Sweet Fan Art for Free




Let's see what you do with Cyrus Magnus II



Here Rock, Try Bench!

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Thanks for the kind words everyone, here are the next three drawings:

Grinning Guillotine:

Cyrus Magnus II:

And finally, Benchpresser:

Keep em coming folks!

Currently Active on Liberty
Global: @Rockmar Yay Whirligig.



These are awesome



Ahahahaha! I love it!



How about Santa Muerte...

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Rockmar kinda owns



Here's the latest batch:

Bully the Clown:

And Santa Muerte:

Now for sleep.
Oh wait its almost 6:30 am.

Currently Active on Liberty
Global: @Rockmar Yay Whirligig.



you're teetering on the verge of genius I'm gonna go for it...

Robot H3NRi

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



She told me to do it Alanna decided to pose while doing her crossword.
(Yes, her battle cry is actually "I'll heal you AFTER my crossword!)



Awesome, thanks!

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




That is very much Bully's personality! Another great job Rocknar!



have I said how much these crack me up.



Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
have I said how much these crack me up.
I second that statement!



I've been busy lately, but I will hope to have the next two done today, and if not today they should be done before the end of Christmas

Currently Active on Liberty
Global: @Rockmar Yay Whirligig.



Sorry guys I've been busier than anticipated, I will try to finish these up soon

Currently Active on Liberty
Global: @Rockmar Yay Whirligig.



Originally Posted by Rockmar View Post
Sorry guys I've been busier than anticipated, I will try to finish these up soon
we eagerly anticipate more of your awesomeness!



Alright so first off I am super sorry to leave you guys hanging, but I had some stuff going on and this just slipped off the priority list. But the good news is I am back on CoH and I have lots of free time for a couple of months, and so I decided I'd do some more drawings. I am a bit out of practice, and though my technique is practiced and precise, I managed to crank out the last two commissions I never finished (I actually lost the original ones to a dead computer :'( ) as well as one of my own characters, which I used to fix some technical issues (really visible ones) and practice my technique.

So submit more pictures of your characters, Especially ones with the steam punk mustache, I love it the most. I don't have any rules, but if want any specifics like pose please note them and I will do my best to accommodate. If you don't suggest a pose, I will try and think of one, and if I can't it'll likely end up being whatever the pose in the picture is, or just some casual pose. Also, I'll check this periodically during the day, but most likely I will be doing the drawings late at night when I should be sleeping, so check back the next day for your drawing, I'll do my best to get at least three to four done an evening, depending on my caffeine levels.

And here are the pictures!:

Firstly we have Robot H3 Nri. I hope you don't mind, but I peeked at your DA and used a couple of the photos from there as a reference instead, if you'd like a redraw I'd be more than happy to oblige! (Also those 3D renderings are really cool)

Next is the lovely Alanna, master of the crosswords!

And lastly, Uncle Longlegs. That weird Uncle who smelled kind of funny.

And as I am out of practice, I will happily give the first two a redraw later, when I am more used to drawing again!

Currently Active on Liberty
Global: @Rockmar Yay Whirligig.



Haha, that's brilliant Rockmar, cheers You're spot on too, he does need a B.A. toggle as he's just too nice otherwise. Strokes puppies and things... daisy chains... drinks white wine spritzers...

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



Glad to see you back!



Posting for a friend who's too shy to post on the forums:

Simi'Kraz! Her facial expression is normally -_-



First off, thanks for the warm welcome back!
And secondly, since I actually have to get up in a few hours, I only managed to get one drawing done tonight. So Ruby, I will draw your friend's character either tomorrow afternoon when I am on lunch, or in the evening when I know I will have time.

But here is Xllusya, goddess of illusions, sunlight, and lightning:

Currently Active on Liberty
Global: @Rockmar Yay Whirligig.



So I couldn't really think of a good literal meaning for "-_-" so I just went with what I am usually thinking and doing when I want to make that face, I hope your friend likes it!

Currently Active on Liberty
Global: @Rockmar Yay Whirligig.