First New Comics Day of 2011
Apparently nothing >.>
Avengers: The Children's Crusade #4 of 9 - Wiccan vs. Doctor Doom as the Young Avengers attempt to storm Latveria, the Avengers move in to capture the Scarlet Witch, and the wedding of Wanda Maximoff and Victor von Doom draws nigh! And on the last page... the unexpected return of the original Young Avenger.
Brightest Day #17 - Firestorm works out what happened to him/them at the end of last issue, and is hot on the heels of Deathstorm and the White Lantern. The Star Sapphires and the Hawks vs. the invasion of the Manhawks on Zamaron. And Boston Brand gets a life at last. (Gawd, Deadman and Dove are cute together. )
Batman Beyond #1 - Some terminally ill schlub decided to steal Matter Master's old wand from his job at the superweapons impound or whatever to get some payback before he dies. Meanwhile, Terry's actually managed to strike a nice balance between his normal life and his job as Batman at last. The JLU look to become a major presence in this first arc of the new ongoing series as well.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Batman Beyond #1, woot!
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
Nothing. Is BB any good?
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I actually got to go to the comic book store on a Wednesday!
I picked up:
Batman Beyond #1 - not read yet
Iron Man Legacy #10 - not read yet
Iron Man / Thor #3 of 4 - not read yet
The Walking Dead #80 - Whooooeeee!!! Hold on to your hats, Kirkman's ramping it up again! There's some more great character development in this issue, which is one of Kirkman's strengths. But the main thing is the community Rick & Co. are in is surrounded by a zombie herd - hundreds, maybe thousands of walkers. Will the walls hold? Is that gate strong enough? Oh yeah, and Andrea is stuck in a bell-tower outside the walls. Abraham bashing in the head of the guy who got bitten. Douglas losing it. It looks like Douglass might not be quite as sinister as I first thought (after The Governor, I'm wary of anybody Rick & Co. meet who is "in charge"). Carl practicing not showing that he's scared so he can be a great leader like Rick. And the interaction between Carl and Ron (the son of the man Rick had to kill a few issues back) was both poignant and chilling. Chilling because of how callous Carl was about Ron's father.
Altogether, another great issue. This has been building for the last several issues, as things have been relatively quiet up until now. Oh, and the splash page for next month's issue: Rick! Noooooooooo!!!!!
Irredeemable #21: Oh man, Cary (Survivor) seems to be barely more sane than Plutonian. I think we might find out that Cary tried to kill (and thought he succeeded) his own brother in the confusion of the battle with Plutonian, so he (Survivor) could: a) have more power, and b) inthe hopes that Kaidan would fall for him. As for plutonian, he is going to be PISSED OFF next issue! And damn, half the gravitational pull of a black hole, and Tony's still standing?!? When he comes out of it next issue, I think we're going to get to see Plutonian destroy an entire world (or three). And when he gets back to Earth.... This series is easily my favorite of any I've read in the last several years. It's just brilliant.
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