I Love You, Triumph!
Yay! Only a handfull of Achievement badges and Tournament Victor left to go!
The Players' Guide to the Cities

I *suppose* I could have gotten onto a less helpful character, I mean, if you reeeally wanted me to... :P
<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]
First off. . . . PVP is dead, get over it
Gratz Guy!
Grats on those GP. I wish I was around a little bit more I would of helped with the Vill AVs.
Gavalin Kingsbury LVL 50 INV/SS Tank and 26 other LVL 50 heroes and villians (all Triumph)
Heroes of Justice and Liberty/Loved or Loathed
"NCSOFT doesn't fork for anyone but they might spoon you if they like you"
congratz on cheesing your way to disrupter. its feels so much better when you dont actually have to earn it, doesnt it?
Official Stalker of Pwnz
A bit sore are we? I'm sorry you're not as resourceful and actually lolpvp for your rewards.
The way I see it, since the devs made PvP suck so bad, equally sucky measures should be taken to achieve the PvP badges. It's the only way to keep the universe in balance.
i'm not hurt as i neither pvp nor badge hunt. i just think its lulzy watching someone get excited over a badge achieved in such a lame manner.
Official Stalker of Pwnz
It marked the end of an era of tooth-pulling. What's not to be excited about?
Though of greater significance, as the first post will indicate, Triumph minded their own business and left us alone. It's a robonukkah miracle!
At first I didn't think it was going to work. Surely there are people who will grief us. Surely someone will find out what we're doing and sound the alarm to draw more attention. There's no way we can get away with it.

Well, we did (click for larger version):
We = B. Samson and me, by the way.
The oldest of those badges in my list, Destroyer, was earned on January 2 when we first started gathering these. B has two badge characters, so when side-switching was introduced, he needed them all again. I have one badge character who needed all of them. And there they are.
No griefing or anything. You Triumph guys minded your own business for a whole month and let us get our PvE badges in Recluse's Victory. Really, I can't thank you enough.
Um... I also appreciate you guys not griefing this one either: