How much stealth?




Hello everyone, just looking for a quick answer, ima thugs/traps MM and i would like to be able to stealth into mobs and plant traps without being spotted

If i get stealth and put the celerity stealth io into sprint and have both running will i be invisible to PVE mobs?

Jordon Justice



Yep, that'll do the trick, with the notable exceptions of KoA, Rikti drones, yadda yadda yadda.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Or anything that sees your thugs. But then, if you invest in defense, you should be able to toebomb with a thug/traps anyway

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Think of "stealth" as "half invisibility." You need two halves to be fully invisible. Many powers give half invis, like Steamy Mist, Arctic Fog, Shadowfall, Shadow Cloak and Stealth. You need to add another half to get full invisibility. You can get that from a Stealth IO or from Super Speed.

You may want to consider using Super Speed instead of Stealth. Stealth does just stealth, but Super Speed provides Stealth AND fast travel AND an additional place to put some nice IOs. If I'm looking for full invisibility on a character, I will often use Super Speed with a Celerity Stealth slotted into it.

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Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
Or anything that sees your thugs.
That's what the 'goto' command is for.

Jordon, for a more full explanation:

Minions can see you at 45'.
Lieutenants can see you at 50'.
Bosses, EBs, and AVs can see you at 54'.
Turrets and GMs can see you at 100'.
Snipers can see you at 149'.

Stealth powers subtract from the distance a critter can see you at. [Stealth] subtracts 35', and the Celerity unique subtracts 30'. The two combined will make you completely invisible to most critters, and will let you get 65' closer to Turrets, GMs, and Snipers than you normally would.

Some critters have Perception buffs. For example, some Rogue Isles Police have Tactics, granting +per to all of their nearby allies. Vanguard Sword also have inherent increased perception.

As Deacon mentions, some critters ignore stealth completely. This list includes Rikti Drones, all members of the Knives of Artemis, and the Rularuu Sentries (the giant eyeballs).

Another notable exception is Longbow Eagles. While they don't have increased perception and they don't ignore stealth, they have a power called Positioning. It's a PBAoE auto power which makes them fly out of melee... but it's considered an autohit attack, so it will suppress your stealth, and then everyone else will see you.



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Think of "stealth" as "half invisibility." You need two halves to be fully invisible. Many powers give half invis, like Steamy Mist, Arctic Fog, Shadowfall, Shadow Cloak and Stealth. You need to add another half to get full invisibility. You can get that from a Stealth IO or from Super Speed.

You may want to consider using Super Speed instead of Stealth. Stealth does just stealth, but Super Speed provides Stealth AND fast travel AND an additional place to put some nice IOs. If I'm looking for full invisibility on a character, I will often use Super Speed with a Celerity Stealth slotted into it.
Personally, when I did several i19 rebuilds, I found myself swapping out of a SS for Stealth because
a) Ninja Run + Sprint really does the trick
b) Stealth is a LOTG 7.5 mule
c) Even supressed Stealth adds a smidge more Def for stacking

Both my Traps MM and Traps Def went this route (among others, but we're talking Traps here). So far so good.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



One of my toons uses ninja run + sprint for travel (well...actually most of them do after the MA pack was released), and what i ended up doing was tacking in an extra slot into sprint and slammed a celerity +stealth enhancement into it. Worked better when the procs in toggles worked for 120 seconds after you disengaged them than after the fix on those...but still works pretty well.

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Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Think of "stealth" as "half invisibility." You need two halves to be fully invisible. Many powers give half invis, like Steamy Mist, Arctic Fog, Shadowfall, Shadow Cloak and Stealth. You need to add another half to get full invisibility. You can get that from a Stealth IO or from Super Speed.

You may want to consider using Super Speed instead of Stealth. Stealth does just stealth, but Super Speed provides Stealth AND fast travel AND an additional place to put some nice IOs. If I'm looking for full invisibility on a character, I will often use Super Speed with a Celerity Stealth slotted into it.
And Stealth still has a movement penalty. Good idea as Local Man said is going with Super Speed and a Celerity Stealth in it or a Blessing of the Zephyr KB Prot IO, if you don't have any def/res powers to slot other KB IOs in it. You could slot a Stealth IO in Sprint too.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



Does /traps have anything like smoke grenade? If so, then you may not even need a second stealth power. On my archery/devices blaster I've discovered the joy of cloaking device+smoke grenade. Let's me toebomb enemies to start the fight off usually.

As a mastermind, you have a few side problems with trying to stealth in for setting up point blank traps. Some of them I believe will break your stealth, such as acid mortar. Even if it doesn't break stealth it'll start the aoe flying, which likely will. To protect yourself, you want your henchmen close enough for bodyguard mode. But if they are that close they aggro enemies anyway unless you managed to make them invisible.

By the same token, the henchmen will usually attract the aggro so you can safely drop your traps anyway. At least, that's been my experience. And in teams, few teams will let you set up before they start fighting. So you end up dropping traps mid fight to begin with.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



No. Traps has Seeker Drones, which apply -tohit, but unlike Smoke Grenade they draw aggro. (Seeker Drones also apply -dmg, -tohit, stun, and minor damage.)