly confusing). So it might SEEM like the proc is jumping from one (Arctic Fog) confused enemy to a non confused enemy, all it is really doing is hitting a non-confused enemy within Arctic Fog's area of effect.

If we were to apply the same mechanic to a single target melee critical hit effect, it could only affect a SINGLE TARGET who wasn't already critted by the activating power...x% of the time at that. It would boost your crit rate, technically, but there's no way for the proc to target an enemy that the power it was slotted in didn't also target.

Make sense?
Actualy, it's been my observation that it can jump to foes hit by the initial power. It lets you occasionaly confuse bosses in 1 shot without having
the critical control go off or domination up.

As for the initial idea, chains break if the target dies, so something that only triggered on crits would likely only trigger from bosses (since minions will likely be 1 shotted, and lieuts will be 1 shotted from stronger attacks). Also I'm unsure that they'd add something that only triggered on crit since it'd only apply to 2 ATs (or maybe 4 if it counted VEATs attacking from hide).

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That...was a Herocon 09 exclusive easter egg. The powerset will not have doves associated with it.

Namely because you guys would want to color tint the damn doves, or make them hawks/ravens/flying sharks/etc and that's just a headache I deal with.



Have you ever played a Dual Blades Stalker? And put a proc in Ablating Strike?

Thinking about the idea itself, I figure it's possible in a similar sense to combos. To get the additional effect of a combo, you have to be in a specific state (I can't recall what the name of those states are but you can research it I guess). kMeter is the state to activate crits from hidden/placate but crits themselves are by chance.

But if you put a 'chance on a chance' I'm not sure of...that is, the critical component of an attack was built in to have a chance for PBAoE effects....I've confused myself...

But what *can* be done is putting a chance of PBAoE on a ST attack. You *can* possibly link it to the kMeter (only AoE dmg on placate/Hide crits) or maybe after activating in as a combo.

But my question would be: Why? How would it make sense for a martial arts kick to suddenly hit everything around you? And why only on critical damage?



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
But my question would be: Why? How would it make sense for a martial arts kick to suddenly hit everything around you? And why only on critical damage?
You kicked the guy so hard he exploded, and that explosion hurt all his buddies nearby, clearly .

And yeah, putting chance to happen on something with a chance to happen seems like it woudn't work out very well, but if it always happened every time you crit, it seems like it would be a must have IO for scrapers/stalkers, unless the effect ended up kinda sub-par.

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That...was a Herocon 09 exclusive easter egg. The powerset will not have doves associated with it.

Namely because you guys would want to color tint the damn doves, or make them hawks/ravens/flying sharks/etc and that's just a headache I deal with.



pick fireball. now you have aoe.



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
pick fireball. now you have aoe.
Epic aoe is lvl 44 or 47? Only fireball can critical of the 4 epic sets.

Yes, I know patron/epic have aoe but 1. it's not a very good aoe (long recharge, kinda low damage) 2. primary sets shouldn't be balanced with patron/epic.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Guardien View Post
So it might SEEM like the proc is jumping from one (Arctic Fog) confused enemy to a non confused enemy, all it is really doing is hitting a non-confused enemy within Arctic Fog's area of effect.
Mmmm, is that so? What if you use a single confuse power? Does it "jump" to nearby target? That's the part I am talking about. Technically, I think we have something similar in Chain Induction except I don't want the critical damage to "jump". I want it to happen as soon as a critical from Eagle Claw hits.

Oh well, I thought it would be cool to tie Critical with some aoe damage when it happens. Critical damage isn't a "debuff" or a "buff" on the target so it's hard to make it "Jump"?

And I don't really care about "what makes sense". I only care about if it's possible for not. This is a game and there are many things that don't make sense (fancy I say!). You know what doesn't make sense? You Assassin Strike a boss to death in one hit and the mobs are not feared.... that makes ZERO sense to me because the minions should FEAR YOU even more after you killed their boss in one hit! But like I say, I don't care what makes sense. I only care what's possible and what can/should be done to improve a set that has zero aoe and redundant ST attacks.

I kinda enjoy my Martial Artist so far but when I am on a larger team, the lack of aoe makes me feel small.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Epic aoe is lvl 44 or 47? Only fireball can critical of the 4 epic sets.

Yes, I know patron/epic have aoe but 1. it's not a very good aoe (long recharge, kinda low damage) 2. primary sets shouldn't be balanced with patron/epic.
fireball auto crits from hide has a 15ft radius and 16 target cap. its ******* good.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
which makes me wonder if it is possible to add Critical Proc that does damage to the nearby mobs when Critical happens?
Yes, it's possible for the powers system to accomplish what you're asking for. Whether the developers will do it is another question entirely.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Mmmm, is that so? What if you use a single confuse power? Does it "jump" to nearby target? That's the part I am talking about. Technically, I think we have something similar in Chain Induction except I don't want the critical damage to "jump". I want it to happen as soon as a critical from Eagle Claw hits.
The Contagious Confusion purple proc is a special case and as far as I know unique in the game. When used in a single target confuse it has an AOE (I'm not sure what the radius is, but it seems to be at least 10'+) spawn radiating from the target that has a chance to confuse any nearby enemies. I have that proc in my Mind/Kin controller's confuse and my Ill/Rad controller's deceive power and it quite frequently hits one or more nearby mobs.

There's some precedent for AOE attached to ST attacks; there was a time on Test when all tanker attacks were hitting all mobs in the gauntlet AOE due to a bug... tanker attacks all have an AOE taunt effect and the bug was applying the damage as well. It was a great time to be had by all who experienced the (short lived) bug; nailing a bunch of mobs with Seismic Smash was truly a glorious thing.

On your idea of a "contagious damage" proc I don't see any tech reason it couldn't work using the same mechanic as the CC proc... such a thing doesn't exist in the game at the moment though and if it were to be created it would probably be overpowered... you could slot it into ANY appropriate attack power. As I see it it would have to be flagged as "unique" and even then it would either have to be low probability (10% or less) or low damage.

I've no idea how the higher level incarnate damage would work; going from the first mission in the incarnate arc where you're playing your fully incarnate character it appears that something is working as a DOT proc on every attack you make. I'm not sure if we've any hard information on later incarnate stuff or not but the rumor mill seems well stoked with information/speculation as normal. I've heard about the AOE attack speculation in the Incarnate levels and it wouldn't surprise me if there were other additions to your existing powers. The Alpha slot adds more enhancements to your powers; I can easily see other slots adding procs and whatnot as well.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.