No response from this server. Try a different server, or try playing this one again later.




I got mine to patch up to the proper patch again. And successfully created the "no update" shortcut to cityofheroes.exe which I'll be using till this issue gets resolved.



I actually got my game to work after 4 attempts at flushing DNS and repatching. Insane.

I wanted to see what would happen after I logged on to Freedom if I just quit to the character selection screen. Sure enough. I got the 'can't connect to that server' message.

I give up.

Nekron: Beam Rifle / Poison Corruptor and Slayer of Evil!! (Exalted)
Intergalaktic: Fire / Time Corruptor (Exalted)



Originally Posted by Mindlab View Post
Ya, I tried that line and my computer won't display the screen for more than a fraction of a second. My wife's comp (which is experiencing the same problem--sometimes good version, sometimes not) showed only 1 IP address, again for a few seconds, and then vanished. Not computer literate enough to know why I can't get this screen to just sit open.

Tried your IP address and nothing changed--tried with with all the other fixes simultaneously, and still nothing. Maybe the fix is more about waiting until you randomly get the right patch server, which is something I would have no control over. I'm sure they'll fix this...Monday.
It's because of UAC. You know like how you're constantly getting asked "does windows have your permission/" for every little thing? If that happens while CMD is running, it just plain crashes.

For Vista, (and probably windows 7), you almost always have to run CMD as "administrator", which means finding the icon and right clicking on it in order to start the CMD program itself (you can't just type CMD and run it like that). You must right click on it, and choose "run as administrator" from the drop down menu. If you don't, then CMD will always crash the moment it tries to do something that requires permission. It's just a frustrating thing about Vista and 7.

Originally Posted by _Synchrotron_ View Post
I used "C:\Games\City Of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe" -ps

I got the address from the "nslookup" command referenced in the post.
Ok. So, once I have CMD running with administrator status, I just type "C:\Games\City Of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe" -ps and hit enter, right?

........ and it worked. Thanks very much _Synchrotron_!



This is verrrry frustrating. Rebooted, restarted, re-verified, retarded...



You can add me onto this list. I click on any server...get the message...and that is it.

I did a windows update last night and downloaded 11 files. Has anyone else did a Windows Update in the last 24 hours?



My updater says

Project City of Heroes - Version (null)
Fixing Files

But says I have a 5 hour download. Is anyone else having this issue? Is there something else I can do other than waiting for 5 hours?

Also, how do you run the game as administrator?

Thanks for the help.



I am on Win7 and I went into the compatibility section with the startup icon.

Windows XP (Service Pack 3) was check and run as administrator was not...weird.

So I unchecked WXP(SP3) and checked run as adminstrator.

Low and behod, I clicked on the icon and a patch downloaded and applied. I can get in now.

Weird...C'est La Vie.



Originally Posted by GlassEye_NA View Post
You can add me onto this list. I click on any server...get the message...and that is it.

I did a windows update last night and downloaded 11 files. Has anyone else did a Windows Update in the last 24 hours?

I also had a windows update today actually and also just remembered when I tried to open the updater I got a window saying something like 'you are running coh not as the administrator'



CruJones. Right click on your COH Icon. Pick Properties at the bottom of the list.

Then pick the tab "Compatibility". You should be able to take it from there.



Originally Posted by GlassEye_NA View Post
CruJones. Right click on your COH Icon. Pick Properties at the bottom of the list.

Then pick the tab "Compatibility". You should be able to take it from there.

Thanks for the help GlassEye. I changed it to 'run as administrator' however when i open my updater it still says Project City of Heroes - Version (null)

Looks like i will have to wait for the 5 hour download to fix files and then attempt to log on at that time.



I've been having the same trouble...logged in fine this morning, played for most of the day, got the dreaded soundloop bug crash, restarted the game and got a patch...and then couldn't get in. Rebooted the computer a couple of times, restarted the game several times, deleted .checksum, verified I have finally gotten a patch again, here is hoping it works. Of particular frustration-levels to me is that I was in the first mission of a Task Force, which means that my team had to continue onward without me while still carrying the spawn-levels I helped create by my "presence" on the TF. :P

.....And....I'm in. I think it may indeed be something as simple as "which update server is it connecting to". Just keep trying til it works, or until the Devs get around to fixing the problem. :P



Cross-posting, this is what's going on:


I'm pretty sure the issue is that there are different versions of the patch released on Saturday on the login servers. So you could hit the good server one time, then hit the bad server the other time. Here's a fix, if you're able to login (you get the good patch), setup a bypass icon that looks like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe" -project coh

Obviously the path above should point to your COH installation.



Hey guys, Doom Saint here, I found a different solution that might actually work for most of you.

Instead of rebooting your computer, try shutting down your internet connection, or for those with wifi and laptops, either hitting the switch to shut down your wireless connectivity, or just choosing a different wireless network, or anything but your own.

After doing this, turn the connection/connectivity switch/etc, back on and going in, this refreshed my internet and an updater started up when I chose City of Heroes. I will leave a P.S. note with any additional information. Hope this works!

EDIT: It works! Try this, if you have any questions, I'll check back in an hour to answer.

@Doom Saint
Server: Infinity
Villain Group: H.A.V.E.N. (Leader/Creator)
Super Group memberships: Children of the Gods, Paragon City Saviors.



Or try adding "-ps" to your shortcut. I saw this in another thread and it worked for me. Apparently it forces your updater to use a particular patch server that has the correct patch on it.



Rebooted, deleted files, repatched... still can't get on sometimes and I'm running it as admin. *Sigh*




I'm posting this again, even though it's been posted several other places:

What's likely happened is that one (or more) of the patch servers got either a wrong version of the patch, or didn't get it at all. If your updater happens to connect to that server, it will see your game as not being up to date, and will "fix" your data so that it matches its version -- which is wrong. This is why the problem can be temporarily fixed by logging off and on: you'll probably connect to one of the other patch servers, all of which will patch your game to the right version. Problem is, every time you run the updater, you run the chance of connecting to the bad patch server.

There are two things you can do to fix the issue or keep it from happening:

1) If you are currently experiencing this problem, add the following argument string to the end of your CoH UPDATER shortcut: "-ps" (without the quotes). It should look something like this:

"C:\yourpath\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe" -ps

This forces the updater to always connect to the listed patch server, which does have the proper patch on it. This should be enough to fix the problem and keep it from happening again until the folks working the servers can properly resolve the issue and you can again use all the patch servers.

2) If you already have the right patch applied and want to keep from getting hit with the problem next time you start up the game, you can either use the above fix, or you can just bypass the updater completely by making a shortcut to your cityofheroes.exe file (NOT CoHupdater.exe), and adding the following argument string to the end of the path: - project "coh" (quotation marks included). Downside to this is that you'll need to run the updater whenever there's a patch.

That's all there is to it.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Thanks GBE, was able to get into game. =]

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



Originally Posted by KemLi View Post
Thanks GBE, was able to get into game. =]
Thank Synchrotron for the -ps updater fix. All I've done is reiterate it with big red letters.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Thanks Synchrotron!

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.