Unable to join channel 'Global' because it is at full capacity.
There are many different global channels available. Look on the Freedom forums - there should be a list of active channels for a variety of pursuits. I'm afraid I don't know Freedom's, but I'm mostly on Justice, and Justice United, Justice For All, and Australia are three very active channels there.
I think it's time we requested the Devs up the capacity of global channels well above the current 2k limit.
Right click the center of a Chat window, in the pop up menu, select "Channel Search". In the Channel Search window, you can press the "Most Active" button at the top and see if one of the results is your server. Any channel with 2500 member is maxed out. You can also enter a pattern to search for your server, for example "inf" for Infinity. Note however, you'll miss out on some alternate spellings of your server channels, for example there's "VU2011" which is a current replacement for VirtueUnited (which is still active, but maxed). Of course, you can just head down to your server's board here on the forums and ask what's popular now. I do suggest that you join 2-4 of your server's channels and monitor them for a couple of weeks or so to see which is active enough for your taste along with having non-annoying chit chat or personality types.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Well, channel time-out is basically a kludge. It removes people who haven't logged in a while. But the problem is that if you have more than 2.5k active users who want to use the channel, it can't accommodate them all.
The Channel Timeout command was supposed to fix this. The problem is not all channels use it.
edit: I've petitioned and gotten a direct response saying that the command doesn't work and that the GMs cannot remove inactives from a global channel, even if they are past the channel timeout limit.
Thanks guys. I'm trying to find a channel with life still.
Crap, well I'm having very little luck finding groups, and I am in some populated channels but no one really responds or broadcasts any grouping.
Should I just broadcast in certain zones depending on my level?
I'll try tonight and hopefully there will be more action.
My advice to find teams is to build one. Use the /search tool, find people who are not currently on a team (and not flagged as not looking) and send a polite tell to the people around the range you're looking to run asking if they're interested in a (mission/GM kill/badge/AE/whatever you want to run) team. If they respond that they're interested, invite them, and if they reply they're not interested send a quick "thank you" reply back. If they don't respond at all, just forget about them because they're either too busy to reply or just don't feel like talking. It's really not hard to throw a team together, and don't worry about building a "superteam" for a PuG, you'll probably never notice an issue even with a full team of tankers. (Damage may not come really quickly but NO ONE WILL DIE)
Here's a link to an explanation of the search window to assist as well.
Oh, and welcome to the game and the forums!!
Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.
My advice to find teams is to build one. Use the /search tool, find people who are not currently on a team (and not flagged as not looking) and send a polite tell to the people around the range you're looking to run asking if they're interested in a (mission/GM kill/badge/AE/whatever you want to run) team.
/macro Inv, "tell $target, Want to join a level XX mission team?"
That will create a silver button with the label "Inv" (i.e. Invite) in the first open power tray slot you have.
Next do a /search. When you see someone you'd like to invite, click their name in the Search window, then click your Inv button and you'll shoot them a tell inviting them to team with you. This is nice because either through apathy or inattention many people you send invites to won't respond or at least not respond quickly. This technique lets you rapidly fire off invites with no typing.
A good shortcut to remember for replying when someone sends you a tell is that you can hit the Backspace key and the chat window will set up a reply to the last person who sent you a tell.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
The problem is that it doesn't actually work. Some of the Virtue globals have been set to a 30 day timeout since the timeout command was implemented, with zero people removed.
edit: I've petitioned and gotten a direct response saying that the command doesn't work and that the GMs cannot remove inactives from a global channel, even if they are past the channel timeout limit. |

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
I think it's time we requested the Devs up the capacity of global channels well above the current 2k limit.
The two main channels on Guardian are both full or very nearly so... this tends to create a closed community on those channels that excludes newer players.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
"Unable to join channel 'Global' because it is at full capacity."
Is that right? If so, what other channels are good to find mission teams?
And, what are the chances of me happening to join it when there is an open slot?
Sorry if this is a dumb question.
Edit: I'm on Freedom