keeps installing US game not EU




HI I hope some one can help me, I have downloaded the game 3 times now and at 3.6gig and 5 hours each time once could call its a real task, lost 2 days of game play all ready just looking at a bar move slowly across the installer.

Any how here whats going on
1: Login to NCsoft Game Account Details page, where after asking for money to play it says would you like to download the game client "o yes please I say nice Mr web site" Gosh it knows im in the EU as I paid all them £s i have been saving from my pocket money to play, £s not $s clever site and as a good and clever site it lets me download the insaller so I can get them pesky Pigg files all 3.6gig of them. HAzaaarrr for me soon it will be pow and zap time.
2: It places on the desktop a nice shortcut to the game what fun we are having and starts the game, checks the files and say "hello im the log in screen please login"
3: I pop my login name and password (yes the game ones not the NCsoft ones, and I know the password is right cuz in changed it 3 times.) and the screen says "WRONG!! Fool try again" humm me thinks thats odd.
4: So I call a mate who plays COHVR and tells him what gone one (hes a beta tester and nows his stuff) "haha" he says "this old nut, look at properties under the shortcut and if its says cohupdater.exe and not well bless me you have the wrong game Client silly you, Uninstall (windows7) with COHVR initialler and just down load the whole 3.6gig again and this time check its the insaller and not the US one" humm "ok I says and so 5.5 hours later done that, but whats this an all new shortcut pointing to yes thats right cohupdater.exe now EU any where!!! Humm could it be I did some things wrong best do this again, so Uninstall with COHVR uninstaller, run CCleaner to clean reg of any traces of COHVR and go v NCsoft website> insaller>game

Well paintme blue and call me a dumb games programmer but it did the same thing a 3ed time after 6 hours

would not let me log on and tells me its using cohupdater.exe

So My questions are this
1: Who is the moron who came up with the idea of not having a live versification checker on 3.6GIG!!!! of data when its down loaded, really any software that takes that long to download better have good fecking reason why there is not a small code tool to look at the files and say yep 99% good you just need to download X file or y files again and not the WHOLE LOT!!!

2: Why dos the EU installer keep installing the US game!! Any one?... Any one?... Any one?...

3: why are there two game clients any how??

So as far as I can see untill some one points me at an installer that works on line im going to be looking at my paid for game time going down the Cyber toilet. No I know some games companys may be happy about that but I have a feeling NCsoft was not in there ranks, we shall see.

well if any one can help that would be nice and if NCsoft dos find what I have said to be true and wish to hand be back some of my lost game time that would also be nice.

untill then here looking for help



Originally Posted by sougly View Post
HI I hope some one can help me, I have downloaded the game 3 times now and at 3.6gig and 5 hours each time once could call its a real task, lost 2 days of game play all ready just looking at a bar move slowly across the installer.

Any how here whats going on
1: Login to NCsoft Game Account Details page, where after asking for money to play it says would you like to download the game client "o yes please I say nice Mr web site" Gosh it knows im in the EU as I paid all them £s i have been saving from my pocket money to play, £s not $s clever site and as a good and clever site it lets me download the insaller so I can get them pesky Pigg files all 3.6gig of them. HAzaaarrr for me soon it will be pow and zap time.
2: It places on the desktop a nice shortcut to the game what fun we are having and starts the game, checks the files and say "hello im the log in screen please login"
3: I pop my login name and password (yes the game ones not the NCsoft ones, and I know the password is right cuz in changed it 3 times.) and the screen says "WRONG!! Fool try again" humm me thinks thats odd.
4: So I call a mate who plays COHVR and tells him what gone one (hes a beta tester and nows his stuff) "haha" he says "this old nut, look at properties under the shortcut and if its says cohupdater.exe and not well bless me you have the wrong game Client silly you, Uninstall (windows7) with COHVR initialler and just down load the whole 3.6gig again and this time check its the insaller and not the US one" humm "ok I says and so 5.5 hours later done that, but whats this an all new shortcut pointing to yes thats right cohupdater.exe now EU any where!!! Humm could it be I did some things wrong best do this again, so Uninstall with COHVR uninstaller, run CCleaner to clean reg of any traces of COHVR and go v NCsoft website> insaller>game

Well paintme blue and call me a dumb games programmer but it did the same thing a 3ed time after 6 hours

would not let me log on and tells me its using cohupdater.exe

So My questions are this
1: Who is the moron who came up with the idea of not having a live versification checker on 3.6GIG!!!! of data when its down loaded, really any software that takes that long to download better have good fecking reason why there is not a small code tool to look at the files and say yep 99% good you just need to download X file or y files again and not the WHOLE LOT!!!

2: Why dos the EU installer keep installing the US game!! Any one?... Any one?... Any one?...

3: why are there two game clients any how??

So as far as I can see untill some one points me at an installer that works on line im going to be looking at my paid for game time going down the Cyber toilet. No I know some games companys may be happy about that but I have a feeling NCsoft was not in there ranks, we shall see.

well if any one can help that would be nice and if NCsoft dos find what I have said to be true and wish to hand be back some of my lost game time that would also be nice.

untill then here looking for help
wow... not a good attitude to post in on your first post. i understand your frustration but this is a section for players to help other players with their problems, a red name almost never posts in here. for now try what neo suggested. if it doesn't work check back here for any other replies. and try not to have such an attitude when you post. it won't help anything.



thanks for the help and will try that if this 4th download dos not work, and as the site at NCsoft some how makes you think this is there active web forum for the game makers its good to know on top of there bad software comes bad costumer support to the point the players have to do it for themselfs, says it all really and as for my attitude humm odd how it directly relates to how ripped off I feel and boy do I feel ripped right now. But as its fellow sufferers sorry "players" (or im my case noneplayers) I'm talking to ill temper my rage.

Thanks for the tip and the heads up on player suport thing




Originally Posted by sougly View Post
thanks for the help and will try that if this 4th download dos not work, and as the site at NCsoft some how makes you think this is there active web forum its good to know on top of there bad software comes bad costumer support to the point the players have to do it for themselfs, says it all really and as for my attitude humm odd how it directly relates to how ripped off I feel and boy do I feel ripped right now. But as its fellow sufferers sorry "players" (or im my case noneplayers) I'm talking to ill temper my rage.

Thanks for the tip and the heads up on the lack of game makers support thing

if i were you i would stop insulting the devs. it will cause you to get banned. again, we can understand your frustration, there is a support team that will help you if you contact them. this is not bad software or bad customer support. this is not lack of dev support either. there are a few rednames here that you can pm to see if they can let the devs know that there is a problem. i would suggest writing in a non attitudish way so as to get the help you seek though.

so if this download doesn't work for you, contact support through the websites main page first. if that still doesn't work, contact either TheOcho or Avatea about the problems you are having. they will be more then happy to help as long as you do not spit attitude at them.



I see your point, what your saying is if I act all subservient and apologetic for taking up there time they may give me what I paid for. humm I have to ask how ever is that the approach this group of players has found works best with the game makers? Because if it is, that scares me if its that or being band from the game yikes what a way to do things



Originally Posted by sougly View Post
I see your point, what your saying is if I act all subservient and apologetic for taking up there time they may give me what I paid for. humm I have to ask how ever is that the approach this group of players has found works best with the game makers? Because if it is, that scares me if its that or being band from the game yikes what a way to do things
ok, i have tried to be nice, enough. stop being a jerk because you're upset. acting like a jerk will get you no where. show some intelligence by letting them know, in a calm tone, that you are experiencing problems. they will be more then happy to work with you in fixing the issue so you can play. if you go in acting like a jerk, you will get ignored and get no help. does that clear it up for you?



I will do as you suggest, thank you for your help and I'm so sorry to taken up your time.



Originally Posted by sougly View Post
would not let me log on and tells me its using cohupdater.exe


2: Why dos the EU installer keep installing the US game!! Any one?... Any one?... Any one?...

3: why are there two game clients any how??
There is only one live game version. Both US and EU use the same version. The only differentiation is one executable points to the US servers, and the other uses EU servers.

There is no reason to re-download over and over again. Simply rename the cohupdater.exe to and it should do a simple "Verifying files" and let you into the game.



Originally Posted by sougly View Post
I see your point, what your saying is if I act all subservient and apologetic for taking up there time they may give me what I paid for.
No, we're just saying that acting like a jerk doesn't help anyone.
Just because you're having a problem doesn't mean the game has bad software or bad support.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by sougly View Post
Any how here whats going on
1: Login to NCsoft Game Account Details page, where after asking for money to play it says would you like to download the game client "o yes please I say nice Mr web site" Gosh it knows im in the EU as I paid all them £s i have been saving from my pocket money to play, £s not $s clever site and as a good and clever site it lets me download the insaller so I can get them pesky Pigg files all 3.6gig of them. HAzaaarrr for me soon it will be pow and zap time.
2: It places on the desktop a nice shortcut to the game what fun we are having and starts the game, checks the files and say "hello im the log in screen please login"
3: I pop my login name and password (yes the game ones not the NCsoft ones, and I know the password is right cuz in changed it 3 times.) and the screen says "WRONG!! Fool try again" humm me thinks thats odd.
4: So I call a mate who plays COHVR and tells him what gone one (hes a beta tester and nows his stuff) "haha" he says "this old nut, look at properties under the shortcut and if its says cohupdater.exe and not well bless me you have the wrong game Client silly you, Uninstall (windows7) with COHVR initialler and just down load the whole 3.6gig again and this time check its the insaller and not the US one" humm "ok I says and so 5.5 hours later done that, but whats this an all new shortcut pointing to yes thats right cohupdater.exe now EU any where!!! Humm could it be I did some things wrong best do this again, so Uninstall with COHVR uninstaller, run CCleaner to clean reg of any traces of COHVR and go v NCsoft website> insaller>game
Your beta tester friend needs to relearn his stuff. You don't need to uninstall and redownload anything. Just change your CohUpdater.exe to and let it verify the files. Should take half an hour max.

So My questions are this
1: Who is the moron who came up with the idea of not having a live versification checker on 3.6GIG!!!! of data when its down loaded, really any software that takes that long to download better have good fecking reason why there is not a small code tool to look at the files and say yep 99% good you just need to download X file or y files again and not the WHOLE LOT!!!
There is one. Take a good carefull look at the updater. You'll find it.

2: Why dos the EU installer keep installing the US game!! Any one?... Any one?... Any one?...
Yes, this sucks. It has been fixed a few times in the past, but for some reason it never seems to stick.

3: why are there two game clients any how??
One connects to the US servers, one to the EU servers? simple?

Also, being mouthy to people trying to help you isn't the smart thing to do. Just sayin'.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.