Exemplaring really low




I'm looking to make a new kheldian for exemplaring down quite low both to run posi and synapse TFs, but also to help friends level new characters. Any advice on which one works better under level 15 Peacebringer or Warshade? I'm thinking dual form human/nova (which gives me mild nightmares since I have a hard time flying in combat the nova's are too fast, but you have access to nova way lower than dwarf).

I'm also thinking of using some of the cheaper PvP IOs to get things like knockback protection all the way to level 1 etc. They don't have the fancy set bonuses like defense, but they do also give endurance/recovery, and with fitness becoming inherent that should be very helpful.

I'm guessing 1 purple set ought to do me for accuracy, all things considered. Anyone have thoughts on that?


"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Keep in mind that at 15 you'll also have access to dwarf, provided you take it at 20, under the current exemplaring rules.

I'd probably go Peacebringer for the best all around damage and survivability, but since you can get dwarf then the temptation of double mires might be too great.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



I'd recommend a Peacebringer. Warshades tend to be better in later levels when all their various tools are available. At really low levels a PB would probably be a better choice since they don't rely so much on particular combat conditions to perform well.

Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade;3296738I
'm also thinking of using some of the cheaper PvP IOs to get things like knockback protection all the way to level 1 etc.
Why go to the expense? You can easily get Knockback protection at level 1 by slotting a Steadfast Protection -KB IO in Incandescence or Absorption.

Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
I'm guessing 1 purple set ought to do me for accuracy, all things considered. Anyone have thoughts on that?
Once again, why spend the Influence? At the levels you're planning to be at you'll be using Nova for damage. It's inherent ToHit buff will be more than enough.

Also, as has already been said, if you're exemplared down to 15 then you'll have access to Dwarf as well. But you'll be limited to the base slots that come with all of its powers. That should be fine since you'll really only be using it to tank and break out of the occasional mezz. It's more than capable of doing those jobs without any real investment. The only place you may notice the lack of slots is the heal but it shouldn't be enough to put a damper on your performance.

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Thanks for the responses!

Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
Why go to the expense? You can easily get Knockback protection at level 1 by slotting a Steadfast Protection -KB IO in Incandescence or Absorption.
Sadly, all of the -KB IOs are globals not procs. If you're 3 levels below the IO it stops working. But it does work even if the power is no longer available. I do have two level 10s Steadfasts and a level 14 Karma in storage, but they only work as low as level 7 (or 11 for the Karma) and I have been looking for a character to join my friends in Mercy, Port Oaks, and Kings Row in addition to running the TFs.

I had a rude experience with this last night on my fire/DB tank who dropped to 21 and had a level 25 slotted. Got ping-ponged around by werewolves while trying to help a friend Trick or Treat.

Once again, why spend the Influence? At the levels you're planning to be at you'll be using Nova for damage. It's inherent ToHit buff will be more than enough.
Tried that and it wasn't enough. Because of how bad enhancements get hit if you exemplar under level 20, I was running a 48-60% chance to hit on most attacks, and once skull bosses or spectrals hit me that was down into the single-digits fast. Kismet is also a global and my lowest copy is level 17, otherwise I'd consider it an option.

Also, as has already been said, if you're exemplared down to 15 then you'll have access to Dwarf as well. But you'll be limited to the base slots that come with all of its powers. That should be fine since you'll really only be using it to tank and break out of the occasional mezz. It's more than capable of doing those jobs without any real investment. The only place you may notice the lack of slots is the heal but it shouldn't be enough to put a damper on your performance.
Well, I'm fine with the build being on a level 50 character and having no viable slotted powers higher than level 36, since this would be a second build, not primary. Also, I'm looking for something that works under level 15, not just at level 15. So the Dwarf Form won't always be available. So, I think I'll have the ability to 5 or 6 slot literally everything available lower than level 20. Which is a weirdly pleasant feeling.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



If it's a secondary build then your enhancements getting hit shouldn't be a problem as long as you slot enhancements that'll be appropriate for the levels you expect to exemp to. IOs start at 10 so you'll be able to function well as low as level 7.

But since you're planning to drop down to as low as level 1 some special considerations will have to be made. Purple sets will work if you can afford 'em but I really wouldn't bother. If you can afford it that's cool but seems like a lotta headache for not much gain to me.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
Also, as has already been said, if you're exemplared down to 15 then you'll have access to Dwarf as well. But you'll be limited to the base slots that come with all of its powers.
If he uses the respec bug to pre-slot dwarf and nova (and I recommend this heartily) this isn't necessarily true.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
If he uses the respec bug to pre-slot dwarf and nova (and I recommend this heartily) this isn't necessarily true.
It shouldn't be true regardless of the respec bug.

When factoring in exemplaring, the game doesn't give two figs what level you're at when you place additional enhancement slots in your powers. It cares only about the type and level of the enhancements you've placed in those slots. PVP and Purple IOs get their set bonuses right the way down, but diminished returns for the % values of the enhancements themselves start to kick in once you exemplar below level 32.




Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
If it's a secondary build then your enhancements getting hit shouldn't be a problem as long as you slot enhancements that'll be appropriate for the levels you expect to exemp to. IOs start at 10 so you'll be able to function well as low as level 7.
Not quite. That is true for the set bonuses only. I am also concerned with the total bonus. Having 99% enhanced damage at level 50 is great, but exemped down to level 9 that's cut down to 20%. To compensate there are alternatives. Really small bonuses don't get reduced. Going down to level 21 is very easy. Going under 15 is a bit brutal. There are two tricks, #1 ED applies AFTER the drop, so for example, slotting three level 50 damage IOs is usually a waste as it only works out to about 98.5%, however, If I slotted for 98.5% when I dropped to level 9 it would be cut to 20% as mentioned above, while if I slotted 127% (three level 50s), that would be a bit higher at 27%.

#2 are using low-level enhancements. Anything under 10% per bonus is safe down to level 10. So 9.9%/9.9%/9.9% triple is a great thing to slot if you can get it. But there aren't 6 of them to take you into the larger values.

I've also got those promotional "level 1" damage/recharge proc enhancements from Going Rogue that I'm looking forward to testing how they work with exemplaring. If they keep the fixed value as I think they do, then I'll have 5 attacks with very high damage % for the level. I'm also curious if the proc power turns back on when I exemplar back down under level 20. But I haven't tested it yet as none of my newer characters are over 20 yet.

But since you're planning to drop down to as low as level 1 some special considerations will have to be made. Purple sets will work if you can afford 'em but I really wouldn't bother. If you can afford it that's cool but seems like a lotta headache for not much gain to me.
Well, the sleep and confuse sets are amazingly cheap, but not useful in this case. I just picked up 3 pieces of the PBAoE PvP set for under 60 million total. The Dam/End/Rech was only 2 Million for the recipe. As a cheapo way to get 3 points of knockback protection, it's not bad. =). I'm looking into what I can do on the purples to get some accuracy, and I'll slip a low-level Kismet in too.

I'd love a full set of Gladiator's Javelin or Javelin Volley, but probably not going to happen.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Well, since you've covered slotting, let's look into powers:

Playing up to Synapse's TF you could get away with playing as a Nova / Dwarf exclusive, and only picking powers that would qualify as utility. This is actually something I've done, and it works out really well for exemplaring down. Dedicating your slots to powers in your forms and using the enhancements your thinking of lets you pick powers solely for the benefit of the team.

Powers like Super Speed (combined with your cloak for invisibility and Recall Friend for stealthing TF missions) and the Medicine Pool (for giving Mez protection and rezzing others) are a great way to ensure you're useful no matter what your teammate is in the low levels. Those are also good picks because they're slot light.

If you want to go a more human route (which is more possible if you slot starve your higher level powers) you'll have to actually pick your attacks, and they'll be a little less powerful compared to the Nova attacks, but you'll get your shields. I don't recommend it, but it's a viable option for sure.

And honestly, as for the Invention Procs (-KB, etc), I would still find them worth investing in. The first 7 levels will fly by every time (assuming you get them at level 10, adjust accordingly) and you'll be in Nova from level 1 on anyway (level 1 + 5 for Exemping = Level 6 Nova!) that you should consider the IOs even if you don't get the benefit until three below their level.



As stated earlier, at level 1 you will have access to nova. This gives you at a level 1 exemplar a hover blaster with 2 AOEs with KB, a sizable to-hitbuff, damage bonuses from the inherent while on a team, and if you were 50 a good chance of a purple set bonus or 3. Knock back isn't a problem with nova form.

The only problem you will have is something you will have all the way to 50, Mez which is pretty low at this level anyway (stupid vahz and lost bosses).

A nova form Kheldian is a wrecking ball on an 8 hero sewer run, even on just TO's. Anything more like purple sets is just icing on the cake. No one will have a problem getting to 10.



Originally Posted by Mr_Right View Post
Well, since you've covered slotting, let's look into powers:

Playing up to Synapse's TF you could get away with playing as a Nova / Dwarf exclusive, and only picking powers that would qualify as utility. This is actually something I've done, and it works out really well for exemplaring down. Dedicating your slots to powers in your forms and using the enhancements your thinking of lets you pick powers solely for the benefit of the team.

If you want to go a more human route (which is more possible if you slot starve your higher level powers) you'll have to actually pick your attacks, and they'll be a little less powerful compared to the Nova attacks, but you'll get your shields. I don't recommend it, but it's a viable option for sure.
This is pretty helpful thanks.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I have a similar exemp plan for a WS as they get inherent recall friend and can take a stealth power out of the secondary, which lets you stealth to boss/end room and speed through missions in TFs that are not kill alls (there a few like this in Posi). Admittedly this WS is also using SS so the stealth is unlikely to be broken by foes at low lvls. (toss on a stealth IO if necessary).

Stealthing to boss/end room/blinky is also great for running through papers quickly. I agree with the above posters that otherwise PB will give better/more consistant perfomance at Posi, Synapse lvls.