Help me quit Altism
I don't know if this is helpful at all, but I found I was quite happy when I set the bound for my alts at playing each powerset on each archetype. Because there's usually not the same number of primaries and secondaries, there's some overlap, but not a ridiculous amount... I think I don't have more than three of the same powerset on any one archetype. That's left me with 113 characters and a short list of maybe five or six that I still haven't made.
It sounds like you're well past that point, though... all of my stuff is on one account.
I find it's nice to pick a character with a favorite power combination and/or backstory per archetype and try to concentrate on them. If you want to play that archetype, pick that character. If you get REALLY sick of them but still want to play that archetype, you can always switch, but it will slow down your progress.
Overall, I don't think quitting altism entirely is the answer... but reining it in a bit could do some good.
Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!
Full, detailed character list
I'm not much better, R4ND. Though I've only got two accounts, I've been playing since the game's launch, and I just got my 5th level 50 a little under two weeks ago... and that was only because I PLed through the 20s and 30s on him.
Granted, I think the vast majority of my time is spent badging with my mains, but I totally get how you feel when everyone else talks about having 20+ level 50 characters.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Only one account here, six 50's and about 80 more characters (levels 1- 46) spread out across 11 servers.
I'm not understanding the problem...
I know of players that have multiple accounts, and characters numbering in the hundreds.
Perhaps if you picked two or three, or six characters, and alternated between them. Also what kind of playing do you like to do?
There are a handful of my characters I play more often than the others because I RP them with a groups of people, so it adds a depth to your character other than just button mashing. When you start getting into the heads of your characters, you gain a whole other level of play with them.
Here's some things to consider:
Consider how much time you've already spent and the value of what you have now. With only a few 50s, your altitis has prevented you from even seeing most of them to the end game where they have the most flexibility.
Consider how often you play each of the characters. If you're in the range of 20-100 characters, I'm not sure how you can dedicate that much time.
Consider how much value you get when you play the characters. Are there some characters that are great in a pinch, like a Kin, a melee with Granite Armor, a buffer or debuffer that is considered valuable? If so, maybe consider keeping them. Are there others that you rarely team with? Are there some that you just don't enjoy very much? If so, those are good candidates for the trash can.
Consider how much effort you would have to put in to make all of those characters full incarnates (10 levels that require non-tradeable (assumption) rewards, of which only 1 is available)
Consider what would happen to all of your time and effort if the game was to go offline and never return... There is only a finite time a game can exist. Before I ever played an MMO, I had several friends that invested 5 years in Everquest only to have it replaced. All that time and effort was gone.
Here's an experiment. Make a spreadsheet or list of all your characters. Triage and find, say, the 10 least played or least liked characters. Transfer anything of value away from them. Delete them. Wait a week and see if you miss them. Delete more. Rinse and repeat. You might regret it a year later, but I doubt it. Instead you might begin to feel the unbearable lightness of being with fewer alts. In fact, maybe you should advertise on a thread all the available names you created on the servers of the characters you deleted. That makes it potentially even more final
As you may have noticed, this most recent issue has caused some people considerable, self-imposed distress. They are: rushing to get to 50, respeccing their builds for inherent fitness, trying to max on respecs to empty out IOs, making 3rd builds, getting new badges, and they are getting incarnate content on each character. That's a ton of work combined. 1, there's no hurry, but more importantly 2, there's no need. There are plenty of players still around. Team with them instead of making your own personal army.
I had over a dozen 50s. I liked to have at least one of every AT and tried at one point to have one of every tank and controller before CoV. I enjoyed each character on several levels. I liked their costumes, names, powersets. Nevertheless, I feel much better since I deleted most of my 50s and a lot below L50. I still have about 6 and about 10 other characters, many of which I rarely play. Sometimes I use them as WW market storage, but otherwise they're not doing much. I plan on deleting even more in the coming months, because I know I won't do the incarnate content with them and rarely play them now as it is.
With 3 builds, new incarnate opportunities, and changes in my life in the last 3 years, I find I cannot devote that kind of time to playing. Actually, that's a good thing for the most part.
Freedom is letting go. Good luck.
Get with some people you enjoy playing with. Set up a regular time to do "stuff."
Dedicate a character to playing with them. They'll be leveling. You'll end up doing so, as well.
Get in a good supergroup, one that has stuff going all the time. Or get on the global channels and remember "If I have a 50, that's more stuff I can do."
Set yourself some projects or goals - I wanted one of each AT at 50 at one point, for instance. (Doesn't mean you can't play the *others,* just that you'll *concentrate* on one specific one more often than not.)
(2 accounts, 200+ characters, recent alt-making spree, still have ended up with 20 50s and several more in that last stretch. Some DO take longer breaks, though.)
Dont know if the title is appropriate....
I have 4 COX Accounts, 2 on EU 2 on US I have 3 lvl 50's but i have been playing the game since mid 2005.... 5 years and 3 lvl 50's ![]() I want to stop making new villains / heroes. I cant seem to stick with one or a couple and work them through all the levels. I need some help advice for what i can do tto stick to one and stop making loads up then getting bored and moving around..... any advice appreciated.... |
This is how you play this particular game. This could be your particular gaming style overall. Perhaps you're not the kind of gamer who sticks to one particular gaming goal but instead you enjoy to vary your gameplay.
Then again I'm probably wrong. I can see you taking something away from how others approach the game and altering your style.
When it comes to gaming my approach is all about maximizing performance. My particular view on gaming means I have little room for variety.
To make a long story short I currently have 8 lvl 50s, and of those 8 I only play 4 on a regular basis: the Ill/Rad, the DM/SR and 2 MMs.
I think my next project will be a shield Scrapper or Brute but for now I'm content with running on my ill/rad or dm/sr the majority of the time.
Here's some things to consider:
Consider how much time you've already spent and the value of what you have now. With only a few 50s, your altitis has prevented you from even seeing most of them to the end game where they have the most flexibility. Consider how often you play each of the characters. If you're in the range of 20-100 characters, I'm not sure how you can dedicate that much time. Consider how much value you get when you play the characters. Are there some characters that are great in a pinch, like a Kin, a melee with Granite Armor, a buffer or debuffer that is considered valuable? If so, maybe consider keeping them. Are there others that you rarely team with? Are there some that you just don't enjoy very much? If so, those are good candidates for the trash can. Consider how much effort you would have to put in to make all of those characters full incarnates (10 levels that require non-tradeable (assumption) rewards, of which only 1 is available) Consider what would happen to all of your time and effort if the game was to go offline and never return... There is only a finite time a game can exist. Before I ever played an MMO, I had several friends that invested 5 years in Everquest only to have it replaced. All that time and effort was gone. Here's an experiment. Make a spreadsheet or list of all your characters. Triage and find, say, the 10 least played or least liked characters. Transfer anything of value away from them. Delete them. Wait a week and see if you miss them. Delete more. Rinse and repeat. You might regret it a year later, but I doubt it. Instead you might begin to feel the unbearable lightness of being with fewer alts. In fact, maybe you should advertise on a thread all the available names you created on the servers of the characters you deleted. That makes it potentially even more final ![]() As you may have noticed, this most recent issue has caused some people considerable, self-imposed distress. They are: rushing to get to 50, respeccing their builds for inherent fitness, trying to max on respecs to empty out IOs, making 3rd builds, getting new badges, and they are getting incarnate content on each character. That's a ton of work combined. 1, there's no hurry, but more importantly 2, there's no need. There are plenty of players still around. Team with them instead of making your own personal army. I had over a dozen 50s. I liked to have at least one of every AT and tried at one point to have one of every tank and controller before CoV. I enjoyed each character on several levels. I liked their costumes, names, powersets. Nevertheless, I feel much better since I deleted most of my 50s and a lot below L50. I still have about 6 and about 10 other characters, many of which I rarely play. Sometimes I use them as WW market storage, but otherwise they're not doing much. I plan on deleting even more in the coming months, because I know I won't do the incarnate content with them and rarely play them now as it is. With 3 builds, new incarnate opportunities, and changes in my life in the last 3 years, I find I cannot devote that kind of time to playing. Actually, that's a good thing for the most part. Freedom is letting go. Good luck. |
Well, makerian, here's a few more things to "consider" (and yes, I'm using air quotes deliberately):
Consider the hours of enjoyment in making those characters, even if some of them never get above level 15;
Consider whether the self-imposed distress of making each character Incarnate is necessary (hint - for some it may be; for others not so much).
Consider that OP stated he did have 3 level 50's, so he can experence the high level and end game stories on those ccharacters. it's not like OP said he needed to get a character to level 50 because he has none at all.
The one that really kinda burned my biscuits was this one:
Consider what would happen to all of your time and effort if the game was to go offline and never return... There is only a finite time a game can exist. Before I ever played an MMO, I had several friends that invested 5 years in Everquest only to have it replaced. All that time and effort was gone. |
</em soapbox>
OP - I don't really understand your problem. I've been playing since Fall 2004 and I only have 2 level 50's. I also have 4 other characters above level 40, and thus able to take part in a good bit of what is end game here (ITF, etc.), although those characters cannot become Incarnate yet, and so cannot do the newest 2 TFs.
But I also have numerous other characters, including some running through the Praetorian story arcs (oh, darn - they made me make new characters to do them) and every time I play one of them, I am enjoying that time in-game. If I'm not enjoying it, then I have other characters I can switch to as the mood takes me - high level characters, Praetorians, lowbies, redside, blueside, in the middle of switching sides.
If you really want to get another character to level 50, it probably depends on the type of character and how much you enjoy playing it. If the character is a good soloer, then you can make a pact with yourself that you will play that character every play session for a set minimum amount of time or XP/levels - easier to do if the character can solo if for some reason you can't find a team. If the character is more team-focussed, then make the pact that you play that character (only) on the weekends until you reach your goal, playing the other characters at times when a team may not be as immediately available.
But mainly - find the one that is fun!
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
45 month vet here, and I have a grand total of 1 lvl50. I have created and deleted soooo many that I can't keep track of. Kinda silly, but I get these new idea, then bam. Look at my roster, hmm, can get rid of a few, lol. But, I am trying to keep it to a core group of 6-8 that I can alternate. That's the best I can do
Are you having fun? Can you afford the 4 accounts? If the answer is yes, then keep doing what you do. This is just how you like to play the game. If the altism is truly upsetting you...then honestly there is nothing that anyone here can do for you.
As for me...I have 2 accounts with 250 toons total and 28 lvl 50's. I've been here for 5 years. When I get some extra money I plan to buy all the slots left available for me on Justice...both accounts.
"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb
My Characters
I don't know if this is helpful at all, but I found I was quite happy when I set the bound for my alts at playing each powerset on each archetype. Because there's usually not the same number of primaries and secondaries, there's some overlap, but not a ridiculous amount... I think I don't have more than three of the same powerset on any one archetype. That's left me with 113 characters and a short list of maybe five or six that I still haven't made.
Also, to those suggesting the OP just keep playing the way he wants to, sounds like he's not happy this way. Hence the post. We don't need to urge the OP to play one way or another; that wasn't his inquiry. If he likes a suggestion, he'll take it and increase his game enjoyment.
Having altitus myself, and an EU account which limits me to basically 2 english servers (one of which i don't play on very often because most of my friends are on the other) its pretty hard to try the concepts i want to try. I really wish i had 11 servers to pick from, the US crowd sound like fun guys.
*crosses fingers and toes for a server LIST merge*
Short Story I did:
DevArt Page:
Also, to those suggesting the OP just keep playing the way he wants to, sounds like he's not happy this way.
This game is largely about the creation process and alts, anyways. Well, it used to be.
"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb
My Characters
Star, he didn't say he was "that upset", the closest thing was a unhappy face in his post. He just stated that he "cant seem to stick with one or a couple and work them through all the levels" and wanted advice on how to adapt to a new playstyle that is different than his earlier preference for altism. Why you think a player shouldn't ask a question of the player community is beyond me, but I think it's more than a bit presumptuous for you to assume that his only remedy is counseling. This is a forum community that I have generally found to be very helpful in providing suggestions about all types of things, even things that might be helped with counseling.
His question is similar to someone that wants to learn how to solo or someone who wants advice on teaming. But to suggest to someone that wants to learn to solo that teaming is really the way the game is designed (it's a MMO, duh) or someone that wants advice on teaming that soloing is the way the game is designed (the devs made almost all the content soloable so bring a Shivan and Envenomed Dagger, duh) is counter to being helpful. It's not like he asked, "I can't decide, should I make lots of alts or just play one character"; his request was rather specifically slanted toward one end of the spectrum.
I was quoting you, not specifically saying that the OP was very upset. You suggested that he doesn't sound happy "this way." Kinda makes him souond like a depressive. Only the OP can tell us what is going on and I never said that it was stupid of him to ask a question.
All I said was, that if he was seriously "upset" over being an alt-o-holic in a game that *encourages* altism, then probably more was needed than a post on a message board. I doubt any of us here are liscensed therapists.
Again, I quoted *you* and responded to *your* statement that he doesn't sound happy as he is. Honestly, he doesn't. He, IMO, sounds like he's afraid that what he's doing is wrong, when it isn't. He shouldn't feel like something isn't "right" especially if he/she is having fun and not causing problems.
The vast majority of the playerbase has 2 accounts, many people having even more than that... Doesn't someone here have 6 accounts with almost 500 toons? And I know there was someone here once that had 13 accounts.
Short version - he should be able to play how he wants without being unhappy that what he's doing is wrong. Its how that entire post, at least for me, comes across.
"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb
My Characters
Back to the original point of the thread, it's all about what's fun for the player. Lots of alts can be lots of fun for some people, and a chore for others. If someone feels they need to make a change to their playstyle and are looking for advice, more power to them. Hopefully they can find a way to have more fun with the game, and keep it fresh for them.

Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!
Full, detailed character list
Dont know if the title is appropriate....
none of them are IO'd out properly or Incarnate. I have alot of villains in 20 - 40 and loads under 20... some heroes mainly 95 % are villains...
I have 4 COX Accounts, 2 on EU 2 on US
I have 3 lvl 50's but i have been playing the game since mid 2005.... 5 years and 3 lvl 50's
I want to stop making new villains / heroes. I cant seem to stick with one or a couple and work them through all the levels.
I need some help advice for what i can do tto stick to one and stop making loads up then getting bored and moving around.....
any advice appreciated....