Spine/Regen For Farming

11th Comet



I am a Spine/Regen Built for Pvp, But it is a pain to farm with it, I was hoping some people on here could help me design a really good full out Farm build without makeing a new toon, Basicly a Spine/Regen/Fire for Warrior/Battle Maiden Farm, Id love feedback or options for a build, My in Global is @11th Comet if you have questions reguarding this Post, or would like to give me ideas, also welcome to post here/Pm me on forums. I use mids, that might help a few with making this build.



Regen is to farming as blastering is to tanking. You can do it but it don't mean it's a good idea. If you wanna save yourself the aggrevation, roll a fire brute.



why is this here?

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



cause he wants to farm on a pvp character, not really sure though



im usually not "this guy" but reroll.

Basically i have been in your situation before, my first toon was a spines/regen scrapper, i discovered farming and wanted to farm with it, and rule number 1, don't do it. Just roll a fire/kin or elec/shield, or even a ar.mm, or spines/fire or something that isnt regen...lol



If ur rlly set on it try and get ur s/l def to at least 30 and preferably higher



Wrong forum, post it in the scrapper forum, this is not the" make me a farm build for my toon" forum, and just because you had PvP in your post doesn't mean it is in the right place.

I bet you don't have a toon built for PvP but know that usually we make the best builds therefore why not ask for someone here to make you a farm build.......

RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups



Reroll to a SS/Fire brute.



I hear Dark/Dark Scrappers are great for farming and PvP.
