Corruptor help...



Posted I fully admit to not being the best PvPer. I love to duel in arena and zone PvP. And even then, I just go in with my PvE built toons, and don't worry about winning or losing.

However, I'd like to make a more dedicated PvP toon (outside of my Elec/Thermal Corr).

Sooo, what are the good secondaries to go with on a Corr?

I've been thinking of going Fire/Dark Corr (I have a concept for it), but would like to hear opinions on good Corr combos.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Got to love Pain and Cold for corruptors (other than therm)

as for primaries fire, rad, and sonic will all work. Dark is a great combo with cold because of self heal built into primary.

Radiation is very under-rated in my opinion. Those toggles are nasty (im going to slot for recharge) and LR still has effect.

Trick Arrow is a great secondary of you want disruption although I think a TA troller is prob better at that than a corrupt.

I have seen Dark Miasma work well when battles are 1v1 because if the heal hits it hits BIG!

I am PL in RL.

Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic



Originally Posted by Sinistar6000 View Post
Radiation is very under-rated in my opinion. Those toggles are nasty (im going to slot for recharge) and LR still has effect.
Problem being with /rad is that everytime you get mezzed your toggles drop and bye bye go your debuffs and you have to retoggle them and then when you have them back on again, mez supression time is over and tada you are mezzed again and there they drop again.

RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups



Originally Posted by Psyrene View Post
Problem being with /rad is that everytime you get mezzed your toggles drop and bye bye go your debuffs and you have to retoggle them and then when you have them back on again, mez supression time is over and tada you are mezzed again and there they drop again.
That's the problem I found with my RAD/

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
That's the problem I found with my RAD/
More +Rech and +Range in your build is the cure for that.

+Range gives you a better (combat) perspective and more time to react/respond to mezzers.

+Rech allows you to drop it before they drop it for you... and have it ready when their mez wears off.

Hold powers = (relatively) cheap 10% range bonus and Rad/ has two of them.

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



If you are going to take powers as set bonus mules, there are far better powers to waste picks on than Choking Cloud and EM Pulse.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



A well played Ice/Cold corr can be a nightmare for the 99 regen scrappers out there.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
If you are going to take powers as set bonus mules, there are far better powers to waste picks on than Choking Cloud and EM Pulse.
I'm not aware of any in Rad/ that would also add 20% range besides these two.

Personally, I'd roll something dumb like an Ice/Rad or Ice/Ta, pick up a hold from epics... and use all 5 hold powers as mules, while also maxing out the 7.5 range bonuses in attacks and tossing a few Damage/Range HOs in there!

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.