Underwater Adventures




Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
So, you think he's ruled out the possibility of a bioshock/Rapture style underwater zone on the principle that you wouldn't REALLY be underwater?
I think he's ruled out the possiblility of having a zone where you are IN water. A zone where you are underwater but in an enclosed facility that doesn't require a new swimming battle stance could still be an option.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
... I'm having a serious case of Deja-Vu... complete with the cat appearing twice.

I'm looking at the thread dates on the first page, which starts at 09-27-2010... only... I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact thread before, including the copy pasted BaB's pony killing in post #16?

Does anybody else remember this thread from two or three months ago? Or has this thread somehow magically replicated a pre-existing thread with basically the same set of epic-level-fail pictures?
The topic's been brought up more than once. You're not imagining it.



It's hard to have a rational discussion on the matter when the op is talking about firing the lead designer. The core question is do you want an underwater zone or not (asumming it's done right)? Anyone can go back and pull up quotes from the Devs on why it can't be done (right now), but priorities change with time and if the "powers-that-be" say all the cool kids these days want a cool underwater zone, then we will probably get one. I just wish I had dollar for all the face-palms that were flung about back when the talk was power customization.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
I just wish I had dollar for all the face-palms that were flung about back when the talk was power customization.
I don't recall those "facepalms" for PC about it being done or not. The devs sounded like they wanted it done and knew the players really wanted it, but lacked of resources at the time.

But I do remember the countless posts from players, who after taking like 1 semester of BASIC in college, saying it was so easy to change like one variable in lines of code and *poof* the colors of the rainbow are yours to use.




Lets relook at this...

I suggested, that at the worse, and underwater setting could be used as a means to add challenge to a game, many do complain about being too easy.

Then I suggested for each power that could be negatively affected, a simple work around could be exacted, such as a force bubble (that you could get at any friendly agent station, a recipe for a temp power), the force bubble could be identical to the bubble already placed around you during the Terra Volta trial (no new extensive coding), thus with that it puts an end to the costume and power look massive change lame excuse against underwater. Same force bubble, by some form of fancy osmosis removes the co2 from within your bubble and exchanges it with fresh air from the water...

Let me see, oh yes fire does not work underwater, and electricity dissipates underwater, any other Newtonian smart excuses there? Mmm, my powers are magical, the same magic that gives me my powers ensures they work just as well underwater. Mmm, I am technology, the quantum field that polarises the air between me and my target, polirizes the water instead... As I said, if we want to be exclusively negative, that is easy, all you have to do is say anything, stretch an interpretation and add sarcasm or insults to make your point valid. Why not accept the challenge, and be positive? Why not suggest ways of making something possible?

Now please don't get me wrong, with any new idea or concept, there always are issues or difficulties that needs addressing. I do agree it is a good thing to identify these as early as possible, its sensible. But from that point is where I depart in opinion with many of you, simply stating there is a problem, therefore its a bad idea, I give up! In fact many, simply do not even judge the idea's worth for itself, we seem to easily be blinded by mechanics that we automatically give the idea a thumbs down with out even thinking the meaning of the idea. Let me try to clarify, what I am trying to say, a player may suggest "let me choose the colors of my powers", folks imemdiately realizes that the work load for the devs to do just this simple thing is huge, so as a result, we imemdiately judge the suggestion to be bad, dumb, come up with all kind of negative judgements and sarcasm - while all along we never stopepd and thought "hey it would be cool if we could colorize our powers". If you all search the suggestion archives, you will find such a suggetion, and you will also find all the thumbs down it received and the loads of sarcasm the various suggesting authors received.

If we look at the postings above, many have valid points with regards to things to watch out for, but precious few deals with how to handle those concerns; instead of solving problems, we fall back into ridicule and sarcasm.

Let me take one of our posters above, say Penny, while she is not consistent, I seen her post many positive comments to ideas. Her note worthy posts, begins by describing the weakness or flaw with the suggestion, but what sets her apart, is that she actually suggest a way to ovecome that flaw and accomplish the intent the suggestion poster was after. She had an intellectually sound foundation, and had no need to resource to ridicule or sarcasm to give her thoughts credibility. We all could learn from that practice.

So once more,please re-look a the suggestion, and this time a bit of objective thinking on the idea itself would be greatly appreciated, and yes it can be followed by your perceived weaknesses or faults; but do challenge yourself to also come up with ways that they can be solved...




Just my opinion, but I can't get excited about this idea. I've read through the posts in this thread and can understand both sides of the issue. I personally wouldn't go to an underwater zone more than once to see what its like.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Actually, you shouldn't be so sure. Some of us start from the standpoint of not really caring or even specifically disliking underwater environments, and looking for a convincing argument that would make us change our minds. Such has, to this day, not been given.

What's more, games have historically made me hate underwater environments with all their restrictions and the awkward way people moved in them. I side with BABs here - should never happen.
We all hated the Water Temple. We have group therapy every Saturday if you think you'd be interested~



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
I don't recall those "facepalms" for PC about it being done or not. The devs sounded like they wanted it done and knew the players really wanted it, but lacked of resources at the time.
Amazing how people conveniently forget that. The dev quote (well, paraphrase) was "Sure, we could do it - just don't expect to see anything else for a year, because of how much work it would take" (with the dev team being at their 15 person minimum at that time.)

The OP's argument is now "Well, *I'm* magic and all my stuff will work fine," ignoring that that's not what everyone else is set up like - even other "magic" characters, or that yes, it WILL bother those of us who actually care about how the end result would look. (That on top of "Fire the designer who's given us so much stuff, then," which really should say quite a bit about the OP.)

Since that's the mindframe they're in, I see no further point to even bothering with this thread or the OP.



Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
If we look at the postings above, many have valid points with regards to things to watch out for, but precious few deals with how to handle those concerns; instead of solving problems, we fall back into ridicule and sarcasm.

So once more,please re-look a the suggestion, and this time a bit of objective thinking on the idea itself would be greatly appreciated, and yes it can be followed by your perceived weaknesses or faults; but do challenge yourself to also come up with ways that they can be solved...
The critical difference between having an Underwater zone and something else equally challenging to create (like Power Customization) is the will of the Devs.

In the case of Power Customization it took the Devs a long time to do it but they always WANTED to do it.
In the case of an Underwater zone the Devs apparently don't even want to entertain the idea to begin with.
Yours could very well be the definition of "fighting a lost cause". *shrugs*

You offer some interesting ideas about it and you clearly want it to happen. But unless you can collectively get the Devs onboard with your ideas anything any other player here says to either agree with you or not is basically academic.

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Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Somehow, I think your putting way too much thought into this.
Probably - last time I checked, fire and ice attack combos never make puddles.

Temp powers and air bubbles. Problem solved.
I think so.



I just give up, some of us can't see the forest for the trees...




Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Amazing how people conveniently forget that. The dev quote (well, paraphrase) was "Sure, we could do it - just don't expect to see anything else for a year, because of how much work it would take" (with the dev team being at their 15 person minimum at that time.)
BABs only kept facepalming because he had to explain it about a million times. He always explained, however, that he would really want to do this, but can't do it due to resource restrictions. None of the developers have expressed desire to make an underwater zone. Ever. BABs went on the record as highly disliking the idea, in fact. That's not the same situation.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
BABs only kept facepalming because he had to explain it about a million times. He always explained, however, that he would really want to do this, but can't do it due to resource restrictions. None of the developers have expressed desire to make an underwater zone. Ever. BABs went on the record as highly disliking the idea, in fact. That's not the same situation.

Sam, I am borrowing this to answer Bill. This is what I meant here in replying to the other post. Not sure on your post. I had the impressions that the devs wanted PC - BABs even had that long FAQ on it. It all came down to resource. The facepalms I recall were the ones where a player would say something (one that sticks out is changing an "alpha" value or such is all it took) that was supposedly simple, but they had no clue on the code for the game. Yet they would defend their idea. Nothing more. I admit I could be misinterpreting you completely.