Monthly AE Author Contests from The American Legion




I think I'll toss in A Wake For Dead 6 again.



Current list of submissions has been updated. Good luck everyone!



Well, I will try again with

Terra Mystika: The Nexus #514570

and see if it does better this time.



We have reached the deadline to submit entries for the January contest. The winner for this month will be announced next Friday at or shortly after 20:00 Eastern time.

January Entries

Arc ID: 529832
Arc ID: 530574
Arc ID: 525356
Arc ID: 379160
Arc ID: 514570

As always...grand prize is 500 Million influence and will go to the author whose arc receives the most votes from our playerbase. Good luck everyone!



Congratulations to our January winner!

Rularularian Arc ID: 529832 by @Ankylosaur



February's contest begins next may submit your entries for February beginning February 1. Entries must be in no later that 23:59 Eastern Time Friday February 17. The winner will be announced at or shortly after 20:00 Friday February 24!



Wow and hurray! I am honored to have won.

Rularularian was a lot of fun to write--it's great to know that others think it's fun to play. Thanks again for hosting these contests. It's wonderful to be assured that I have an audience!

Try out my AE Arcs! (solo friendly, canon related, & some contest winners)
| #529832 Rularularian - Heroic - 41-54 | #515140 The Serpent Beyond the Horizon - Heroic - 46-52 | #183832 Save the Diver, Save the World - Vigilante - 25-30 | #245534 Condemning Croatoa - Villainous - 25-33 | #540585 Robolution - Villainous - 25-34 |



February is upon us and the new contest is on! Submit your arcs no later than Friday February 17 at 23:59 Eastern time!

An update on the bonus arcs...they are being played by our members and we expect a winner to be chosen by roughly February 15. Good luck!



Heck may as well toss my arc into the ring for february, if nothing else it will actually get played...
Overload (Arc ID #405822)

MA Arc:
Overload (Arc ID #405822) | Status: Final | Last Edited: 5th Nov 2010 for text fixes.



Me too! I'd like to submit my new MA Arc for the February Contest. I really hope you all fun with this one. It's been on my mind for a while, and I really wanted to make a fun story based mish.

"Breaking Good," 537099



February Submissions

Arc ID: 405822
Arc ID: 537099
Arc ID: 524193
Arc ID: 537898

Submissions must be in by 23:59 Eastern Time Friday February 17.



I'll add

Once A Hero #524193



I'll toss in my brand-new, Valentine's Day-compliant arc The Sick Rose, #537898.



I am pleased to announce that we have a winner in our bonus contest. For those of you that may be unaware or missed it; The American Legion has run each of our 2011 winning arcs through to award a bonus prize of 500 Million Influence to the winning arc.

Each of the arcs was interesting and fun even the second (or in some cases more than the second!) time through so I congratulate all you 2011 winners on your well done arcs. However there can be but one winner and that is:

Small Fears Arc ID 12285 by @Wall of Knight

Congratulations @Wall of Knight! You will be contacted ingame to make arrangements for the transfer of your winnings!



Tonight is the deadline for February submissions. To be eligible for the February Grand Prize you must submit your Arc by 23:59 Eastern time tonight!



The deadline for submitting arcs for the February contest has passed. Here are the arcs we will be judging this month!

February Submissions

Arc ID: 405822
Arc ID: 537099
Arc ID: 524193
Arc ID: 537898

The winner will be announced next Friday February 24 at or shortly after 8PM Eastern time. Grand Prize 500 Million Influence! Good luck authors!



Huh. Serious wow on my part. I was surprised to win once... to win again, and against that kind of competition, is kind of mind blowing. What pulled my little arc clear of the pack?

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Originally Posted by TeChameleon View Post
Huh. Serious wow on my part. I was surprised to win once... to win again, and against that kind of competition, is kind of mind blowing. What pulled my little arc clear of the pack?
I can't really answer for everyone...but you received enough votes to edge out the competition. All the judges vote based on a variety of factors and decide for themselves how much weight to give any one particular facet of the judging. Congratulations!



Congratulations to our winner of the February 2012 contest!

@Jawshco for Arc ID 537099 Breaking Good

As always; the winner receives the full grand prize of 500 Million Influence. Thank you all for competing and see you all next Month!

Entries may be submitted for the next contest beginning March 1.



The March contest is now open for submissions!

Arcs must be submitted no later than 23:59 Eastern time Friday March 23, 2012.



Congrats to TeChameleon for the best of last year and to Jawshco for your recent win! I look forward to trying out your arcs.

To kick off the March contest, I thought I would submit one I had previously: Condemning Croatoa--245534. I wrote this originally with the goal of having none of that scary orange text with warnings about AVs etc. in the AE description. I thought that might encourage people to play it.

Well two and a half years and a scant 10 plays and 4 stars later I guess its safe to conclude that an absence of orange text does not in and of itself encourage play.

So, I dressed it up with all sorts of orange texty things that were more fun for me to include in an attempt to make it a more exciting experience. It's significantly enhanced since I last submitted it with all sort of things, such as
- A new canon contact who is more integrated into the plot and story.
- Dynamically evolving missions.
- Extended canon mobs.
- Custom canon AVs.
- A GM that you can solo and beat! (really!)

As with all my stuff its made with the soloer in mind and includes allies for those tough fights and to add some in-mission flavor and company...

Hope you all have fun with it and that it's as fun to play as it was to to work on!

Try out my AE Arcs! (solo friendly, canon related, & some contest winners)
| #529832 Rularularian - Heroic - 41-54 | #515140 The Serpent Beyond the Horizon - Heroic - 46-52 | #183832 Save the Diver, Save the World - Vigilante - 25-30 | #245534 Condemning Croatoa - Villainous - 25-33 | #540585 Robolution - Villainous - 25-34 |



Okay, here's my offering:
The Mothership Strikeforce ID: 541329

Glad to see they got the tools fixed just in time to work on this.



I'll throw in Heroes to Believe (Vigilante Version) ID: 534587



March submission deadline has been reached!

Submitted Arcs

Arc ID: 245534
Arc ID: 541329
Arc ID: 534587

These arcs will be played and voted on by members of The American Legion. The winner will be announced next weekend sometime after 8 PM Eastern Friday March 30. Submissions for the April contest may be made beginning April 1. The winner as always will receive 500 Million Influence. Good luck authors!



Congratulations to our March winner!

@Hotaru for his arc id 541329: The Mothership Strikeforce

Thanks to those of you who competed! And it is already time to start submitting entries for the April competition! Good luck authors!