Mission Architect Arc Club




Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
I'm all for discussions and honest feedback - as well as discussions that can spin off from the current arc. Though I would like to keep this a place for friendly discussion and helpful suggestions and avoid feedback that could be viewed as sarcastic and condescending. I would like to thank those who have already played the arc, I plan on trying it sometime this weekend.

All levels of authors are welcome in this group, from beginners to veteran authors. If an arc doesn't seem like it fits your playstyle, that's why I only ask you play at least 2 arcs a month.

As far as Ramification's comment on how much lore plays a factor in MA arcs. I've run into it myself before. A lot of people couldn't get over the fact that I had Council enemies in an Arachnos map - I liked the map, but didn't like fighting Arachnos. I also really like it when someone fits lore details that I recognize into their arc. It all comes down to a case-by-case basis, some things are ingrained into the game that seeing something different, yet still somehow relating to lore, is jarring to a lot of players. When you're dealing with custom characters and known maps to simulate new settings, just about anything goes, but when you use CoX characters and villains, you have to either get them right, or explain why they're not right. It just goes with the territory.
Exactly. While I have a healthy respect for the lore and think a story should make sense. I'm not going to lose sleep over a sentence that's out of character within the lore. If the story is well written and fun then what's the big deal.

If a developer put in something against the lore IN GAME. Then you have an arguement. This is AE. A place where myself and others would like to be creative.

D-baggy elitist reviews of my work aren't what I'm looking for. Like the story I was going to submit makes Statesman out to be a bit crazy. Why? Because it's a comedy and it's damned funny. Am I going to be totally stomped because it goes against the lore?

What I'm looking for is a round table discussion to make arcs better. Not a slam fest.

Will definetly check out your stuff again Necro if you can work out that last mission. Being an outdoor map there's no front/middle/back. So you're going to have to do something with that Arachnos ship so your allies aren't killed by it.



Originally Posted by Ramification TM View Post
Like the story I was going to submit makes Statesman out to be a bit crazy. Why? Because it's a comedy and it's damned funny. Am I going to be totally stomped because it goes against the lore?
Not by me, that sounds like a 5-star pitch as far as I'm concerned!



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



It's weird this thread was started one day before mine and we were both thinking along the same lines.


I'm wondering if we should combine efforts?

Where this idea had been forum focused I was thinking more from in-game focus, but the idea is about the same. Players play arcs and provide feedback.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
I'm all for discussions and honest feedback - as well as discussions that can spin off from the current arc. Though I would like to keep this a place for friendly discussion and helpful suggestions and avoid feedback that could be viewed as sarcastic and condescending. I would like to thank those who have already played the arc, I plan on trying it sometime this weekend.

All levels of authors are welcome in this group, from beginners to veteran authors. If an arc doesn't seem like it fits your playstyle, that's why I only ask you play at least 2 arcs a month.

As far as Ramification's comment on how much lore plays a factor in MA arcs. I've run into it myself before. A lot of people couldn't get over the fact that I had Council enemies in an Arachnos map - I liked the map, but didn't like fighting Arachnos. I also really like it when someone fits lore details that I recognize into their arc. It all comes down to a case-by-case basis, some things are ingrained into the game that seeing something different, yet still somehow relating to lore, is jarring to a lot of players. When you're dealing with custom characters and known maps to simulate new settings, just about anything goes, but when you use CoX characters and villains, you have to either get them right, or explain why they're not right. It just goes with the territory.
This isn't server specific is it? I'm on Freedom.



Me too. I didn't think it was server specific. If we're soloing, it can't be, can it?



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Bad_Dog View Post
It's weird this thread was started one day before mine and we were both thinking along the same lines.


I'm wondering if we should combine efforts?

Where this idea had been forum focused I was thinking more from in-game focus, but the idea is about the same. Players play arcs and provide feedback.
Reading your thread on the protector forum made me realise that there may be a lot of people who don't know about the MA Arc Finder Channel. I was also slightly dismayed to see that you only recently realised there was an AE specific forum despite having a May 2005 start date

I might go post a head-s up on all the server forums...



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Arcs are global. No need to worry about server unless you're trying to team up with someone. Team feedback can potentially be far different than solo.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
Two Arcs a month work for me especially if the stories are good. My only question. Single player missions I can for sure do. Team based one's I'm not so sure about because if the Arc stinks it will be hard recruit for the next mission.

Next, will we get a list of arcs to play or are we "exploring" to examine the content. This is a quick response and I'll be more detailed tonight.

What about creating a thread and posting monthly arcs and we sign our names to it and work out the rest by private mail? If the people are serious on this thread this might work out better.

But even more importantly, what are we going to do with results? I've been to some of the MA evaluations site but I never found the content very useful because it was hard to search.
This is like a book club, but for authors. I'll be posting one arc a week from the members. You can play the arc for the current week, or any previous week. If we run out of arcs, I may come up with something else. The results will be for the authors - they will get plays on their arc and will hopefully have a better arc afterwards.



Originally Posted by Bad_Dog View Post
It's weird this thread was started one day before mine and we were both thinking along the same lines.


I'm wondering if we should combine efforts?

Where this idea had been forum focused I was thinking more from in-game focus, but the idea is about the same. Players play arcs and provide feedback.
Your idea also sounds a lot like the "MA Arc Finder" Channel as well as the MA Superteam that runs on Triumph every Saturday noon EST. You're welcome to use the MA Arc Finder to run a spin-off superteam on Protector, or you could also join us on Triumph. I personally don't have a presence on Protector, but most MA arcs with a coherent story are designed to solo. You're welcome to join here if you would like.



Originally Posted by Ramification TM View Post
Like the story I was going to submit makes Statesman out to be a bit crazy. Why? Because it's a comedy and it's damned funny. Am I going to be totally stomped because it goes against the lore?
I forgot to mention, comedy arcs are the other style of arcs that are generally given a "pass" on adhering strictly to lore as long as it's funny.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
I forgot to mention, comedy arcs are the other style of arcs that are generally given a "pass" on adhering strictly to lore as long as it's funny.
If we gonna do this we need to create groups for each genre of arcs.
Comedy has no value to me here in CoH. Anything, "cute" I run quickly away from....was that comedy?



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
If we gonna do this we need to create groups for each genre of arcs.
Comedy has no value to me here in CoH. Anything, "cute" I run quickly away from....was that comedy?

I don't think we need different groups. If something's not to your liking, don't play it. With one arc a week, the odds are rare that there won't be two that are serious enough for you, I'd think.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Ramification TM View Post
D-baggy elitist reviews of my work aren't what I'm looking for. Like the story I was going to submit makes Statesman out to be a bit crazy. Why? Because it's a comedy and it's damned funny. Am I going to be totally stomped because it goes against the lore?
Comedy has different constraints. A silly arc like "Two Chicks At Once" is flagged as a comedy so Recluse and the other Arachnos characters acting silly and out of character works because it's supposed to be absurd within the confines of the plot.

I pointed out that Recluse seemed oddly out of character in "Another Nemesis Plot?" because it was supposed to be a serious story. When the plot is supposed to be serious you expect the canon characters to be portrayed as accurately as possible, you expect the author to do their homework.

Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
My personal tastes are much more based on immediate fun than getting pedantic about lore or whatever. Mission 2 of Another Nemesis Plot? is a great example. Laz viewed the map cjoice as a negative since it didn't make sense to him that a robot factory should be there. This didn't even cross my mind; rather, I thought stuff like 'Ooh, what's this? I like this, it's nice and self-contained. And look, rubble! Yay! I like rubble!' and so for me, the mission was a success.
You and I obviously have very different thought processes and grade on different criteria. You focus on one detail, I look at the entire whole. If enough parts seem out of place to me I begin to question the entirety of it.

I also felt that mission 2 was a bit of a waste of time for the player and the plot as well. Missions 2 and 3 could very easily have been rolled together, given a longer briefing/debriefing, and it would have made little difference to the plot as well. If this were not in the AE building and I had to travel to all of these missions I would have found it rather annoying that I went all this way to kill two enemies in a single room, click one terminal, and then be off. It didn't feel like a mission, it felt like padding, and on top of that it didn't tell us anything really significant to the plot. All it told us was that Nemesis is still using steam power for his knockoffs of Council and Malta robots, not exactly a big revelation there.

My biggest issue though was all the new custom Automatons in the 5th mission which never appeared in the previous 4 missions. Why did we have all this build up with the Council and Malta knockoffs only for the final mission to have 3 5th Column Mechs and a ton of these androids that came out of nowhere? They should have been introduced much earlier, if not have the entire arc be about them instead.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Comedy has different constraints. A silly arc like "Two Chicks At Once" is flagged as a comedy so Recluse and the other Arachnos characters acting silly and out of character works because it's supposed to be absurd within the confines of the plot.

I pointed out that Recluse seemed oddly out of character in "Another Nemesis Plot?" because it was supposed to be a serious story. When the plot is supposed to be serious you expect the canon characters to be portrayed as accurately as possible, you expect the author to do their homework.
And I think you're being too nitpicky about things like that. Homework? This isn't school, and it's not supposed to be work, is it?

You and I obviously have very different thought processes and grade on different criteria. You focus on one detail, I look at the entire whole. If enough parts seem out of place to me I begin to question the entirety of it.
I think that saying stuff like 'There's nothing positive about this arc at all' is pointless. What do you hope to accomplish? Nectrotech's going to say 'Oh, ok, i'll delete my arc then, sorry.', is he?


I also felt that mission 2 was a bit of a waste of time for the player and the plot as well. Missions 2 and 3 could very easily have been rolled together, given a longer briefing/debriefing, and it would have made little difference to the plot as well. If this were not in the AE building and I had to travel to all of these missions I would have found it rather annoying that I went all this way to kill two enemies in a single room, click one terminal, and then be off. It didn't feel like a mission, it felt like padding, and on top of that it didn't tell us anything really significant to the plot. All it told us was that Nemesis is still using steam power for his knockoffs of Council and Malta robots, not exactly a big revelation there.

One of the reasons you are spending your time on it is precisely to offer constructive criticism aimed at improving it. We're supposed to be helping, not just listing what's wrong with the arc and signing off with a 'C minus, try harder next time'

You're not flying around the city, so talking about what you would have found annoying if you were is surely irrelevant?

And earlier, you complained that it didnt make sense as a robot factory. OK, fair enough. I made a suggestion about that. Maybe you could offer a suggestion to add some clue or sth to that mission which would make it seem less pointless? You're a really talented MAuthor yourself, give us some more cool ideas, Laz.


My biggest issue though was all the new custom Automatons in the 5th mission which never appeared in the previous 4 missions. Why did we have all this build up with the Council and Malta knockoffs only for the final mission to have 3 5th Column Mechs and a ton of these androids that came out of nowhere? They should have been introduced much earlier, if not have the entire arc be about them instead.
or in other words:

"One big confusion I suffered when playing the arc was the 'sudden' appearance of the pain Automatons etc in Mission 5. It's nice that you've put some customs in, new mobs are often cool to encounter, but I think maybe you need to lampshade them earlier in the arc. Putting say a single encounter with them, perhaps in mission 2 (which needs a little more, i feel) would also give the player a taste of something unusual, and then he'd not be surprised to find them en masse in the final mission."

See, there's different ways to say 'I don't like Mission 5'. I guess you'll accuse me of pussyfooting around or sugar-coating or sth, but I see this Club as not a review thread but more of a workshop Criticism is sometimes better received when it's worded gently.

Incidentally, in Mission 5 there were Malta Titans and Rikti Heavy Suits as well as the 5th Mek men, and all three were mentioned in the clues in Mission 1, IIRC.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
...but this MA Club is supposed to be encouraging.
I think all of us authors could stand to be a little more thick skinned. The one thing I'll say is that suggestions should be included with the critiques.

*slips into shadows*



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Maybe your time is worthless but I consider mine to have worth, especially when I'm taking a gamble on an arc I haven't played before.

Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
One of the reasons you are spending your time on it is precisely to offer constructive criticism aimed at improving it. We're supposed to be helping, not just listing what's wrong with the arc and signing off with a 'C minus, try harder next time'
You really need to quit your assumption that only good criticism can be constructive. I offered a lot of suggestions for improvements but you glossed over them and are only pointing out negative things I said.

Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
You're not flying around the city, so talking about what you would have found annoying if you were is surely irrelevant?
Let's call if Conservation of Drama: don't waste the reader/watcher/players time on irrelevant details. Tuck them away into little easter egg clues and such, but don't put them front and center in the way of the main plotline.

Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
You're a really talented MAuthor yourself, give us some more cool ideas, Laz.
I did, but you're ignoring them in order to whine about my negative criticism.

Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
you need to lampshade them earlier in the arc.
The word you want is FORESHADOW. Lampshade Hanging is a totally different concept.

This whole conversation only reminds me why I generally ignore you on the forums and in the MA Finder channel. Which I will continue to do so, assuming that I don't leave the club altogether. Which would be a shame as I see a lot of promise in it, but not if it's going to be treated as the Cafe of Sensitive Egos.



Let's bring the focus back to the arc, and anyone else that gets a chance to play it. Discussion is good, but I don't want this to devolve into a shouting match, so please drop it you two.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post

You really need to quit your assumption that only good criticism can be constructive. I offered a lot of suggestions for improvements but you glossed over them and are only pointing out negative things I said.
You're right, I've been a bit over-sensitive maybe, and you did offer some broad suggestions. I apologise.


The word you want is FORESHADOW. Lampshade Hanging is a totally different concept.
Thank you for the correction.


Which would be a shame as I see a lot of promise in it, but not if it's going to be treated as the Cafe of Sensitive Egos.
I think your 'damn the torpedos, I tell it like it is, a thrashing never did me any harm!' approach should balance out my admittedly carebear-ish attitude, eh? As Zamuel said, a thickish skin is a good asset for a MAuthor, and I for one don't wish to cause any acrimony in the club. Please accept my apologies for harping on, Lazarus. There's room for all sorts of opinions, I've no right to impose my views on you like that.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Just played the arc this afternoon. I'm reserving this space for more detailed feedback, but I'll post a quick summary for now (And now I've had the time - so the more detailed feedback is posted below...).

The good: I don't think there's any problem with the basic idea for the story. In that respect the arc's got a good start; there just needs to be more development. Also, it's obvious that thought and time have gone into this.

The bad: The arc feels like an 'outline' rather than the finished product. I really felt like I was playing something that was in the very early stages of design, and needed a full fledged rough draft, followed by several revisions. I'm talking lots of proofreading, and some major revision of the clues. In my opinion, what this arc needs is DETAIL and polish.

Okay ... now for the more detailed stuff. You probably don't need to be told this, but keep in mind these are just my impressions and opinions; use what you can, discard what you can't.

The mission briefings look like effort has been put into them, but the writing needs a few revision pass throughs. The phrasing is stilted (more than I’d expect from a portrayal of a Midnighter addressing me in a formal way – it really reads more awkward, than actually formal) and there are a lot of typos (most are punctuation errors, with a lot of issues where pronouns are used when it should be a contraction instead). Some odd choices for color, I’d recommend using paler colors (pale green, pale blue, yellow) just to aid with readability.

I've noticed a *lot* of places where 'Nemesis' should be capitalized... You may hate the idea, but you really do need to carefully read over all of the text in the arc (ALL of it!!!) and check for things like this.

The missions themselves are straightforward and simple, which is really neither good nor bad. A lot more effort needs to go into how the objectives are arranged in the mission (better use of front, middle, and back to order things in the mission the way the objective text suggests); also, I’d suggest more effort aimed at pulling multiple objectives into a single plural objective (e.g. “3 Computer to access”, rather than “Access the First Computer, Access the Second…” and so on). Map choices were a bit off too in the first half of the arc; they didn’t seem to fit what was going on that well. It was especially noticeable in the second mission: why would the Nemesis lab developing all this tech be so run-down?

I think it’s completely appropriate to place clues where they were placed, but more variation in what they say would be good. Basically, put more effort put into having them advance the story; they’re closer to ‘play calling’ right now: they’re not so much being used to actually tell the story by clarifying things that I didn’t already know as they are being used to give me slightly more detailed updates on what I’ve just accomplished. Here’s an example based on all of the clues about the power cores: Instead of repeating a rather generic: “You’ve defeated this Nemesis robot and ripped out his power core.” Try to just dream up some very specific variations to put in each core. “Hmm … this one’s got a strange coil in it that seems to be gathering a lot of charge.” “Odd, the pistons here look much too small for a steam engine, yet, somehow, the thing does seem to be steam powered.”

The story’s got a good start, but it feels more like an outline at this point that needs a lot of fleshing out. The basic idea is sound: Nemesis is trying to upgrade his robot army by incorporating upgraded designs from the other villain groups – and modifying them with his most advanced technology. He’s then going to use them for a massive invasion of Grandville. But, in my opinion, the thing that makes a story come alive are the little details – the “fleshing out” I was referring to earlier. Why Grandville? Why the heck are Necrotech Master and Eliminater XXXXX (whatever) having such a hate-on for Recluse? Granted, I know they are there to help defeat the AVs, but there’s got to be a way to more realistically insert them into the story. The whole time travel aspect of the story seemed almost tacked on – or perhaps it was just ‘watching the timelines for trouble.’ Frankly, the story would have worked perfectly well with almost any level appropriate contact, and no mention of time travel, or time manipulation, or whatever.

The custom mobs really make their entrance in the final mission, but why do they look so random? There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to their design… more like the author selected one of the costume presets and then recolored it. Also, the re-purposed robot mobs (from Malta and the Council) really should have something other than the default descriptions – there are a lot of avenues to take here, but one would be to put ‘clues’ to something odd going on in the descriptions: “Does that Malta Titan have jets of steam coming out of the seams between its armor plates?”

The effort and potential are there, but the technicals need a lot of work – a LOT of work. I’ll be honest – when I played it, my impression was ‘meh’, you’ve got an idea to start with, but just about everything needs more fleshing out – more attention to detail. And, frankly, more variation (especially in what the clues say). I felt like I was playing an outline – one where some work would make it a good story, but for now there’s a lot missing.

OH! And one final observation. Why the heck does Necrotech Master actually summon ninjas?! I mean, I figure he's just one of your characters making a cameo in the arc, and the 'real' version must be a Ninja MM. But I can tell you, the ninja thing just threw me. I figured he should be summoning zombies. Zombies re-animated by technology. Which means he'll also have lots of nasty trinkets at his disposal (which he might have, but I was too floored by 'why the heck is he summoning ninjas?' to notice).

Yes, yes, I realize it's probably a reference to 'dealing death' rather than 'animating the dead.' But still, I'd imagine I'm not the only one who'll wonder about that one when playing the arc. Two solutions: make him summon zombies (it's not like he really has to be your character), or, if you hate that idea (and I can understand that), at least expand his description to explain why anything named 'Necro' isn't 'Necro.'

Score: 2.67 (I'm using the exact same scoring system as I do for the Pro Payne thread. Makes it look like I'm being all objective. I'm not. It's totally subjective. So take it with a small NaCl boulder.) I didn't give the arc an in-game rating (it needs to break the 3.0 barrier so that I can at least give it 4 stars in game).

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
Just played the arc this afternoon. I'm reserving this space for more detailed feedback, but I'll post a quick summary for now.

The good: I don't think there's any problem with the basic idea for the story. In that respect the arc's got a good start; there just needs to be more development. Also, it's obvious that thought and time have gone into this.

The bad: The arc feels like an 'outline' rather than the finished product. I really felt like I was playing something that was in the very early stages of design, and needed a full fledged rough draft, followed by several revisions. I'm talking lots of proofreading, and some major revision of the clues. In my opinion, what this arc needs is DETAIL and polish.

Score: 2.67 (I'm using the exact same scoring system as I do for the Pro Payne thread. Makes it look like I'm being all objective. I'm not. It's totally subjective. So take it with a small NaCl boulder.) I didn't give the arc an in-game rating (it needs to break the 3.0 barrier so that I can at least give it 4 stars in game).

All of this is pretty vague, and not likely helpful to the author yet. I've got more notes (and more specific) - just not time to post them yet. Perhaps tomorrow. More likely Friday.
im good with all feedback, as i mentioned earlier in the thread, i have basically gotten 0 feedback up until now, so im sure there are parts which still need some work

on another note, it might be a little ambiguous at parts because i know i suck at story telling, english has always been my most disliked subject in school, so story telling isnt my strong point, just coming up with the idea is what im good at

now that i have been getting some more contructive feedback i have been trying to tweak the arc a bit more to try to make it a little more solid

if anyone has comments/suggestions on how i could possibly improve the arc, please feel free to leave notes in my feedback thread here



Just played Another Nemesis Plot.

Here's the breakdown (in the infamous red ink pen of doom in my notes, as I'm an English teacher, myself).

I ran this on Tubbius, a Santa Claus lookalike who's a level 50 Plant/Empath/Ice Controller. MrCaptainMan there knows him well! Hi, MCM!

General Notes:
* Pro: I didn't have to pop an inspiration until Mission 3. The difficulty ramped up considerably in the final room of that mission, though. Missions 4 and 5 were also considerably simple runs.
* Pro: The basic premise of a story involving a hero's journey to epicness is here. It's a little rough overall, though.
* Con: There are numerous spelling, capitalization, and punctuation typos throughout the arc, particularly on the name of the group "Nemesis."
* Con: It feels a little like there's too much trying to happen here with the various enemy groups. A little more on this later.
* Con: I'm thinking the final mission might be bugged. I found Statesman and Recluse, and I found the Flier, and I eliminated everyone ELSE but the fire it wouldn't let me attack. . . but I never found the boss. I had to drop the mission. MAYBE it's something about how everything spawns on the map?

Mission 1:
* Pros (Overall): Simple and easy to run first mission. Straightforward. Tubby and his pet Planty had no problems. A fun, easygoing beat 'em up.
* Cons (Spawns): The computers, Statesman, and the boss all spawn a bit out of order; this might be able to be better controlled with a little more careful map selection and placement. For instance, the third computer spawned first, then the first, then the second, then the boss, and THEN Statesman.
* Cons (Clues): After playing through up to later missions, I understand your attempt to tie the power sources back in. At this point, though, the clue on the first computer--about the parts specifically lacking a power source--seems a bit out of place, especially if you're dealing with characters who might not have the technical background needed to know or care about such information. Also, the mission contact seems to overlook this apparently crucial detail (a detail explored more, to an extent, in mission 2 with the mention of the steam-powered, compact power sources.)

Mission 2:
* Pros (Overall): Another short mission that's straightforward and simple. Nemesis goons aren't too hard overall.
* Cons (Intro text): Statesman's help is mentioned explicitly in the intro text, but Statesman himself never makes another appearance until Mission 5, at which point he's captive. This is slightly misleading.
* Cons (Overall, but tied to Mission 1 Clue): There's nothing obviously tied to the Rikti in this mission. They're mentioned in one of the Mission 1 Clues, and they come up again later when power sources are again discussed (in terms of flying equipment), but they're generally very minimal. PERHAPS eliminating the Rikti segment altogether can help you focus more strongly on the already reasonably well-woven Council and Nemesis subsets.

Mission 3:
* Pros (Overall): A VERY fun map initially, and very different from most else in the game. Very linear, meaning objective placement should be a snap. A definite challenge for even an experienced player once you're in the big room.
* Cons (Overall): No range or Flight? You're facing a VERY big drawback in the last, big room with all the Pop-Up Guns, the bosses, and the catwalks. Luckily, Tubbius flies, and he has plenty of ranged options, but I can see a Scrapper or Tank having a beast of a time with this. Also, even with Flight, I had a couple times where I had to turn that off to control myself better, at which times I was knocked off the catwalks, leading to triggering 3 of the bosses all at one go! Very dangerous. Tubby was in serious trouble for a few moments before I could get back upright and mobile.

Mission 4:
* Pros (Allies): Mastermind buddies make all things easier!
* Pros (Overall): Another straightforward throwdown.
* Cons (Allies): I honestly don't know what the other ally does. There were Ninja everywhere!
* Cons (Background Lore): I know we can create our own stories with this, but the idea of challenging Lord Recluse one on one without prior preparation seems to fly in the face of COV's entire setup where your villain builds up over time and is ultimately deemed worthy to even scrape for the high muckamucks. Maybe I'm reading too much into this.
* Cons (Clues): No Clues given on Rescues.

Mission 5:
* Pros (Overall): Pretty linear despite the sprawling map choice. You can choose to go down and forward. Spawns are few and far between, so it's easy to focus on one group or target at a time. You can safely circle around and find Recluse and Statesman first if you like.
* Cons (Overall): Potentially bugged spawns or map selection. See notes at the top of this post. Map fails to display, probably a result of the map choice in particular. Also, Statesman has trouble, especially, navigating the rocks.
* Cons (Intro text): Dark purple text can be crazy hard to read at first, a problem made all the more apparent by this being crucial storyline info.
* Cons (Arachnos Flier): A potential stray shot will rain unholy amounts of PAIN down on you fast and will potentially slaughter the helpers.
* Cons (Background Lore): Having troops with containment fields capture Recluse and Statesman simultaneously really doesn't speak well for their respective power levels. Maybe this can be tweaked to use the combat animations where they're pretending to duke it out with someone when you run up?

Here's hoping that gives you a good go at feedback, sir! Overall, I gave it 4 stars: I see potential here, and it's trying to get that "epic" feel by showcasing the character over Recluse and Statesman in the long run, but it's not QUITE connecting all the dots directly. Keep going! You can definitely do this!

I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=218177



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Reading your thread on the protector forum made me realise that there may be a lot of people who don't know about the MA Arc Finder Channel. I was also slightly dismayed to see that you only recently realised there was an AE specific forum despite having a May 2005 start date

I might go post a head-s up on all the server forums...

I actually began playing in CoH Beta, my first foray onto the forums was May '05. My post count should tell you how frequently I have been here since then. So, I'm sure there's a lot of things I don't know about here. All that aside, I have been spending a lot more time here lately.

I do think that joining that global channel is good idea. Thanks for the suggestion.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Your idea also sounds a lot like the "MA Arc Finder" Channel as well as the MA Superteam that runs on Triumph every Saturday noon EST. You're welcome to use the MA Arc Finder to run a spin-off superteam on Protector, or you could also join us on Triumph. I personally don't have a presence on Protector, but most MA arcs with a coherent story are designed to solo. You're welcome to join here if you would like.
Thanks! If there is interest on Protector I would host a spin off group for a regular play day, if there already isn't one.

I'll chip in reviews here as I run the "arc the week".



much appreciated on the feedback, i think i know how the mish 5 map might be bugged

there is one spawn spot in which i think nemesis can spawn inside a rock, and there may have been some bugs with the objective chaining so i was trying to cut down on that

i can change the purple text on the dialogue, as i just wanted it to stand out and make sure that poeple were aware that there was a dangerous enemy there

edit: i think the grandville beach map has been a little buggy for awhile now, but thats the only map that will fit the purpose i was going for, and it doesnt bug all the time either, very randomly

edit2: for all who dont know, the map in the 3rd mish is from the last mish of the hess tf, and to answer tubbius question about the 2nd ally in the recluse mish, hes an ss/wp brute (hes supposed to be helping to hold aggro from recluse if your a squishy but that doesnt always work as intended so hes more of an extra dmg dealer)



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i can change the purple text on the dialogue, as i just wanted it to stand out and make sure that poeple were aware that there was a dangerous enemy there
Like I said: stick with Red. Red is what the Devs use in canon arcs to indicate such hazards and it works well to keep going with that as the standard. Warning text in a color that is unreadable for most people is counter-productive anyhow.