PPD Transcended?

Come Undone



In the Rikti War Zone last night I saw a PPD Transcended Boss solo a group of 10 Rikti that had 3 bosses in it and defeated them with little effort.To say the least I was amazed...
With that being said, is it possibile to make a Human/Dwarf only build that will be that tough?I have never rolled a PB before and would like some help with a build please.My budget for this project would be 1-2 billion. Thanks for any help



PPD White Dwarf has considerably higher offense than Peacebringer White Dwarf. I think that might be the key to what happened.



No, The Transcended never changed form...I just wanted Dwarf in my build for the mez protection.



Did you by chance check the level? Perhaps the PPD was +2 or even higher.

The other thing to remember is that critters have a base 50% chance to hit. Any +tohit or -defense will shift the scales by a wide margin.

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Yeah, the PB was +1 (lvl 53) to the Rikti. I still thought it was impressive, so could a Human PB do the same thing? I've never played PB but I remember being told they do defender lvl damage solo.



Originally Posted by SouthernCross View Post
I've never played PB but I remember being told they do defender lvl damage solo.
I don't know if that's a valid comparison. Kheldians in Human form have a 0.80 damage scale with ranged attacks and 0.85 with melee. A Defender's damage scale is only 0.65. Compared to that, a Corruptor or Tanker would be a more viable comparison, and the PB will be doing more damage in melee, like the Tanker. (Even more than the Tanker, in fact)

On the other hand, Defenders and Corruptors can boost their damage with buffs and debuffs, so it's not really fair to compare them one on one by damage scale like that. When you factor in the buffs and debuffs of a Defender set like Rad, then Kheldians do have about that level of damage. But they are more oriented around self buffs like Build Up instead of debuffing foes.

It took me a while to realize this, but Kheldians are NOT Defenders. They are damage dealers, which deal more damage and survive better on teams. With the glaring exception of Glowing Touch, a Peacebringer's powers are about damage dealing and tanking, NOT team support.

You're not going to get as much damage out of Human form as you would out of a Blaster, but then that's the Nova's job. A PB Human form is really more like a low damage Scrapper with ranged attacks. Or a Dominator that trades in some damage for sheilds and healing.



Originally Posted by SouthernCross View Post
Yeah, the PB was +1 (lvl 53) to the Rikti. I still thought it was impressive, so could a Human PB do the same thing? I've never played PB but I remember being told they do defender lvl damage solo.
Peacebringers used to do less damage. It was Issue 13 when they got a damage and range buff. They're currently 0.850 for Melee and 0.800 for Ranged, which is a good step up from their old 0.750 Melee and 0.625 Ranged. Defender Ranged damage is 0.650, which is better than what Peacebringer used to be.

Nowadays, Peacebringers are actually quite the little power houses.

You're still looking at a Hit Point discrepancy between Peacebringer and Boss, and Boss has 3 intrinsic points of mez protection, but the high resistance to the Energy damage dealt by Rikti will give you a good edge over them. With White Dwarf in the mix for mez protection, higher resists and a self heal, you could probably put yourself in an analogous situation to the one you observed and come out on top.



Originally Posted by SouthernCross View Post
Yeah, the PB was +1 (lvl 53) to the Rikti. I still thought it was impressive, so could a Human PB do the same thing? I've never played PB but I remember being told they do defender lvl damage solo.
I guarantee that a level 50 PB could easily do the same thing to a bunch of level 49 Rikti, provided you can find some somewhere. In the RWZ they seem to jump pretty much from 46 to 51-54 with few in between of course and you can't level your toon past 50. On the other hand I've never run into a PPD Transcended that my PB couldn't stomp into the ground. Even when using that AE feature that allows you to fight an identical copy of yourself, you are going to come out on top every time cause the AI just doesn't seem to use Kheldian powers very effectively.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Peacebringers used to do less damage. It was Issue 13 when they got a damage and range buff. They're currently 0.850 for Melee and 0.800 for Ranged, which is a good step up from their old 0.750 Melee and 0.625 Ranged. Defender Ranged damage is 0.650, which is better than what Peacebringer used to be.

Nowadays, Peacebringers are actually quite the little power houses.
No, no they're not "quite the little powerhouses". Yes, their damage scalars have been brought up, BUT the base damage for all a Peacebringer's attacks is still low.

Too low, in my opinion, for the roles they have to play. And the Peacebringer Inherent doesn't actually help the Peacebringer any. By the time you have an 80% boost to your base damage, you have four scrappers/blasters on the team and everything's dying before you can get to it.

The developer who originally designed Kheldians apparently built Peacebringers as an afterthought; it's clear a lot more work and care went into the Warshade design than it did into the Peacebringer design.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
No, no they're not "quite the little powerhouses". Yes, their damage scalars have been brought up, BUT the base damage for all a Peacebringer's attacks is still low.

Too low, in my opinion, for the roles they have to play. And the Peacebringer Inherent doesn't actually help the Peacebringer any. By the time you have an 80% boost to your base damage, you have four scrappers/blasters on the team and everything's dying before you can get to it.

The developer who originally designed Kheldians apparently built Peacebringers as an afterthought; it's clear a lot more work and care went into the Warshade design than it did into the Peacebringer design.
You're thinking of warshade inherent. PB's get 80% damage from being grouped with 4 tanks/defenders/MMs or corrupters (I think?). Granted, with the force multiplication the team will still be steamrolling, but PBs inherent is ment to let them fill missing rolls, rather than add to current strengths.

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That...was a Herocon 09 exclusive easter egg. The powerset will not have doves associated with it.

Namely because you guys would want to color tint the damn doves, or make them hawks/ravens/flying sharks/etc and that's just a headache I do...not...want...to deal with.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
The developer who originally designed Kheldians apparently built Peacebringers as an afterthought; it's clear a lot more work and care went into the Warshade design than it did into the Peacebringer design.
Utter rubbish. The original designer wasn't planning for today's game. 'Shades have been impacted less by nerfs (from the GDF on) and benefited more from buffs and IOs. I'm not against a PB buff; I'm just suggesting you make sense.



Originally Posted by Come Undone View Post
You're thinking of warshade inherent. PB's get 80% damage from being grouped with 4 tanks/defenders/MMs or corrupters (I think?). Granted, with the force multiplication the team will still be steamrolling, but PBs inherent is ment to let them fill missing rolls, rather than add to current strengths.
This is probably one of the most underrated benefits of the PB.

Between set bonuses, my own slotting, and even moderate damage buffing (a few assaults and maybe an AM) while on a team with four or more tankers/defenders/MM/corruptors has my PB sitting near or even at the damage cap in Nova form with one or the other of their AoE's going off on wide swaths of foes every three seconds for well over 200 damage per target a pop (with single target blasts in between).

By the same token, any team with three or more blaster/scrapper/brute/stalkers is going to have my dwarf form at its resistance cap with at least a 30% resistance to psychic damage to boot (better against psionic damage than anything outside of a dark armor or willpower tanker). Throw in my set bonuses for mid-thirties defense against ranged, energy, and negative energy and my strong self-heal and... for a team that lacks one... I am a passable tank.

More often I'm on a more balanced team where I can do either of those at that level of effectiveness as the needs of the group dictate at that moment.

The PB, even moreso than the WS, is designed to be at its best on a team... and the best part of the PB is that you can count on being able to bring what the team most needs. It may not be quite as good as one of the dedicated AT's but it can cover the role well enough to pull their weight on any TF I've taken mine on.