Kheldian Enhancement Slots




I suggest that the number of slots be increased for Kheldians. This would only affect Kheldians depensing on if they took forms and how many. This would not be a significant increase of slots. Only +1 every other slotting level after one form is taken and +1 every slotting level after the other form is taken. These extra slots MUST be put into a form ability. If there is nowhere to put these extra slots they are wasted. Any thoughts on this? Objections?
Thank you and have a nice day.



While I'm sure pretty much all Kheldian players would love to have more slots to play with, I personally am not in favor of greatly increasing the number of slots available for Kheldians. Why not? Because, as currently implemented, the slot crunch forces you to build your Kheldian carefully and place emphasis where you want it most -- precisely because you don't have enough slots to enhance everything just the way you'd like to.

This is the main reason we have such variations in builds in our AT (and the broad categories like "Tri-Form", "Human/Nova", "Human-Only", etc are just that and encompass great variety even within these areas). If we had a lot more slots to play with, we'd move towards a more cookie-cutter approach and everyone would just be playing the same thing as everyone else.

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Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
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Let me do some math and figure out how many more slots this would give a person.
Edit: after some maths I figured that if you got both forms as soon as you could a person who only chose nova would get 12 extra slots. A person who only got dwarf would get 9 and a person who chose both would get 19 if the bonus slots started at level 9 if you got nova at 6 and dwarf at 20. Don't see how this would make cookie-cutter toons as you would only get 12 to put in 4 attacks, 9 to put in 6 powers, or 19 to put in 10 powers. Everyone could utilize these extra slots differently. You could do much more with this. Are you saying you like that challenge of What is the most important power I should put this slot in?
Thank you and have a nice day.



That's a LOT of slots. While I'd love to have more to spread around on my Triform Shade and my PB, I can certainly never see 19 happening.
Not to mention the utter uproar there would be from the other ATs.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I don't even dare think what I could do with 19 extra slots (IOs...). That said, I wouldn't mind if the forms came with 2 or 3 base slots in each power, that way the extra slots would only benefit those who really need it (those who use forms), and wouldn't be that gamebreaking.

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Not to mention the utter uproar there would be from the other ATs.
Here's the important bit. I think we'd all love more slots even if they were restricted to form only use. Fact is it won't happen because it's unbalanced. If Khelds get 19 more slots for their forms why don't SoAs get 19 more slots for their team buffs or Masterminds for their pets? Your idea would be extremely well received by Kheld players but would surely start a riot with everyone else. That's just poor design.

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Okay rethinking distribution of the extra slots... Hehe



Originally Posted by Bean_Poll View Post
Okay rethinking distribution of the extra slots... Hehe
If you want to make slotting easier on the forms, why not just have the attacks (and/or the forms) get two inherent slots instead of one? That'd be 8 (or 10 or 2) extra slots and make it a little easier on tri-forms. Probably isn't going to happen either, but I think that'd be a more likely way to implement a few extra slots.

The problem with 10+ free slots even if restricted to the forms is you could pick up a form just to mule 2 or 3 sets for a basically Human-Only form. Giving up one power pick for an inherent Break Free/Heal and say 3 Kinetic Combats (11.25% s/l defense) would be too awesome. So I really see it benefiting human forms more than the bi/tri forms.

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



how about getting 3 slots to put in nova when you get it and 3 to get to put in a dwarf when you get it?
Thank you and have a nice day!



I cant sign on for this, if we khelds got extra slots then everyone would complain. They would all want more slots then when we all got more then some khelds would ask for extra slots. I make due with the slots I have on my tri-form peacebringer and Im sure I could find a place and use more slots, but it would be unbalanced and just cause more mess than good. I deal with slotting my tri-form by drastically underslotting nova, as is it does fair w/o much slotting for my use. Plus I tied it in my concept/story to make me feel better about it, hehe. Its just part of the trade-off u get with khelds for the versatility.



I see



I remember reading a suggestion to help with slots that wasn't too bad, it was that if you put a slot into the form power then the attacks and whatnot for the form gained a slot (Meaning 6 slotting nova/dwarf form would 6 slot all the powers they have)

But that would probably make it too easy to 6 slot everything... I'm not terribly sure what could be done (If anything) to help ease form slotting without unbalancing the AT's.



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
I don't even dare think what I could do with 19 extra slots (IOs...). That said, I wouldn't mind if the forms came with 2 or 3 base slots in each power, that way the extra slots would only benefit those who really need it (those who use forms), and wouldn't be that gamebreaking.
I could see each of the powers inherent to the nova and dwarf starting with two instead of one. Or Nova and Dwarf each starting with three instead of one. That is not a whole lot of extra slots ( to be fair to the other AT's - even if they are not 'hero' classes) but would make a huge differences to the multi-form players.

Another way I could see it done, would be to give the sixth slot free to the multi-form powers, buy five and get the sixth, that would give the slots later, Nova form is already very powerful at low levels.



I think about the most slots I would bless of on is 3, one extra for each form you take.
Heck, even 1 bonus slot for all Epic AT's would probably be fair and ok. Or maybe if you pick dwarf you get one and if you pick nova you get one for a max of 2. Something along those lines is a decent balance. If you go beyond that, you risk imbalance and pissing off the rest of the other players.

I think the population as a whole would probably be happy is peacebringers were brought up to par with warshades. At least you have more flexibility than any of the other AT's. Heck, with the coming of fitness, maybe thats a present enough?