Seeking a Hero or Rogueish heavy RP supergroup




Okay, I'm apologizing in advance for being all formal with this but this is what I'm looking for in a nutshell

Supergroup Age: Don't care as long as it's active.

What do you mean by active?: I want a supergroup that does things together. I don't want my life regimented by "Hey we have a weekly IC meeting and this cool base with teleporters. Join us!". I want an SG that is a smaller (under 30-40 people) sg with a tight-knit group to it. Most memorable hero and villain groups in comics are small bands of people, not giant groups of faceless people like the X-men who have a bond that doesn't even hold up to a pressure washer. I want maybe 2-4 people on a day actively RPing, doing things together, creating interesting story arcs to run through ICly etc. Not asking for a huge group of people here, but if you have that and it works I may consider it

Supergroup alignment Hero-Rogue: Basically I'm tired of mysterious badass types. You know them well. Look at me I dress in all black (Alternatively a suit with sunglasses) and I can't tell you my last name because it's super serially specially top sekret. I don't care what the alignment is as long as it fits the other criteria, except villain. I've given up on the idea that people can RP true villains well without trying to be crazed psychopaths with a gore fetish.

Roleplay level:
Heavy. I want role play to be the main focus of the SG, not getting purples for your mains, IOs for your alts, and alpha slots for everybody and their grandmother. I will happily do that too, but I crave story driven/ character developing/ thought provoking/ comic book worthy/ role play above all else and I do not want to stand in pocket D being insulted ICly and OOCly by <insert troll name here> at all times to do it. I want an SG that makes full use of the mission architect, the world, and their base for RP.

RP fights: I'd really rather not get into it. Honestly. It's rarely a fair fight and everyone always has OOC motives towards something. Unless it's 'scripted' (aka the outcome is mostly known) for an event and both parties are fully agreeing to it to further a storyline, I'm really not into the RP fighting with other players.

Member age:
Mature. And I don't mean ERP, though I don't like people who discriminate against those who do that either. What I mean by mature is language, maturity (spamming, trolling, posting things from 4chan... not a fan), themes, etc.

I think that's it for now. Best way to reach me is through a PM here or a tell to @the X in game because I check them far more often than I check this forum. Look forward to hearing from some of you, and sorry about being formal and blunt and all XD I'm a lot nicer in person, promise ^_^



So you don't want much then?



Ahh, the Mythic "Small active intimate SG that does stuff together and actually play there main characters in the SG whom all share a sense of comradely and RP storylines and create AE missions for the group" unicorn that we all wish existed but actually doesn't because its impossible to maintain.

Good luck, if you find it let me know because I have been looking for this for 6 years now.

Come close a few times but its only ever for a few months because city has no real end game so people start up with alts and everything becomes more and more fragmented until it devolves into people playing different characters separately and talking to each other OOC'ly in a global channel together.



Originally Posted by Eat_Me View Post
Ahh, the Mythic "Small active intimate SG that does stuff together and actually play there main characters in the SG whom all share a sense of comradely and RP storylines and create AE missions for the group" unicorn that we all wish existed but actually doesn't because its impossible to maintain.

Good luck, if you find it let me know because I have been looking for this for 6 years now.

Come close a few times but its only ever for a few months because city has no real end game so people start up with alts and everything becomes more and more fragmented until it devolves into people playing different characters separately and talking to each other OOC'ly in a global channel together.
I find these groups, they're awesome for about a year, then eventually people get tired, bored, get lives, move on and then you're stuck looking for the next group to play with.



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
I find these groups, they're awesome for about a year, then eventually people get tired, bored, get lives, move on and then you're stuck looking for the next group to play with.
Yeah, I had a good SG going where we ran missions IC each night. It was massive fun. When it crashed, I heard Sad Trombones for days.

But it seems you can mostly find (1) a group that runs missions, or (2) a group that RPs.

I'll continue to reach for that rainbow, though!



A group with 30-40 players is no longer 'small' and is very unlikely to be 'intimate.'

A group of 10-15 players is actually small and likely to be more 'close-knit.' They just also aren't likely to be inviting you to join, a_random_SenseiBlur_0037, because they aren't recruiting. Their friends are already there in the SG with them. To get in you'd have to spend time getting to be their friend, not looking for a recruiter or jumping from group to group.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Originally Posted by Eat_Me View Post
Ahh, the Mythic "Small active intimate SG that does stuff together and actually play there main characters in the SG whom all share a sense of comradely and RP storylines and create AE missions for the group" unicorn that we all wish existed but actually doesn't because its impossible to maintain.

Good luck, if you find it let me know because I have been looking for this for 6 years now.

Come close a few times but its only ever for a few months because city has no real end game so people start up with alts and everything becomes more and more fragmented until it devolves into people playing different characters separately and talking to each other OOC'ly in a global channel together.
Indeed indeed... if I don't find something good soon I will be starting my own, or crashing and burning in a glorious burst of flames! Either way, should be fun.