Earthclan Elite Rikti Mothership Raid
Well, being on a Saturday or Sunday night guarantees my absence.
As much as I miss the DT MS Raids on Tuesday Nights, I'll continue to miss these because of my work schedule.
To those who can and do make it, kick the crap out of a few extra hundred for me and have fun.
Yeah, the Tuesday slot was the one that was good for me. Good luck, and have fun!!

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Posted it up on the Facebook page for you.
If you can update this post with future runs, I will add them to the events tab.
Good luck with the Rikti Raids, Vivian!!
Global: @Armeros
City Info Terminal - Armeros
City Of Heroes - Guardian Server page on Facebook
"Official Park Ranger of the Shadow Shard"
Thanks, Armeros!
I'll be posting an update here after each Event!
-- Vivian
Rikti Mothership Raid Update: 09-25-2010
Hi, Folks --
Today's Raid went as flawlessly as the last, with two full-length runs made back to back! Broadcast announcements to Guardian, Looking for a Team and Level 50, coupled with runners sent to all zones, pulled in well over 30 people for each Raid. Despite heavy Magus waves and relentless counterattacks by the Rikti, the three Bubblers held the center, and the enemy was repulsed, time and time again!
The Vanguard Merits flowed like water!
We're looking forward to next week's run -- and we hope you'll join us! The regularly-schedule Raid starts forming teams every Saturday around 6 PM Pacific.
So the next scheduled raid will be this coming Saturday, October 2, 2010. See you then!
-- Vivian

Rikti Mothership Raid Update: 10-02-2010
Hi, Folks --
Today's Raid went as flawlessly as the last, with two full-length runs made back to back! Broadcast announcements to Guardian, Looking for a Team and Level 50, coupled with runners sent to all zones, pulled in over 4 full teams for each Raid -- not to mention all the heavy petting that was taking place! Er, wait, that didn't sound right.
Once again, the Vanguard Merits flowed like water!
We're looking forward to next week's run -- and we hope you'll join us! The regularly-scheduled Raid starts forming teams every Saturday around 6 PM Pacific!
See you then!
-- Vivian

Rikti Mothership Raid Update: 10-09-2010
Hi, Folks --
Today's two back-to-back Raids went flawlessly yet again, with a bigger turnout than ever before! Broadcast announcements to Guardian, Looking for a Team and Level 50 pulled in over 5 full teams for each Raid -- maxing out the Zone and spawning a second instance!
With up to six well-buffed HVAS at a time surrounding the forces at the center, protected by four layered Force Fields and a wing of Stone Tanks, the assembled Heroes of Earth shrugged off the mightiest counter-attacks that the Rikti could muster!
We're very much looking forward to next week's run -- and we hope you'll join us! The regularly-scheduled Raid starts forming teams every Saturday around 6 PM Pacific!
See you then!
-- Vivian

Rikti Mothership Raid Update: 10-16-2010
Hi, Folks --
Tonight's two back-to-back Raids went flawlessly yet again, most participants reporting they were pulling in 400+ Vanguard Merits on each run.
We're very much looking forward to next week's Raids -- and we hope you'll join us! The regularly-scheduled Raid starts forming teams every Saturday around 6 PM Pacific!
See you then!
-- Vivian
Bah, stupid Comcast! I was in RWZ, waiting for the raid from 6 till just about 7 with my spiders, when my connection died completely. It was not until 8, after calling Comcast, that they finally decided to send a tech to my place Sunday. All I have for a connection now is my phone : p
I am glad the runs went well, even though I am upset I missed them for the first time since they started up again. And the first time I showed up early, with HVAS ready and raring to go, too. Go figure o.o
I can see forever 0.0
Rikti Mothership Raid Update: 10-16-2010
Hi, Folks --
Tonight's two back-to-back Raids went flawlessly yet again, most participants reporting they were pulling in 400+ Vanguard Merits on each run.
We're very much looking forward to next week's Raids -- and we hope you'll join us! The regularly-scheduled Raid starts forming teams every Saturday around 6 PM Pacific!
See you then!
-- Vivian
I just wanted to add some things. Last Saturday i was given the task of leading a team for the CoP trial and the RWZ raid. I have done the trial in many ways without completion. Yes, with good balancing on the teams it can be very quick to just plow right thru (witnessed an Omega attempt). But doing the % method can be just as effective if ALL players listen (TA's first success used this method/first CoP trial completed on Guardian). We are not going for any speed records so we dont NEED to pull out and resync everytime there is a hiccup. Sure it might help but isn't a "have to" thing. However, i do believe that the trials need to have the goal of getting it done in the first half hour and proceed to call it if not done. Yeah it may still be possible but most players become unfocused and anxious leading to the obelisks constantly going down.
As for the RWZ raid. Almost everyone that comes to the raid know what is going on. The ones that dont will ask their team lead or a sponsor what they need to do. Now that is pretty darn simple to explain. The grates are chosen by the team lead and was stated. The fact you didnt choose one is your own fault and cannot be pinned on EE. The instructions were all in request and all players had to do was read them and follow them. Everything was right there. I had a team member who just came back from a big break from CoH. He/she started out confused and was the one in broadcast saying that the pylons needed to be called. I corrected this issue by telling him to open request which was stated numerous times in team chat and broadcast. I did even more when i started calling out the pylon in team chat for my team. The player mentioned above even corrected me when i called out the wrong pylon b/c i was dealing with other issues. After awhile i stopped calling out pylons and watched my team on the map. They went directly to each new target without any hesitation. I had several players asking when the next raids will take place b/c they LOVED teaming it and how EE played. Also had 2 people (both on my team <3) hit 50 during the second raid.
I know you as a player, slightly. I have done many TF's with you and you are/can be good. But quitting something you start just b/c it is going wrong or you want training wheels through the entire thing will give people the wrong ideas about you, whether you care or not.
We all get frustrated and we all hate to fail but it does happen and we just need to realize it is just a game (cant believe i said those words). We're learning as we go.
Note: I've had only a few hours of sleep after a night of overtime and i have another night of overtime to look forward to tonight. I'm NOT the greatest with words nor do i care at this point. The issues above went farther then they should have and will eventually die out. I just wanted to add my few cents.
See you all Saturday for another fun filled attempt and Alien slaying!! =D
*throws Doc's post back to the bottom of the thread*
Rikti Mothership Raid Update: 10-16-2010
Hi, Folks -- Tonight's two back-to-back Raids went flawlessly yet again, most participants reporting they were pulling in 400+ Vanguard Merits on each run. We're very much looking forward to next week's Raids -- and we hope you'll join us! The regularly-scheduled Raid starts forming teams every Saturday around 6 PM Pacific! See you then! -- Vivian |
@x2crunner and @x2crunner2
Rikti Mothership Raid Update: 10-23-2010
Hi, Folks --
Last night's two back-to-back Raids went flawlessly yet again!
Announcements pulled in a full five teams, maxing out the zone and spawning a second instance.
With up to seven well-buffed HVAS and overlapping Force Fields surrounding the center, the Rikti had no hope of success.
Each wave of their attacks crashed fruitlessly against the iron teeth of our defense!
Participants reported pulling in 300-600 Vanguard Merits on each run.
We're very much looking forward to next week's Raids -- and we hope you'll join us!
Please note that the Raid will start forming teams every Saturday around 5 PM Pacific (one hour earlier than usual).
See you then!
-- Vivian
I've been doing these for a long time now, and they honestly got real boring real fast. There were other SG's that would lead them and it was tedious to keep up. Out of boredom I signed up and started a team of my own during your last raid, and I can honestly say it was the BEST raid I'd been on in my 3 1/2 years of playing. As long as I can you have a Team leader here to support your SG. I pledge at least one Member of Legacy of Paragon as a representative during the Rikti Raids. Keep up the GREAT work and we'll see you in game!
Co-Founder of the Legacy of Paragon(Blue) and the Ravagers of Paragon(Red)
AE Arcs: Enter the DemonWeb (3499), Battle Simulation (449117), School of Hard Knocks (466617)
If i recall correctly, a player from Pinnacle (?) came all the way to Guardian to attend the raids b/c they heard about them (maybe). I dont recall what what their level was but here is the chat:
10-23-2010 21:49:06
[Broadcast] Apollo Jackson: <color #ffffff><bgcolor #010101>all the way from Pinnacle....wanted to see a Guardian raid...and it was sweet!
Looked through chat logs and foung the global. ^_^
Apollo Jackson has the global handle: Ice Baby
Thank you @Ice baby for visiting Guardian and we hope you return weekly for our raids!
@x2crunner and @x2crunner2
[Broadcast] Apollo Jackson: all the way from Pinnacle....wanted to see a Guardian raid...and it was sweet!

I hope that @Ice Baby brings some of his friends along next time -- and maybe they'll all decide to make toons on Guardian!
Along that line of thought, the playing population on Guardian seems to be on the rise as of late! Many times when signing in, I will see other servers down to "Green" load, and Guardian still at "Yellow".
I hope we can keep pulling people in -- the more, the merrier, after all!

-- Vivian
Very well and Organized Runs of the Rikti Raid I commend you Doc Vivan and your members of EE for a well executed runs of the RWZ raid. Something where different from what I was use too but it was nice seeing people still wanting to do it. And I commend you on that. I hope before I19 that again I hope Dream Team will form up and Pick on the Tuesday night rikti raids. Again Nice job and a great turn on EE Good Job. ~Techbubble Shadow~ (aka @Just Shadow)
Yar, more fun was had tonight! Even though the GM was pulled from the bowl on the second run, it couldn't keep us down ^_^
This is why I try to make it to the raids every Saturday.
So many capped attributes, so much chaos, and too many giant robots! Granted, spider leadership helps me cheat a little, but all those bubbles don't hurt ; ) And it's only going to get better when 19 hits, and I can grab my spider pets again.
Looking forward to more!
I can see forever 0.0
Rikti Mothership Raid Update: 10-30-2010
Hi, Folks --
Tonight's two back-to-back Raids went flawlessly yet again!
Announcements pulled in a full five teams plus, maxing out the zone and spawning a second instance.
With up to EIGHT well-buffed HVAS at one point and FIVE overlapping Force Fields surrounding the center, everyone's DEF was capped for most of the second Raid!
In tonight's raids, the Rikti were not only outnumbered and outmaneuvered -- they were outgunned!
Each wave of their attacks crashed fruitlessly against the Adamantine walls of our defense!
Earthclan Elite would like to thank Inferno and Blackberry (who has a clear cameo in the screenshot below!) for their awesome comments and reviews of tonight's Rikti Raid!
We're very much looking forward to next week's Raids -- and we hope you'll join us!
Please note that the weekly Raid will start forming teams every Saturday around 5 PM Pacific (one hour earlier than usual).
See you then!
-- Vivian
*Activates Drama Phase Shift*
Buh, it seems my bi-weekly have dinner with the family is Saturday, so I will be missing the Rikti fun. I am sad, and will drown my curry in tears.
I can see forever 0.0
Hopefully I will get to see you guys more in game soon and maybe even rejoin the raid effort at some point if my desire to play more kicks back in.

I would first like to state how proud I am to be part of Earthclan Elite. They are some of the best people I ever met in CoX. Courteous and always willing to help. Since I returned after a 3 yr hiatus, I have been welcomed back with open arms. Doctor Vivian and KinImp3 have been great support, along with the rest of EE. They really did help me a lot when it comes to getting back into the game. EE's weekly CoP and Rikti Raids are always well organized and a real blast to be a part of. All directions being shouted out in request for convenience. If someone had questions, all they need do is ask and the answer is given. Play, have fun and be with friends. Look forward to seeing you all at next weeks events. Have a great and wonderful time leveling, blue and red side.
-Under Construction-

"Im trying to find myself, if I should get back before I return, please ask me to wait."
Rikti Mothership Raid Update: 11-06-2010
Hi, Folks --
Tonight's two back-to-back Raids went flawlessly yet again!
Participants reporting earning almost 600 Vanguard Merits per run!
We're very much looking forward to next week's Raids -- and we hope you'll join us!
Please note that the weekly Raid will start forming teams every Saturday around 5 PM Pacific.
See you then!
-- Vivian

Dear Fellow Guardianites --
Earthclan Elite has begun running a regular Rikti Mothership Raid every Saturday evening, after their scheduled 4 PM Cathedral of Pain Trial. At least one run will be made, but often two or more will take place, depending on attendance. Ventrilo is available but is not required.
If you want to get in on the fun, keep an eye out in either Guardian or Level 50 Channels, or be in the RWZ around 5-6 PM PST for the kick-off. Runners are sent to all zones to broadcast the event before it starts, so if you're not in a mission or your SG base, you should catch wind of it.
More details are available at:
-- Vivian