Energy Melee/Electric Armour?




Having never made a Brute before but loving EM through the Tanker and Stalker sets...i was curious as to how these 2 sets mesh together? and also whether or not the Tanker version of these 2 together might be better?
(Keep in mind i love the single target numbers EM puts up and can only imagine what they're like with a healthy Fury i am definitely leaning towards brute! XD)
but having only seen 1 toon in my travels with this combo...i was curious as to why this might be? is either set THAT bad...or just bad when paired together? thematically they fit together i wouldve thought...just not in practice?...EM being an ST monster and ELA with its damage aura catering for more AoE prone primaries...?

any thoughts? input? (im trying to get a feel for whether or not its worth making this combo)

cheers in advance

Zoomazoom - Energy/Fire Blaster. Pyrul - Fire/Kin Controller. Vampir Lord - Kat/Regen Scrapper. Righteous Fox - SD/Mace Tanker. Strikeforce Oz - SD/SS Tanker. Paragons Green Beret - Arch/EM Blaster. Galaxium Omega - Invul/EM Tanker.



EM on Brutes isn't all that good, mainly because Fury doesn't work well with the long animating attacks of EM.

EM works well with Elec Armor however, due to Energize being one of the best self heals in the game, something Energy Transfer needs.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
EM on Brutes isn't all that good, mainly because Fury doesn't work well with the long animating attacks of EM.
so maybe a Tanker might work better? or enough global recharge would compensate? because im sure the high ST numbers EM brings to the table would be worth it...

and Elec Armour...working to softcap S/L would make the set very formidable or?

but im glad to hear that they seemingly work together...if not for anything but for ET and Energize!

Zoomazoom - Energy/Fire Blaster. Pyrul - Fire/Kin Controller. Vampir Lord - Kat/Regen Scrapper. Righteous Fox - SD/Mace Tanker. Strikeforce Oz - SD/SS Tanker. Paragons Green Beret - Arch/EM Blaster. Galaxium Omega - Invul/EM Tanker.



Originally Posted by feaRfox View Post
so maybe a Tanker might work better? or enough global recharge would compensate? because im sure the high ST numbers EM brings to the table would be worth it...

and Elec Armour...working to softcap S/L would make the set very formidable or?

but im glad to hear that they seemingly work together...if not for anything but for ET and Energize!
A Tanker won't do better than a Brute damage wise, but it won't suffer the synergy issues of EM and Fury.

Elec Armor with softcapped S/L is indeed pretty awesome.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



I have an Energy melee/electric Armour brute and love it, there were a few rough points on the climb to 50 but nothing too bad. I have 3 brutes at 50 and this is the one I still play on a regular basis. But, the reason Energy Melee isn't see that often is the fact it isn't that strong on AoE damage, although I do like the animation of Whirling Hands!



So basically EM is rare for brutes because it doesnt mesh well with Fury and its AoE is practically non existent?
and since brutes are "the" farmers these days EM's lack of AoE renders itself not popular??
that seems abit harsh...

but that aside...Elec Armour FTW?? or at least..."yay im pretty damn sturdy!"? (provided softcapped S/L ofcourse!)

Zoomazoom - Energy/Fire Blaster. Pyrul - Fire/Kin Controller. Vampir Lord - Kat/Regen Scrapper. Righteous Fox - SD/Mace Tanker. Strikeforce Oz - SD/SS Tanker. Paragons Green Beret - Arch/EM Blaster. Galaxium Omega - Invul/EM Tanker.



Originally Posted by feaRfox View Post
So basically EM is rare for brutes because it doesnt mesh well with Fury and its AoE is practically non existent?
and since brutes are "the" farmers these days EM's lack of AoE renders itself not popular??
that seems abit harsh...

but that aside...Elec Armour FTW?? or at least..."yay im pretty damn sturdy!"? (provided softcapped S/L ofcourse!)
Elec Armor is my favorite armor, especially on brutes. Other than making you sturdy, it gives you a recharge bonus and great endurance management tools so your offense can go wild.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
Elec Armor is my favorite armor, especially on brutes. Other than making you sturdy, it gives you a recharge bonus and great endurance management tools so your offense can go wild.
just what i wanted to hear i would definitely rather spend my time in the fight than having to worry about Endurance.

how is the climb to 50 with /Elec? (ive never gotten past the teens because ive always felt so squishy) just so i know what im in for before i can get to the "force to be reckoned with" stage:P
speaking of which...does /Elec require tough and weave to be effective or no??

Zoomazoom - Energy/Fire Blaster. Pyrul - Fire/Kin Controller. Vampir Lord - Kat/Regen Scrapper. Righteous Fox - SD/Mace Tanker. Strikeforce Oz - SD/SS Tanker. Paragons Green Beret - Arch/EM Blaster. Galaxium Omega - Invul/EM Tanker.



Tough certainly helps. Weave if you're planning on slotting a lot of defense.

With 0 defense... none at all... not even combat jumping.. my SM/Elec brute can confidently wade into +0/x3 with bosses on. Add a purple inspiration or two for tough fights (I believe in softcapping for 300 inf, rather than 300 million) and they're practically unstoppable.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Don't forget about the Kinetic Dampener temp power, having that one ready for activation should really help.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
Tough certainly helps. Weave if you're planning on slotting a lot of defense.

With 0 defense... none at all... not even combat jumping.. my SM/Elec brute can confidently wade into +0/x3 with bosses on. Add a purple inspiration or two for tough fights (I believe in softcapping for 300 inf, rather than 300 million) and they're practically unstoppable.
I think that you may have an advantage over an EM Brute.

But yes, +0/x3 with bosses shouldn't be trouble for any Brute once they get enough slots for accuracy and endurance management, barring specific set weaknesses. SM just means that you can do it with only the mez protection turned on from your secondary.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
SM just means that you can do it with only the mez protection turned on from your secondary.
through SM's mitigation etc?

geez is EM really that bad on a brute?

Zoomazoom - Energy/Fire Blaster. Pyrul - Fire/Kin Controller. Vampir Lord - Kat/Regen Scrapper. Righteous Fox - SD/Mace Tanker. Strikeforce Oz - SD/SS Tanker. Paragons Green Beret - Arch/EM Blaster. Galaxium Omega - Invul/EM Tanker.



Fault is worth more than some entire armor sets for mitigation purposes.

However, you still have to survive the alpha strike to use it, and deal with the fact that the heal is on a long recharge (at least the set has one now). Mind you I cheat and have a stealth IO in a prestige sprint so by the time most of the spawn realizes I'm there they're already flopping on their butts and staggering to their feet stunned.

Anyways, EM is a single hard target take down expert. If that fits your play style it's a good set - smashing and energy damage are less commonly resisted than lethal. If you prefer to see entire spawns die horribly at once it's a terrible set.

Back in the day EM/Elec with tough and aid self was *the* AV soloer for brutes. Energy transfer changes and invention sets have stolen some of that thunder but honestly I've always wanted to level one just to see how much *** a full fury Energy Transfer kicks. Only thing that has stopped me is the fact I have a EM tanker, and doing a thousand damage during a build up cycle makes me smile when playing him - I don't need to tarnish that by seeing a brute probably do closer to 2.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
Anyways, EM is a single hard target take down expert. If that fits your play style it's a good set - smashing and energy damage are less commonly resisted than lethal. If you prefer to see entire spawns die horribly at once it's a terrible set.
Well ive definitely preferred High ST numbers than spawn killers...ive never been one for making long as the melee toons i make survive the mobs...and deals High ST damage along the happy

I too have an /EM tanker...48 currently...and yeah, the build up cycle is beautiful...its kinda the reason why i made an EM tanker...for SOME WHAT NEAR scrapper level damage...and the survivability of well...a tank:P

so i think unless anyone has anything devastating to say about this EM/ELEC combo...? i might go and roll one!

Zoomazoom - Energy/Fire Blaster. Pyrul - Fire/Kin Controller. Vampir Lord - Kat/Regen Scrapper. Righteous Fox - SD/Mace Tanker. Strikeforce Oz - SD/SS Tanker. Paragons Green Beret - Arch/EM Blaster. Galaxium Omega - Invul/EM Tanker.



Originally Posted by feaRfox View Post
through SM's mitigation etc?

geez is EM really that bad on a brute?
Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
Fault is worth more than some entire armor sets for mitigation purposes.
This. Fault just is that good. Especially when you have increased recharge and infinite endurance, but that doesn't come for /ElA until later.

Color-coding replies by section rather than continuing to split the quote:
Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
However, you still have to survive the alpha strike to use it, and deal with the fact that the heal is on a long recharge (at least the set has one now). Mind you I cheat and have a stealth IO in a prestige sprint so by the time most of the spawn realizes I'm there they're already flopping on their butts and staggering to their feet stunned.

Anyways, EM is a single hard target take down expert. If that fits your play style it's a good set - smashing and energy damage are less commonly resisted than lethal. If you prefer to see entire spawns die horribly at once it's a terrible set.

Back in the day EM/Elec with tough and aid self was *the* AV soloer for brutes. Energy transfer changes and invention sets have stolen some of that thunder but honestly I've always wanted to level one just to see how much *** a full fury Energy Transfer kicks. Only thing that has stopped me is the fact I have a EM tanker, and doing a thousand damage during a build up cycle makes me smile when playing him - I don't need to tarnish that by seeing a brute probably do closer to 2.
If you have it queued, there isn't an alpha strike to take - and if you lead with it, it'll work on mobs that it won't work on later (Cimerorans, I'm looking at you). Superspeed works great for this.

Not directed at you, but just in general: EM is "a" single-target specialist set. It's not the best set for it - it's not even the best that uses an exotic damage type - but it is the best at low recharge. But survivability comes into play here, too: my EM/ElA was made during the heyday you're talking about, and ET cycling every 6 seconds meant that I was doing more damage to myself than the mobs were. So I could either lose damage to Aid Self's animation, or lose damage to not using ET. If I didn't use ET as often as it recharged I was doing less damage than most other sets, so I made a SM/WP - which could actually do more DPS even accounting for ET with the old mallet animations for the level of recharge I was at on my EM/ElA, with a lot better survivability. Then came the EM nerfs, and I let the EM/ElA sit for a long time and only kept her because she was my redside badge character. I picked her up again once Energize came out and she's still fun (and can solo +2/x8 against most enemies), but the old rapid-fire feel is still gone and if I'm expected to tank I end up using Ball Lightning, Lightning Field, and Power Sink to bottom out the spawn's endurance.

If you really want a big number, go with /FA*. My SS/FA Brute has hit a single KOB for over 1k damage on a +2 mob without external buffs/debuffs: <3 new Fiery Embrace.

* - of course, then you'll be even squishier than /ElA

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



How about EM/Invulnerability? Have that on my mid teens brute and while it's not as "Flashy" as other combos, it seems to be holding it's own so far.
(I went with a concept way back when more than for the farming ability... )

What's a rare combo for brutes if i may ask? I like doing the super rare combo toons that no one