Ncsoft store




Has anyone tried to make purchases in the last few days? I've used ever cc I have and I can't buy the origins pack.
I keep getting this message:

"We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners."



I've had tha message come up in the past (when purchasing the GR extra pack, and the origins pack), and in each case, going through the purchase process a second time had the purchase go through successfully. In each case, my CC was charged a single time, and the initial purchase attempt simply failed to exist



You could also have been flagged by the Risky Management guys. That means every attempt actually hinders you, as your use of the card is under investigation.
And yes, that happens even with a card you have used before. Even if you have used it for years and years.

Open a support ticket on the billing section, and explain that you are getting that message while you want to do a normal transaction. At most they will review your problem, see if the RM did that, and provide the unlock of the CC.

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



Yes, I had this same problem...did a ticket and it just fixed it for one account. I'll get motivated to do 2nd account ticket soon I imagine.



Originally Posted by KayJMM View Post
You could also have been flagged by the Risky Management guys. That means every attempt actually hinders you, as your use of the card is under investigation.
And yes, that happens even with a card you have used before. Even if you have used it for years and years.

Open a support ticket on the billing section, and explain that you are getting that message while you want to do a normal transaction. At most they will review your problem, see if the RM did that, and provide the unlock of the CC.
I have to probably agree with you here. I wanted to do the respecs before the next one dropped on monday and I wanted to also do my annually tailoring I was hoping to add the new styles while I had time this weekend. I tried 5 cc each day for the last 5 days. I'm sure I'm a risk now.



Originally Posted by KayJMM View Post
You could also have been flagged by the Risky Management guys. That means every attempt actually hinders you, as your use of the card is under investigation.
And yes, that happens even with a card you have used before. Even if you have used it for years and years.

Open a support ticket on the billing section, and explain that you are getting that message while you want to do a normal transaction. At most they will review your problem, see if the RM did that, and provide the unlock of the CC.

In reviewing your purchase attempts, we have found that you have triggered our Risk Management security feature. When making purchase from the NCsoft Store, please ensure that your Internet browser and computer are not set to block any features from our website. Also, please confirm that all of your contact and billing information is correct and up-to-date.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
In reviewing your purchase attempts, we have found that you have triggered our Risk Management security feature. When making purchase from the NCsoft Store, please ensure that your Internet browser and computer are not set to block any features from our website. Also, please confirm that all of your contact and billing information is correct and up-to-date.
Ah, this may explain the issue I just had trying to make a purchase.

I'm accessing the account from work; I'll bet it's blocking features. Guess I'll wait until I get home. So much for getting a jump on the Cyber Monday rush.



Originally Posted by lionheart_fr View Post
Ah, this may explain the issue I just had trying to make a purchase.

I'm accessing the account from work; I'll bet it's blocking features. Guess I'll wait until I get home. So much for getting a jump on the Cyber Monday rush.
go to and open a ticket. They'll unflag your account so you can make a purchase. Mine was unflagged this morning and I was able to buy.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
go to and open a ticket. They'll unflag your account so you can make a purchase. Mine was unflagged this morning and I was able to buy.
*nods nods*

That happened to me too. They were very nice...

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.