Has 'Deceive' been changed?




Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Why don't you test on even-con enemies?
Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Me? Haven't had an issue with normal mobs. Not that I've noticed, anyhow.
Neither had i, but since Furry_Saint was apparently experiencing an issue with Deceive causing aggro i decided to do some testing of my own.

So far it seems to work like it always has, causing no aggro, and that was with testing every non aggro generating confuse power i could think of testing under a variety of conditions.

Of course attacking a confused mob with an aggro generating power puts you on their aggro list, but neither they nor their allies are affected until the confused mob is no longer confused.

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i make stuff...




I have experienced the post confuze aggroe, but maddengly its not consistent so I can't put my finger if there is a why or a software bug.

I looked at my confuse power set up, and all they ahve are ACC and Confuse duration IOs, so no procs. And yet I have experienced some mobs aggroing me after they get over the confuse, yet there is no consistency over them.

One of the more common mobs that tends to do this to me are Clockwork Knights, but then again, its not every time.

I suspect that perhaps as their confuse fades, if another clockwork strikes them while under my influence, they are viewed in a manner similar to an MM's pets are viewed as, and thus I get the aggroe. Not sure if this is the case, as I said, the event is not consistent, but I see this as fun challenge and keeps me on my toes.




Just to make sure - you know that Seeds of Confusion DOES generate agro, right?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post

I have experienced the post confuze aggroe, but maddengly its not consistent so I can't put my finger if there is a why or a software bug.

I looked at my confuse power set up, and all they ahve are ACC and Confuse duration IOs, so no procs. And yet I have experienced some mobs aggroing me after they get over the confuse, yet there is no consistency over them.

One of the more common mobs that tends to do this to me are Clockwork Knights, but then again, its not every time.

I suspect that perhaps as their confuse fades, if another clockwork strikes them while under my influence, they are viewed in a manner similar to an MM's pets are viewed as, and thus I get the aggroe. Not sure if this is the case, as I said, the event is not consistent, but I see this as fun challenge and keeps me on my toes.

i've seen anomalies like that on occasion, but so rarely that it's hard to verify or reproduce. Furry_Saint's issue sounds like it's a frequent occurrence, but in an hour's testing i couldn't get it to happen.

i'd need to know more about the enemy factions and slotting where this is happening to test more.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...




Schismatrix: just out of wondering, what exactly do you intend to do when somebody takes the time to shoot videos of WoC in action?

Say... like these 4:


The matter has been passed to Black Scorpion and the powers team for comment on if WoC's behavior is Working as Intended or if there is indeed a bug in the damage component not disabling Stealth on damage initiation.

Have a nice day deary.



Quoting mostly to save the post.

Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

Schismatrix: just out of wondering, what exactly do you intend to do when somebody takes the time to shoot videos of WoC in action?

Say... like these 4:


The matter has been passed to Black Scorpion and the powers team for comment on if WoC's behavior is Working as Intended or if there is indeed a bug in the damage component not disabling Stealth on damage initiation.

Have a nice day deary.
Wow, you must feel very high and mighty.

I hope you have the decency to post the reply you get.

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Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

Schismatrix: just out of wondering, what exactly do you intend to do when somebody takes the time to shoot videos of WoC in action?

Say... like these 4:


The matter has been passed to Black Scorpion and the powers team for comment on if WoC's behavior is Working as Intended or if there is indeed a bug in the damage component not disabling Stealth on damage initiation.

Have a nice day deary.
Okay... i fail to see your point.
"Intend to do"? Well, nothing at all. i mean it's never been a secret that World of Confusion's damage is flagged to not generate aggro and it has been mentioned in the forums many times in the past. If Black Scorpion does change that it won't affect me in the slightest since even without aggro it's hardly worth using a power pick on unless it's slotted with procs or used as a set mule.

However, i am more than willing to try to find exploits with the power not generating aggro. On my Blaster that's not so likely all things considered, but i'm considering a few Controller builds.

That said, i can understand you feeling the need to crow about any sort of minor victory, so feel free to do so if Black Scorpion does see things your way. i'll even pretend to be crestfallen if it helps.

Edit: i mean, you did notice that i linked to the description in City of Data and pointed out that it's listed as not notifying mobs, yes? Do you seriously think i'm trying to hide an "exploit" by repeatedly and openly discussing it? An "exploit" that has been the object of discussion many times in the past? i think it's cute that you believe that the Devs are completely unaware of how a power that was created relatively recently works. Especially considering how much discussion and debate about its usefulness there was when it was introduced.

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i make stuff...



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

Schismatrix: just out of wondering, what exactly do you intend to do when somebody takes the time to shoot videos of WoC in action?

Say... like these 4:


The matter has been passed to Black Scorpion and the powers team for comment on if WoC's behavior is Working as Intended or if there is indeed a bug in the damage component not disabling Stealth on damage initiation.

Have a nice day deary.
....I also fail to see the point you are trying to make. From where I'm sitting, you're just proving Schismatrix right. In those 4 videos, the only ones that drew aggro were, you guessed it, the ones that would have drawn aggro anyways because the player was not invisible. (Shocker, I know) The ones that have full invisibility to the mobs, on the other hand, didn't...because WoC is flagged not to draw aggro. Regardless of what meager damage output it does.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
....I also fail to see the point you are trying to make. From where I'm sitting, you're just proving Schismatrix right.
Stone, I'd like you to meet je_saist, the improperly spelled French translation of "I know."

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Stone, I'd like you to meet je_saist, the improperly spelled French translation of "I know."



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

Schismatrix: just out of wondering, what exactly do you intend to do when somebody takes the time to shoot videos of WoC in action?

Say... like these 4:


The matter has been passed to Black Scorpion and the powers team for comment on if WoC's behavior is Working as Intended or if there is indeed a bug in the damage component not disabling Stealth on damage initiation.

Have a nice day deary.
Hey, "I know spelled wrong in French," it's been over a month, have you heard anything?

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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.