-1/x1 Setting a Little Screwy?




I took advantage of the new -1 setting in Praetoria to get my Dark/Dark Corruptor from 13 to 20 as quickly as possible. Now she's at level 20 and in Paragon City. Unfortunately, I'm running into a problem with her setting. I just attempted mission from Ray Cooling that had her facing all Yellow and Orange SWAT Team members.

My Corruptor doesn't have the firepower or the tools to handle this level on her own yet, and died a bunch of times before I just quit for the night. (Also, the cop who I think is supposed to help her in the mission never made it into the sewers. He disappeared and never returned.)

It's a level 20 mission, so enemies should be Whites and Blues, right?

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Some missions have internal difficulty adjustments that cause them to ramp up or down in level. I couldn't say for sure if that is one of them, or if it is working correctly. Try going deeper into the mission to see if they drop down to the appropriate levels.



Originally Posted by Syntax42 View Post
Some missions have internal difficulty adjustments that cause them to ramp up or down in level. I couldn't say for sure if that is one of them, or if it is working correctly. Try going deeper into the mission to see if they drop down to the appropriate levels.
This. It could be that the mission itself is set to give you a certain faction of enemy that doesn't go below a certain level.

Still, at level 20, your Dark/Dark Corr should be able to take on small amounts of yellow and orange enemies. I would say share with us your build, and maybe we can make it so that you can take it off of -1/1. At level 20, you should easily be able to do 0/1 to +1/2.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
I took advantage of the new -1 setting in Praetoria to get my Dark/Dark Corruptor from 13 to 20 as quickly as possible.

It's a level 20 mission, so enemies should be Whites and Blues, right?
I can understand getting used to the -1/x1 setting but then again there were years worth of this game when that was never even an option. Clearly you just need to slow down a bit, maybe get a few temp powers like the Backup Radio and you should be able to solo it well enough. There's nothing wrong with using the -1/x1 setting when needed, but you shouldn't grow to rely on it either.

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Very true. This is the first alt I tried -1/x1 on, as I wanted to get her out of Praetoria. I forgot to bump it back up to +0/x1 before starting the mission. That's why I was surprised to see the mission looking like +1/x1 instead of -1/x1. I wasn't sure if the mission was "confused".

I'm at work right now, so I don't have my build available, but at level 20, I have Dark Blast, Gloom, Tentacles, and Night Fall as my damage powers, and Twilight Heal, Tar Patch, Howling Twilight, Shadow Fall, Fearsome Stare and Darkest Night. Also, Hover and Fly.

My problem with the first 3 Yellow minions was twofold. Though slotted with 2 DO Accuracies each, I was missing 50% of the time (all 3 times I fought them). Despite using FS, Tar Patch, Tentacles (tohitdebuf), and Darkest Night, I was getting hit 90% of the time.

After my eventual victory against these 3, I hovered around the corner to encounter the Orange Lt. and Yellow minion, who started in on me with the same success. I quit at that point.

Bad luck getting hit. Bad luck with Missing continually. Bad luck with higher-conning mobs than normal. That's why I had to question the settings. I have better luck with "normal" difficulty settings.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



These Rogue Police have debuffers which cause your accuracy and defense to go to spit. Take them down first and move away from the glue and acid mortars.

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Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
I took advantage of the new -1 setting in Praetoria to get my Dark/Dark Corruptor from 13 to 20 as quickly as possible. Now she's at level 20 and in Paragon City. Unfortunately, I'm running into a problem with her setting. I just attempted mission from Ray Cooling that had her facing all Yellow and Orange SWAT Team members.
I have a question: Since reaching Paragon City, have you actually visited a Freedom Corps contact to check your settings? It's entirely possible that the move to Paragon City reset you to default settings.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Good question. I didn't check with Freedom Corps, but I did double-check in the Missions header list, and it showed -1/x1 right above my mission. The mission is definitely a level 20 mission, too, which is why I was confused as to why I was encountering all Yellows and Oranges instead of Whites and Blues.

I'll try to change my sretting to +0/x1 and see if it actually "improves". If I suddenly find myself fighting Oranges and Reds, then I'll KNOW I'm in trouble!

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



One possibility is that the critters you're fighting don't exist below level 20. I don't know how minimum enemy levels interact with difficulty settings, but if there's no such thing as a level 19 Rogue PPD, it may be bumping your difficulty up to +0/x1.



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
One possibility is that the critters you're fighting don't exist below level 20. I don't know how minimum enemy levels interact with difficulty settings, but if there's no such thing as a level 19 Rogue PPD, it may be bumping your difficulty up to +0/x1.
This would be my bet. I faced three orange rank seers on a resistance storyline, when, according to my settings, they should have been yellows. Psi vs. Psi, and they had more powers, I made progress on my debt badges ^_^.