It's the two year anniversary of my Lightning Storm + Apocalypse Proc bug.




I re-opened my ticket with support, for the fourth or fifth time. I've been very polite in dealing with them, because I know it's not their fault. I delivered the issue to Castle directly at one point, who assured me he'd give it to Synapse directly. I'm reposting here *at support's direction*, because sending it via /bug is apparently not the most effective course of action, according to support.

It's been two years. Please fix this.

If you're support inclined, this is I#101109-000183.

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



Drop it in the Developers' section. This area is just for players and.. well.. yeah. All a player can tell you is to respec, which you obviously don't want.

Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Between the Loyalists and Resistance, I'd be tempted to support Praetorian Hamidon.
One side uses mind police and will "disappear" you and the other uses poison gas and bombs on civilians. Hamidon? He'll just have a tree eat you. Much simpler. If we're all going to be oppressed and/or killed by someone, it might as well be the walking trees. At least they don't speak in annoying code or doublespeak. They just devour you.



Originally Posted by Phedra View Post
Drop it in the Developers' section. This area is just for players and.. well.. yeah. All a player can tell you is to respec, which you obviously don't want.
I'm not the brightest of people most days, but you're telling me that 'Development / Technical Issues & Bugs' isn't the place for this? I don't see another section that makes more sense for this. Of course, I think sending it via /bug is the way to go, but support disagrees with me.

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



Your unlikely to get a view from any rednames in here because this section is just for players helping players. Putting it in the Dev's section would bring it to the forfront quicker.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Your unlikely to get a view from any rednames in here because this section is just for players helping players. Putting it in the Dev's section would bring it to the forfront quicker.
Ok, I don't forum surf, as a habit, but this LOOKS like the Dev's section. Can you be more specific about which forum you're talking about? I pull up the list of forums, I see Development, this isn't where I should be? I can't post in the Dev's Corner, if that's what you're referring to.

This whole process is getting frustrating. I type /bug, report my issue, support says post in the forums. I come to the forums, see 'Development / Technical Issues and Bugs', draw upon my fine command of the English language, and identify this as the most blatantly obvious place to post about my issue. Seriously, please, drop a link to the exact forum you're talking about, because this is about to make me crazy, and I'm gonna take it out on support.

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



That's what I get for using the New Post button too much. I thought this was in the Players questions sub-forum.

Your right. This is the best place for it... Unfortunately.
Kinda shocking that support advised you to post it on the forums though.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
That's what I get for using the New Post button too much. I thought this was in the Players questions sub-forum.

Your right. This is the best place for it... Unfortunately.
Kinda shocking that support advised you to post it on the forums though.
Not that shocking, they've been advising that for a while now. I think they got some new scripts.

It IS ironic that they keep telling people to post here since if you look at the heading of this forum section you see the following:


Technical Issues & Bugs Discuss technical questions and/or bugs here! This is NOT a forum where official technical/QA support is available. To report a bug use the /bug command in game. For technical assistance email
It makes me want the t-shirt Black Pebble was wearing this past weekend even more.


If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Not that shocking, they've been advising that for a while now. I think they got some new scripts.

It IS ironic that they keep telling people to post here since if you look at the heading of this forum section you see the following:

It makes me want the t-shirt Black Pebble was wearing this past weekend even more.


Yeah, I quoted that in my last response to them, and then requested escalation of the issue. I'm posting here just to be cooperative, but it's frustrating. My Storm Defender is my favorite toon to play, I've thousands of hours on him, and this stupid bug persisting, with nothing but repetitive platitudes from support that it'll be fixed.. bad support.

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



So for breakfast today, I'm going to have a nice warm bowl of oatmeal, with cinnamon and brown sugar sprinkled on top. This is important, because warm oatmeal is very calming, and since I just got done telling support (in more words than this) that relying on the end user to communicate bug reports directly to developers, with any expectation of a fix, defeats the entire purpose of even having /bug as an option.

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



And what I expect will be support's final answer on the issue: "You say that you have communicated your concerns about this bug directly with the Developers on the forums. This is as much as we are able to do as well."

Much ado about nada, I guess. Hell, I don't even play this game for the content anymore, I play because of the people in my SG. New content is a bonus. But there sits my favorite toon, just waiting for the right confluence of situations to kill me with my own tier 9.

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



I support billn! I'm kinda like his bra that way.

That is all.



have you tried PMing a dev directly? this issue is prolly something that castle should look at, so i would suggest to try PMing him directly and he might be able to answer for you, just describe the full details of the bug

PMing a dev directly is prolly the only way that you will get the bug noticed



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
have you tried PMing a dev directly? this issue is prolly something that castle should look at, so i would suggest to try PMing him directly and he might be able to answer for you, just describe the full details of the bug

PMing a dev directly is prolly the only way that you will get the bug noticed
Castle got his *third* reminder of it this morning.

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



Originally Posted by Scene_EU View Post
you're saying he has moobs?
Those aren't moobs, that's where I store my nitro boost.

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



Screenshot of this bug in effect:

Try not to stare at the bunny suit.

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



Originally Posted by billn View Post
Screenshot of this bug in effect:

Try not to stare at the bunny suit.
Well I certainly can't suggest anything other than respec but I just had to comment that I find it disturbing that you have the exact same team search comment as my cat-man scrapper. I'm now wondering if liking pie is an anthropomorphic trait.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Well I certainly can't suggest anything other than respec but I just had to comment that I find it disturbing that you have the exact same team search comment as my cat-man scrapper. I'm now wondering if liking pie is an anthropomorphic trait.
I don't really consider myself anthropomorphic. And I really.. really.. do not want to respec my full set of Apocalypse out of Lightning Storm. The damage and accuracy of it are excellent. It makes a good power a great power. Except for that 'I might kill you' aspect I've been complaining about.

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



So I've re-opened this case, again, with support, who again, has advised me to post here. I've yet to see any response to this thread from any of the dev/community team. I was hoping maybe with recent staff changes, there might be some motion, but hope's a funny thing sometimes.

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



Originally Posted by billn View Post
So I've re-opened this case, again, with support, who again, has advised me to post here. I've yet to see any response to this thread from any of the dev/community team. I was hoping maybe with recent staff changes, there might be some motion, but hope's a funny thing sometimes.
Send a direct PM to Synapse. If you're waiting for someone to sift through emails that went to developers that are no longer employed, you're gonna wait a while.

Castle didn't really deal with IO sets as much as the powers themselves anyway.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Send a direct PM to Synapse. If you're waiting for someone to sift through emails that went to developers that are no longer employed, you're gonna wait a while.

Castle didn't really deal with IO sets as much as the powers themselves anyway.
Great idea, in theory. In practice:
'Synapse has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.'

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



Originally Posted by billn View Post
Great idea, in theory. In practice:
'Synapse has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.'
Sent it to me, and I'll see what I can do.

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