Best Archetype to solo the most content??
I am looking to roll a new toon that I will mostly solo with. My ILL/RAD is great for soloing TF's and AV's and such. I want to try something different. Not really interested in Masterminds but could change my mind. I want to run content solo both blue and red side, even task forces. Played Brutes and Scrappers to the high 30's or low 40's. Never got a Mastermind past 20.
Suggestions? |
honestly, a scrapper or brute. they are the most self sufficient of all the AT's. you can solo a tank all the way up, but it's hard work, i've done it, it takes FOREVER! a blaster will kill quicker, and die a TON, this frustrates me to no end, so i don't play them. a defender or corrupter will work, safer then blaster but slow going sometimes. a troller can be great if you can suffer thru the lower levels without giving up. Stalkers may actually top the list though, they have a very solo oriented playstyle to start with, and most of the folks i know who have a 50 stalker spent most of the time getting there solo. i'm working on doms now, but they are squishy, fun to play but may die too much for my tastes. i don't play MM's as i can't stand the play style of "hey AI pets, go kill stuff!!!!"
Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.
screw your joke, i want "FREEM"
My knee jerk reaction was Bots/Dark, but you are avoiding masterminds.
I would also suggest Night Widow or Crab SoA.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
I have to throw in a Dom. My Mind/Energy Dom can do some sick things in missions and that was before I got him to perma-dom level. He plows through things my masterminds have problems killing.
Bots/Traps would probably be the best soloer I know of.
My Crab is also awesome. I've yet to see the peak of what I can do on my Crab though (As I'm still finishing up slotting)
If you are not avoiding MM's then Bots/Traps is the way to go - they have all the debuffage of your ill/rad plus much greater AoE. I would think Hami/MSR/CoP/STF/Lusca are the only things you can't solo with one.
Otherwise I would go for a scrapper, probably a Fire/Shield - very high damage, very high survivability, self sufficient. Though you won't be taking on GM's they can still beat AV's.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Can a Crab solo an AV? Never played one. Masterminds are great but I just can't seem to get into watching my minions do all the work. I guess.
Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......
Crabs are more about surivability - they probably can solo AV's, I think they can have -res procs in every attack iirc, but it won't be quick.
I don't think much of crabs when soloing on x8 either, they have lots of AoE's and can make a full attack chain but I don't think any of the are particularly strong. They are great team support toons though.
(This is from a softcapped, perma-hasten, perma-pets build too).
Edit: If it helps on a /traps toon you have enough to do that it really doesn't feel like your pets are doing all the work. Pick up provoke and in between laying traps, using web grenade and provoke you will feel very useful. But I know MM's are a love/hate thing.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Can a Crab solo an AV? Never played one. Masterminds are great but I just can't seem to get into watching my minions do all the work. I guess.
I find that bots attack rate is very slow though so if you want excitement try thugs or demons and dark or pain.
Try a /Dark or /Traps MM. You'll have plenty to do... it won't be direct damage but it'll be very useful all the same. You may want to try a Demons MM too, since their direct attacks actually are worth using since they have -resist debuffs. I took all three whip attacks on my Demons/Dark and I'm constantly doing something. Admittedly my damage is pretty poor from the whips, but hitting something with all three gives a resist debuff equal to Tar Patch so I'm helping my minions kill faster.
If you want to go the melee route you may want to try something like a Stone/Shield Brute. You can get a lot of mitigation in Stone plus softcapped defense and extra damage in Shield, so it should be a nice mix of toughness and speed. Stone/Dark would also probably be excellent if you can really sink a lot of inf into it (you'll need a lot of recovery and good sets since it's an end hog).
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name
The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636
Nowadays, just about anything can be built to be durable enough to solo most content..
In the end it comes down to what happens after you get building your survival properly. Do you have additional survival through CC? Or superior damage? Do you have cannon fodder pets or do you have a few tricks up your sleeve? Are you looking for versitility or do you want to be the best at a particular thing?
Things I'd stay away from early on:
Improperly built Defenders (note the very specific wording here)
Early game SoA's (They are just plain unfun until they mature)
Stone Armor (This set really shines in groups. By yourself it's kinda a drag)
Probably most blasters (Don't get me wrong, blasters are great and can solo all sorts of stuff. They also start very squishy, and for a newer player.. dieing every 10 mins is no bueno)
Things I'd really consider!:
Any scrapper or brute with: Willpower, Dark Melee, Regen
(Why these 3? They come great out of the box and require minimal fuss/thought to work them properly.)
Other AT's: Late game SoA's (pet focused crabs and perma ML widows), Heavily invested controllers/dominators, Just about any Mastermind combo. (Though be warned, the player activity can be very slow depending on the secondary) - Well built tri-form warshade
These are just opinions looking at ease of use vs cost vs power. It's been my experience that the first 3 mentioned (Scrapper or Brute with WP, Regen, and/or Dark Melee - though any primary would be fine) are the biggest bang for the buck in terms of soloability and money invested. The "Other AT" list typically requires a large investment and some of the chars can be difficult in the early levels. There are always exceptions to every rule and other ideas based on other peoples experience. That's why you see the word opinion in here several times.
Personally I just ran a claws/WP scrapper up and it was blissfully powerful and easy.
I play all my toons for content (although I must admit I tend to go for EB's rather than AV's).
My most successful has to be my fire/rad troller. Although I also enjoyed my widow and my archery blaster - although he was constructed for large mobs rather than AV's.
Scrappers and brutes are probably better combinations than any of the above suggestions (particularly at low levels) but to be honest I dont have a lot of experience with them as I tend to prefer "support" toons (if such a thing exists anymore)

I am looking to roll a new toon that I will mostly solo with. My ILL/RAD is great for soloing TF's and AV's and such. I want to try something different. Not really interested in Masterminds but could change my mind. I want to run content solo both blue and red side, even task forces. Played Brutes and Scrappers to the high 30's or low 40's. Never got a Mastermind past 20.
Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......