Post patch market wackiness!

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by St0n3y View Post
Last weekend, Numina procs were upwards of 100-150 mil. I put up a bid for 10 at 45 mil each. Took a day and a half to fill, and now the prices are strating to go back up on them. I just felt an urge to stock up on them for a rainy day.
I feel like I'm playing on a different market than some of you. I'd been flipping crafted Numi procs buying around 40 and selling around 60 for a while, prior to the new issue dropping. I haven't seen the level 50s over 100m since before we got AMerits. Haven't looked at them in the last 24 hours, though.

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The prices may seem high to those of us with little money but these prices are set by vets or marketeers with billions to spend. For them buying an IO or salvage at what we consider very high prices is nothing. It is easier to spend a few million then try to craft it themselves. Most of this group has many lvl 50's to respec and they don't have time to run around crafting stuff so they buy it at whatever price it takes. Wait a while and the market will settle back down, in the mean time those of us with little money have other options and can make some money selling to those who have money



Originally Posted by Flower View Post
The prices may seem high to those of us with little money but these prices are set by vets or marketeers with billions to spend. For them buying an IO or salvage at what we consider very high prices is nothing. It is easier to spend a few million then try to craft it themselves. Most of this group has many lvl 50's to respec and they don't have time to run around crafting stuff so they buy it at whatever price it takes. Wait a while and the market will settle back down, in the mean time those of us with little money have other options and can make some money selling to those who have money
Actually, most marketeers I know are the LEAST likely to pay very high prices for everything. The flippers are setting a floor and reselling to the 'BUY IT NOW!' crowd which is paying a premium so that they can just buy the IO/salvage/whatever and get on with the game. The marketeers who make their money crafting are not going to spend millions so they don't have to craft an IO themselves. That's what they DO to make money, why wouldn't they do it to save their own money?

I'm not filthy rich like some, but I probably have close to 2 billion inf and I still cringe everytime I spend even 10 million on anything that I don't plan on reselling for a profit.



Originally Posted by The_Pancake_King View Post
Actually, most marketeers I know are the LEAST likely to pay very high prices for everything. The flippers are setting a floor and reselling to the 'BUY IT NOW!' crowd which is paying a premium so that they can just buy the IO/salvage/whatever and get on with the game. The marketeers who make their money crafting are not going to spend millions so they don't have to craft an IO themselves. That's what they DO to make money, why wouldn't they do it to save their own money?

I'm not filthy rich like some, but I probably have close to 2 billion inf and I still cringe everytime I spend even 10 million on anything that I don't plan on reselling for a profit.
True dat, I stand corrected



I wish i had prepared just a little bit better for this market craziness Everything i stocked up on has sold!

Currently Playing:

A bunch of toons! (Freedom, Virtue, and a few on Infinity)



Originally Posted by Archantos View Post
I wish i had prepared just a little bit better for this market craziness Everything i stocked up on has sold!
It's the same for me. I made some money, but I feel like I really missed out on some opportunities. Rare salvage that sold for as low as a half million a piece is now regularly selling for 3-5 million.

I thought I was well stocked up on recipes, but I blew through them so fast that I am now finding that some of my 'niche' recipes are selling for the same as (or weirdly enough at one point, OVER) the crafted IO costs. On one hand I did a good job at guessing what would be in demand, but on the other some are in so much demand that none of the recipes are falling through the cracks into my grubby little hands anymore. Time to move on I suppose!



Finally profit can be gained by all the badgers who threw millions away for the field crafter badge!

Been farming RWZ mishes and crafting heaps of recharge IOs and making about 200-700k per IO



Originally Posted by Scene_EU View Post
Finally profit can be gained by all the badgers who threw millions away for the field crafter badge!

Been farming RWZ mishes and crafting heaps of recharge IOs and making about 200-700k per IO
Crafters doing it wrong?

Everyone smart makes profit on field crafter.



Originally Posted by Archantos View Post
I wish i had prepared just a little bit better for this market craziness Everything i stocked up on has sold!
I'm releasing all of mine very slowly. I think I've sold 2 out of a stack of 10 so far. I filled up two bins in my base with sweet underpriced loot.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Crafters doing it wrong?

Everyone smart makes profit on field crafter.
I FINALLY got the feild crafter on one of my toons, after trying a few times and losing interest. It is a ton of busy-work. I was buying my salvage at the height of the dearth of commons due to the monkey farm, I was overpaying silly amounts for commons and uncommons (not as silly as some were paying, mind you); and I was deleting crafted IOs because I had filled my SG racks to the brims and I needed WW slots to buy and sell the sellable ones; and I STILL made about 150 million by the time I was done.

And I aint that smart.



Originally Posted by greatgarloo View Post
I FINALLY got the feild crafter on one of my toons, after trying a few times and losing interest. It is a ton of busy-work. I was buying my salvage at the height of the dearth of commons due to the monkey farm, I was overpaying silly amounts for commons and uncommons (not as silly as some were paying, mind you); and I was deleting crafted IOs because I had filled my SG racks to the brims and I needed WW slots to buy and sell the sellable ones; and I STILL made about 150 million by the time I was done.

And I aint that smart.
Ditto. I ran a toon through most of the Field Crafter badges over the last month, paying ridiculous fees for scarce salvage. I still made over 50 million on the venture.

I am one of those marketers who doesn't blink twice at paying buy it nao prices for anything that I actually want now. Which doesn't include some big-ticket items, I admit, but if I want level 30-33 Kinetic Combats and there are some available, I'll buy them at whatever price they're listed. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Scene_EU View Post
Finally profit can be gained by all the badgers who threw millions away for the field crafter badge!
my guy is 97% done (still need the 'craft eleventy thousand recipes' thing, but I'm in no big hurry) and sitting on 80m in pure profit after Frankenslotting out and picking up a fairly pricey low level Kismet +acc. And he did the bulk of it during the Great Monkey Shortage of commons & uncommons.

I mean I can see how it would cost you a fortune if you were all NAO NAO NAO, BUY BUY BUY, CRAFT CRAFT CRAFT, DELETE DELETE DELETE! but aside from the level 10s (which don't cost enough to care about) the only badges I lost money on were the holds.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



insane prices are definitly a porduct of the monkeys.

at 15 million+ per run, inf isnt worth the 1s and 0s to put it up on the screen. more inf in the market, the more people will have to pay for the things they want. The Market WILL even out at some point, though the amount of inf in the market system right now, with the only thing but market fees to take it out, it may take some time before we see prices drop down to pre-monkey levels.

This if anything is a crafter's market. make your money NOW.