Alpha Slot / TF Catch-22

Adeon Hawkwood



Pursuing several Task Force invites in the last week or so, I am told, upon joining, that I don't have the alpha slot, and that if I don't it will cause a nerf for everyone. In fact, when this has happened, the Level 50 in question had just gained the alpha slot, and I had not yet gathered enough shards and/or salvage bits to fill the alpha slot.

Essentially, I was told that if I didn't have anything slotted, that I should leave the TF, because I wasn't ready. So, here's the thing: if you have to do TFs to /get/ shards (and yes, I know that some of the high-level missions such as AV mishes will give shards), how are you supposed to get those shards when people ask you to leave their TF because you haven't got shards. Since I'm a piss-off kind of guy I left the TFs at that time.

This all seems rather rude to me. I also question whether the Devs would put in place a system which would apply a nerf to a toon or to the team they are on, simply because one member doesn't have the alpha slot filled yet. Perhaps they meant that it's as if there was a nerf in effect, but that wasn't what was said.

I'd be interested in people's opinion and if anyone can shed light on this nerf that people without the alpha slot inflict on other toons in a TF.



I can sorta understand if you were trying to join one of the new TFs, (Tin Mage or Apex), because those are "Incarnate TFs", but I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to join any of the older TFs. LGTF and ITF have been very popular lately for the specific reason of earning shards.

On a side note, it's not just "High level AV missions" that have shards. Any lvl 50+ foe has a chance to drop a shard. Granted, it's a very slim chance, but that's why TFs make it easier. More people and more killing increases your ability to get more shards... but you can still get them doing your standard radio or tip mission as well.

Furthermore, other events such ad Mothership Raids and Hami raids have proved good sources of shards as well... neither of which require you to already have an alpha slot either.



There are two TFs that pretty much require you to have an alpha boost slotted: Apex and Tin Mage, that's it. None of the other level 50 TFs require it and several of them (ITF, STF, LGTF, LRSF, Khan TF, Barracude SF and CoP Trial) also offer you a component (equal to 4 shards) in place of merits.

So if you want to do Apex or Tin Mage do what the rest of us did and run the other level 50 TFs to get your Alpha boost. Now if people were refusing to let you on the other TFs without it my advice is to add a player note and move on because honestly someone who is that picky about team composition on an older TF is probably not someone you want to team with anyway.

Now I will admit I would much rather the devs had made it so that you can't even start Apex and Tin Mage without an Alpha boost slotted rather than the current situation of letting you start but debuffing you to uselessness but that's another subject.



AFAIK the "nerf" is only apllied to your char and not the team. It consists of a -4 level shift.
As for having to do TFs to get components, ANY high level TF will drop shards. ITF, STF, LGTF, Kahn, Cudda, LRSF, all will drop shards from enemy kills and each has a Compenent as a reward option at the end. Unless you were trying to do the Apex or Tin mage TF, the alpha slot is not req. and the debuff (the "nerf") does not apply.

Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes he get you, rips your head off, sucks out your eyes, pulls out your spleen, humps your leg and pees in your boots



Are only level 50's allows to do the Tin Mage or Apex TF? If not, I can see a wonderfully awesome Power Leveling opportunity for those people 45-50. I'm surprised it was not made Incarnate only.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
Are only level 50's allows to do the Tin Mage or Apex TF? If not, I can see a wonderfully awesome Power Leveling opportunity for those people 45-50. I'm surprised it was not made Incarnate only.
My understanding (based on the contacts dialogue, I'll admit I haven't tested it) is that all members must have unlocked the alpha slot to start the TF.



I am told, upon joining, that I don't have the alpha slot, and that if I don't it will cause a nerf for everyone.
Actually, it only nerfs you. You would be fighting as if level 45. Effectively, though, this makes you a drag on the entire team.

In fact, when this has happened, the Level 50 in question had just gained the alpha slot, and I had not yet gathered enough shards and/or salvage bits to fill the alpha slot.
Right. Having the slot is not enough; it has to be slotted.

So, here's the thing: if you have to do TFs to /get/ shards (and yes, I know that some of the high-level missions such as AV mishes will give shards), how are you supposed to get those shards when people ask you to leave their TF because you haven't got shards.
There's no Catch-22 at all. Only the Tin Man and Apex task forces have this restriction. You can get Incarnate Components from Lady Grey, Recluse, Statesman, Kahn, Barracuda, Cathedral of Pain and Imperious. Furthermore, you can get shards from defeating *ANY* enemy level 50 or higher - whether you are on a task force or not.

This all seems rather rude to me. I also question whether the Devs would put in place a system which would apply a nerf to a toon or to the team they are on,
Well, they did.

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One thing that should be mentioned about those two TFs that I don't think has been stated in this thread yet; If you don't have something equipped in your alpha slot, you are effectively fighting at lvl 46. That part was mentioned. What wasn't mentioned yet is that all the mobs in those TFs are lvl 54.

Unless you are a bubbler or something that sits back and buffs the team, and nothing else, you would not be an asset to the team. And even then, you're gonna die... a lot. [/lordkat]

I was on one team with 4 un-equipped people on the team, the first section went fine - the 4 of us that were equipped were each probably capable of handling ourselves (the other 4 spend a fair amount of time on their faces)... But as soon as we got to the sewer, it fell apart.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Originally Posted by skrid View Post
Pursuing several Task Force invites in the last week or so, I am told, upon joining, that I don't have the alpha slot, and that if I don't it will cause a nerf for everyone. In fact, when this has happened, the Level 50 in question had just gained the alpha slot, and I had not yet gathered enough shards and/or salvage bits to fill the alpha slot.

Essentially, I was told that if I didn't have anything slotted, that I should leave the TF, because I wasn't ready. So, here's the thing: if you have to do TFs to /get/ shards (and yes, I know that some of the high-level missions such as AV mishes will give shards), how are you supposed to get those shards when people ask you to leave their TF because you haven't got shards. Since I'm a piss-off kind of guy I left the TFs at that time.

This all seems rather rude to me. I also question whether the Devs would put in place a system which would apply a nerf to a toon or to the team they are on, simply because one member doesn't have the alpha slot filled yet. Perhaps they meant that it's as if there was a nerf in effect, but that wasn't what was said.

I'd be interested in people's opinion and if anyone can shed light on this nerf that people without the alpha slot inflict on other toons in a TF.
The heck?

No, its not applied to the entire party (that I know of). However, unless you and your party is willing to fight 54s with a 46, you're basically useless to your party.

And yeah Ironblade is right, without a slotted alpha you can still get on every other 50 TF and trial/raid in the game with no problem and shard farm or get items for TF completion.

Really, with a fast group and some luck, it takes about 1-2 hours to make your first Alpha. A slow group, that is unlucky, about 5 hours assuming you complete the TFs.

So...what's the problem? It's endgame content, its supposed to take some effort to be able to run it. Just be glad its not something like RoMs endgame, where you have to spend a fortune to be able to play endgame



Getting the initial alpha is not as gutwrentching as alot of these new threads poping up are making it out to be. I had mine in 2-3 days of doing lv50 Tip missions, LGTF, and a MS raid or two.

LGTF- 5-9 depending on how lucky you are
MS raid - 2-3
Tip missions - Got a dozen or so from here pretty easily, yes.. it took more than an hour.. oh no.

After all the complaints you will get your slot, run these TF's.. continue getting shards and think to yourself (gee, i have 38 shards now with nothing to do with them till next issue) - All the complaining will eventually seem fairly silly.

In relation to Apex/Tin-Mage - you will get brutalized without em unless you are pure support (IE, FF, Empath, whatever) - even then, you will still die, alot. Hell, I have the 2nd upgrade and can bite it pretty quick on TinMage

If you're expecting mircale out of the Incarnate system just yet, prepare to be disappointed. In the end it will be pretty cool, but we are just getting warmed up.