Ill/TA teaming & TF build advice




I'm planning on setting up my 2nd build for general teaming and TF's and am at a loss on how to build it. I'm kind of leaning towards speed and teleport for pool powers, for hasten and recall friend of course. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!



Originally Posted by Funda View Post
I'm planning on setting up my 2nd build for general teaming and TF's and am at a loss on how to build it. I'm kind of leaning towards speed and teleport for pool powers, for hasten and recall friend of course. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
I would suggest that you try making a build and post it with some information on your playstyle, available influence (or anticipated), goals and available veteran rewards.

Illusion/TA is a fun combo, but it has no team buff powers. You have the right ideas that Hasten is pretty much required, and Recall Friend is a nice power to have. Another important consideration is the ability to light your Oil Slick -- taking either the Fire or Energy APP allows you to light that slick. Personally, I love the Fire APP on my Ill/TA . . . there is something satisfying about hitting foes who are standing on the Slick with Fireball. Whoosh! Instant BBQ. On the other hand, Power Boost from the Energy set would provide some nice buffs to many of the TA debuffs.

I took the Medicine Pool on my Ill/TA. I don't take it very often, but it seems to add some to this character and Aid Other is certainly team friendly (and lets you heal your Phantasm).

My original goal for my Ill/TA was to try out the TA set, so I took everything except Flash Arrow leveling up. With my I-19 Respec, I was able to add in Flash Arrow, too. But it is skippable if you have Invisibility. Poison Gas Arrow is probably the next most skippable power.

As for Travel powers, with the veteran reward I had a lot of options. I had Super Speed leveling up, but changed to Fly.

If you have a lot of Influence, then the ultimate goal is to get as much Recharge as possible to try to get a Perma-PA build. That will also allow Oil Slick Arrow and your other long-recharge powers to recharge much faster. But it will require several purple sets to get there.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I'm mainly torn on which epic to go with. When I started this toon I made sure I had the right origin to go with OSA to light it so fire or primal epics are not mandatory. I was kind of leaning towards psy epic for the mez protection but have also toyed around with ice epic. I'm torn and dont know what to do.
For this build I think my main focus is going to be +rech to get PA perma. I just took and threw something together on mids, minus slotting, to give an idea on what I would have most likely gone with. I'm not married to this build and would like to hear your opinions on the pros and cons for the epics and if whether or not this build can achieve perma PA.

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.91

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Sneaking Suspicion TF Build: Level 48 Technology Controller
Primary Power Set: Illusion Control
Secondary Power Set: Trick Arrow
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Medicine
Ancillary Pool: Psionic Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Blind -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Entangling Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Deceive -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Glue Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 6: Hover -- Empty(A)
Level 8: Spectral Wounds -- Empty(A)
Level 10: Superior Invisibility -- Empty(A)
Level 12: Hasten -- Empty(A)
Level 14: Fly -- Empty(A)
Level 16: Assault -- Empty(A)
Level 18: Phantom Army -- Empty(A)
Level 20: Acid Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 22: Tactics -- Empty(A)
Level 24: Aid Other -- Empty(A)
Level 26: Spectral Terror -- Empty(A)
Level 28: Disruption Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 30: Aid Self -- Empty(A)
Level 32: Phantasm -- Empty(A)
Level 35: Oil Slick Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 38: EMP Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 41: Indomitable Will -- Empty(A)
Level 44: Mind Over Body -- Empty(A)
Level 47: Psionic Tornado -- Empty(A)
Level 49: Poison Gas Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Containment
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- Empty(A)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



If there's a patron pool out there that would be worth exploring what would you suggest I roll with till I can get crossed over?



My Ill/TA is Tech origin so that he could light the Slick . . . but Fire Blast and Fireball are far, far superior. The Origin power has a short range, and of course, you can't enhance the accuracy so it misses a lot more often. I generally use Fireball -- it is very satisfying to throw a fireball, and then have that blast of flame linger as a burn patch. If for some reason, Fireball misses, then I have another shot to light it with Fire blast.

I haven't tried the Patron Pools, but the power has to have either Fire or Energy damage to light the Oil Slick.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Funda View Post
I'm mainly torn on which epic to go with. When I started this toon I made sure I had the right origin to go with OSA to light it so fire or primal epics are not mandatory. I was kind of leaning towards psy epic for the mez protection but have also toyed around with ice epic. I'm torn and dont know what to do.
For this build I think my main focus is going to be +rech to get PA perma. I just took and threw something together on mids, minus slotting, to give an idea on what I would have most likely gone with. I'm not married to this build and would like to hear your opinions on the pros and cons for the epics and if whether or not this build can achieve perma PA.

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.91

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Sneaking Suspicion TF Build: Level 48 Technology Controller
Primary Power Set: Illusion Control
Secondary Power Set: Trick Arrow
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Medicine
Ancillary Pool: Psionic Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Blind -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Entangling Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Deceive -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Glue Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 6: Hover -- Empty(A)
Level 8: Spectral Wounds -- Empty(A)
Level 10: Superior Invisibility -- Empty(A)
Level 12: Hasten -- Empty(A)
Level 14: Fly -- Empty(A)
Level 16: Assault -- Empty(A)
Level 18: Phantom Army -- Empty(A)
Level 20: Acid Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 22: Tactics -- Empty(A)
Level 24: Aid Other -- Empty(A)
Level 26: Spectral Terror -- Empty(A)
Level 28: Disruption Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 30: Aid Self -- Empty(A)
Level 32: Phantasm -- Empty(A)
Level 35: Oil Slick Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 38: EMP Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 41: Indomitable Will -- Empty(A)
Level 44: Mind Over Body -- Empty(A)
Level 47: Psionic Tornado -- Empty(A)
Level 49: Poison Gas Arrow -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Containment
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- Empty(A)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Well to start I can see that a few of your powers are underslotted.....
Lol, ok sorry had to get that one out of the way. As far as epics go, Local is right. Fire works perfectly with oil slick arrow. Once your recharge gets high enough (which is very easy with Illusion) Blind>Spectral Wounds>Fireblast>Spectral wounds>Fireblast etc etc etc is a great chain with solid damage (for a controller anyway). Even tho this is a TF/team build, I question the uses of the medicine pool. You are going to be very very busy between Ill and TA already and using aid other is going to be very difficult. You wont be able to use it in combat reliably since people move quite a bit and it gets disrupted easily and has a relatively long casting time. As far as Aid self goes it may just be easier to carry some green inspirations instead of spending 2 power picks for a self heal. As an Ill/Ta you are going to be a VERY long range toon and with Spectral terror, PA, Phantasm, and your arrows you really shouldnt be getting hit much anyway once you get used to the long range lifestyle. Also, if you are going to be taking the leadership pool and only taking 1 power from it, I would recommend manuevers instead of assault as the damage boost wont be noticed nearly as much as the defense buff and it can be used as a mule for a Lotg +recharge. Even then, since you are going to be in the back firing arrows and throwing down controls, the buff may not affect your damage dealers who more often than not lately seems to be scrappers who run way ahead of you in search of tasty bosses and Lts. For incarnate I'd probly go with spiritual since you wont have AM like an Ill/Rad and keeping the debuffs going in TA will require as much recharge as possible. I've never seen an Ill/TA that can do Perma Pa, but I imagine if it did it would require a serious inf investment. Thats all I can think of for the moment, hope it helps.



FWIW here is the build I run on my Ill/TA. It is perma-hasten and near-perma (< 1s off) PA and it did not require bank breaking. All the LOTGs were gotten with h-merits and it has only 2 purple sets (the two cheapest). If you cannot afford even those then you can replace the confuse purps with Malaise and the sleep purps with Call of the Sandman and you'll still have perma hasten and be 3 seconds off perma PA. I was planning to use Cloud Senses in Flash Arrow, but that set has gotten expensive and the 1.25% +rech isn't worth the cost IMO.

The biggest sacrifice to get the recharge is the fact that it does not use the Fire APP. Would be nice to have Fireball, but the build does just fine on its own (it soloed +1x6 w/bosses since the late 30's). There might even be ways to go that route too without too much expense, but the Fire APP was out of character for me, so I never tried.

BTW - I complete agree with Local Man regarding the skippable TA powers. I can count on zero hands the number of times I've used Flash Arrow (it is in the build to mule the +rech set). PGA is an interesting beast - it can be a useful alpha power early in life, then it becomes pretty useless , but the auto-hit -DAM is useful against AVs later in life. It also makes a good mule.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



I just started my TA, but I think Flash Arrow will find its uses. In particular, it's good for stealthing objectives. It's not unusual to find a glowie that's surrounding by enemies. Flash Arrow will let you debuff the enemies perception enough that your stealth suppressing won't put you at risk.

Also, it carries an unresistable 5% tohit debuff so it works fairly well against AV's, at least those that are even level.

As for patron pools, it seems that Mace Mastery is the only PPP that offers energy damage. It's also got a nice defense based shield and an additional pet.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
I just started my TA, but I think Flash Arrow will find its uses. In particular, it's good for stealthing objectives. It's not unusual to find a glowie that's surrounding by enemies. Flash Arrow will let you debuff the enemies perception enough that your stealth suppressing won't put you at risk.

Also, it carries an unresistable 5% tohit debuff so it works fairly well against AV's, at least those that are even level.
As illusion however its a very simple matter of superior invis and using deceive to stealth objectives. You can save the power pick by using that combo. It's foolproof even against rikti drones and other anti stealth types cuz you can simply deceive them before they attack you and walk on past.



Originally Posted by Griff Mender View Post
As illusion however its a very simple matter of superior invis and using deceive to stealth objectives. You can save the power pick by using that combo. It's foolproof even against rikti drones and other anti stealth types cuz you can simply deceive them before they attack you and walk on past.
But it is substantially slower than firing Flash Arrow at a mob and moving on, especially when you hit a mob with 3-4 drones. In such a case I'm often detected before all of them can be confused. It's also worth noting that two other mobs that pierce stealth also come with confuse protection, namely Nemesis Snipers and Rularuu eyes.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
But it is substantially slower than firing Flash Arrow at a mob and moving on, especially when you hit a mob with 3-4 drones. In such a case I'm often detected before all of them can be confused. It's also worth noting that two other mobs that pierce stealth also come with confuse protection, namely Nemesis Snipers and Rularuu eyes.
Good point. Sometimes my perspective is skewed since im an Ill/Rad and my recharge time on deceive is the time it takes for the animation to finish..... That, coupled with contagious confusion proc from coercive persuasion set and longer range from my Cardiac Core alpha slot I never run into issues when quickly confusing an entire spawn when stealthing hero tips. Totally valid point for flash arrow tho when stealthing, i was just trying to save the OP a power pick.



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
My Ill/TA is Tech origin so that he could light the Slick . . . but Fire Blast and Fireball are far, far superior. The Origin power has a short range, and of course, you can't enhance the accuracy so it misses a lot more often. I generally use Fireball -- it is very satisfying to throw a fireball, and then have that blast of flame linger as a burn patch. If for some reason, Fireball misses, then I have another shot to light it with Fire blast.
I thought that they had fixed it to light all the time now? I'm not sure why but my recollection of the time before they fixed it it was a 50/50 chance to light by fire or energy. After they fixed it, for a little while, it wouldn't light at all. Then it was finally fixed to light with a 99% chance.
I'm not trying to argue this point just giving my interpretation of it.



Originally Posted by Funda View Post
I thought that they had fixed it to light all the time now? I'm not sure why but my recollection of the time before they fixed it it was a 50/50 chance to light by fire or energy. After they fixed it, for a little while, it wouldn't light at all. Then it was finally fixed to light with a 99% chance.
I'm not trying to argue this point just giving my interpretation of it.
It does light all the time now. However, you still have to hit it and as with all attacks, you're limited to a 95% chance to hit, so you will miss 1 in 20 times. You'll just have to attack it again.



Originally Posted by Funda View Post
If there's a patron pool out there that would be worth exploring what would you suggest I roll with till I can get crossed over?
Mu Mastery has Power Sink, Ball Lightning and the Mu Pet which might be interesting. That would be the first one that I would try.



I'm entertaining the idea of going redside to pick up another pet to help out with damage and agro directors.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
I just started my TA, but I think Flash Arrow will find its uses. In particular, it's good for stealthing objectives. It's not unusual to find a glowie that's surrounding by enemies. Flash Arrow will let you debuff the enemies perception enough that your stealth suppressing won't put you at risk.

Also, it carries an unresistable 5% tohit debuff so it works fairly well against AV's, at least those that are even level.

As for patron pools, it seems that Mace Mastery is the only PPP that offers energy damage. It's also got a nice defense based shield and an additional pet.
While I have Flash Arrow on my TA/A defender, I found that it was quite skippable on my Illusion/TA. Invisibility takes care of most of the situations where Flash Arrow was needed, and PA take care of the rest. As far as hitting a glowie, Deceive easily handled a small number of foes near the glowie. If there were more than two or so, then throwing out PA pulls their attention so that I can click the glowie without getting aggro.

Yes, the 5% unresistable ToHit Debuff is nice, but hardly worth an entire power pick for. I went ahead and took Flash Arrow on my Ill/TA with his I-19 Respec mainly because the purpose of the character was to experience the entire TA powerset. Even though I have the power, I find I don't use it much.

Two of the things that TA really should have added -- more ToHit Debuff and a decent amount of -Regen. Both could be added into Poison Gas Arrow to make the power more effective. Without those, Rad just seems to be overall superior for debuffs, plus it has buffs. The main thing that makes TA stand out is Oil Slick Arrow, and you don't get that until 35.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Two of the things that TA really should have added -- more ToHit Debuff and a decent amount of -Regen. Both could be added into Poison Gas Arrow to make the power more effective. Without those, Rad just seems to be overall superior for debuffs, plus it has buffs. The main thing that makes TA stand out is Oil Slick Arrow, and you don't get that until 35.
I will never argue with someone about TA needing more -Regen -- it does and PGA is the perfect place to put it. Adding both that *and* -ToHit is asking too much I think, and isn't really needed (not that I'd turn it down).

Also, OSA stands out quite a bit - especially on a more ST set such as Illusion. And 35 is still more than 1/2 of your toon's lifetime, even if you toss it as soon as you hit 50.

But that's just me - I love TA and have never gotten in to Rad (for all that the numbers say it is a superior set).



Originally Posted by TheWeaver View Post
I will never argue with someone about TA needing more -Regen -- it does and PGA is the perfect place to put it. Adding both that *and* -ToHit is asking too much I think, and isn't really needed (not that I'd turn it down).

Also, OSA stands out quite a bit - especially on a more ST set such as Illusion. And 35 is still more than 1/2 of your toon's lifetime, even if you toss it as soon as you hit 50.

But that's just me - I love TA and have never gotten in to Rad (for all that the numbers say it is a superior set).
If adding both debuffs to PGA is too much, then add either the ToHit debuff or the -Regen into Disruption Arrow. Disruption is a single-purpose arrow, so it could take another debuff.

It is just that if TA is supposed to be such a heavy debuff set, it really needs to cover the bases on debuffs.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Trick Arrow really should have superior debuffs than any other set out there since there are ZERO buffs. That's my feelings on it.



I'd give a minor buff to PGA or DA and that's about it. TA is extremely endurance friendly and the cast times are suberb. Also, some might argue that having no toggles is a blessing (I like having a debuff toggle just for the sake of herding or safer pulling).

TA is good. Rad and Cold are ridiculously good and easy to use. Maybe that's the problem to begin with.

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]



Originally Posted by False_Fiction_EU View Post
I'd give a minor buff to PGA or DA and that's about it. TA is extremely endurance friendly and the cast times are suberb. Also, some might argue that having no toggles is a blessing (I like having a debuff toggle just for the sake of herding or safer pulling).

TA is good. Rad and Cold are ridiculously good and easy to use. Maybe that's the problem to begin with.
TA should be the king of debuffing, since it has no buff powers. Every other set has something that you can use to buff the team. However, TA has no -Regen other than EM Pulse Arrow with a long recharge (Rad has EM Pulse, too, plus the -500% in Ling Rad). The -Recharge in Glue Arrow is almost non-existant (Rad has -75% Recharge in Ling Rad). It has almost no -ToHit, since Flash Arrow only gives about 5% (Rad has 25% in Rad Inf). The Defense Debuff in Acid Arrow is decent, but the radius is far too small. The only really good debuff is -Resistance, with 15% from Acid (with its too small radius) and 15% from Dispersion Arrow (Rad has 22.5% -Resistance from EF, a toggle with a larger radius than Acid). TA has 20% Damage debuff from PGA (Rad has 25% from EF).

(Those numbers are off the top of my head . . . I probably should double check them.)

Rad outshines TA in all debuffs except -Resistance. TA has some nice control powers and a nice damage power to somewhat make up for it, but TA's numbers really are a problem. A lot of ideas have been thrown around, and many of them have merit: Increase the radius of Acid, add -Regen to PGA, Add more ToHit Debuff to Flash, add more -Recharge to Glue Arrow, etc.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I just had an interesting thought. Keep in mind the cottage rule thing and this idea probably wont fly but change poison gas arrow to poison gas trap arrow. Change it to location based like disruption arrow, keep the -dam and sleep rather than change to hold and add in the -regen that PGT has.

That would help nudge TA to debuff king.



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
TA should be the king of debuffing, since it has no buff powers. Every other set has something that you can use to buff the team. However, TA has no -Regen other than EM Pulse Arrow with a long recharge (Rad has EM Pulse, too, plus the -500% in Ling Rad). The -Recharge in Glue Arrow is almost non-existant (Rad has -75% Recharge in Ling Rad). It has almost no -ToHit, since Flash Arrow only gives about 5% (Rad has 25% in Rad Inf). The Defense Debuff in Acid Arrow is decent, but the radius is far too small. The only really good debuff is -Resistance, with 15% from Acid (with its too small radius) and 15% from Dispersion Arrow (Rad has 22.5% -Resistance from EF, a toggle with a larger radius than Acid). TA has 20% Damage debuff from PGA (Rad has 25% from EF).

(Those numbers are off the top of my head . . . I probably should double check them.)

Rad outshines TA in all debuffs except -Resistance. TA has some nice control powers and a nice damage power to somewhat make up for it, but TA's numbers really are a problem. A lot of ideas have been thrown around, and many of them have merit: Increase the radius of Acid, add -Regen to PGA, Add more ToHit Debuff to Flash, add more -Recharge to Glue Arrow, etc.
I'm just saying maybe the problem lies in other sets being a tad overpowered. This game is too easy as it is. And it's getting easier every Issue (IOs, incarnate system, etc). No AT should be able to solo Lusca for example. Sure, I've done it and it felt great - but maybe it shouldn't be possible.

I could go on and on with the changes that I think this game needs, but it'd be way off topic.

Long story short, I do agree TA needs a buff or at least some tweaks.

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]