Story Problem: 'Kill' or 'Kill'? (Spoilers)




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Yes, wake them - not blow them up
Well, we wouldn't blow everyone up.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



One of the things I've seen in the various less vitriolic, accusatory comments here is a basic disagreement on what it means to 'walk the line'.

When I think of 'walking the line' between good and evil, I often think of the literary works of a certain Mister Pratchett. He presents an array of characters that consider themselves villains, heroes, or neutrals that are often butted up so firmly against 'the line' that they flinch away from it to keep from going over. When they do go over, it's usually to repair a more serious break caused by another party.

Esmerelda Weatherwax is a good example. (Yes, i could examine Sam Vimes, but I'd prefer not to draw policework into the comparison.) She considers herself to be a step or less away from going 'Black'. She resents her older sister for being the 'wicked' witch because it meant that she had to be the good witch. Yet when it comes time to really let out the badness for the cause of good, she *REALLY* enjoys it. There's a certain scene in 'Masquerade' where a group of thugs are trailing a somewhat senile old woman. Greebo, magicked to appear as a human, has sliced them to ribbons. Granny finds them after taking the old woman home, approaches them with a needle and thread and smiling, says, "Let's do some good!"

The implication is pretty clear. She sutured the critically wounded thugs with no anesthetic in a filthy back alley of one of the nastiest cities in modern literature. She saved their lives, certainly, but she also taught them in very direct terms what the pay for preying on old ladies is and ENJOYED it immensely.

THIS is a character who 'walks the line' and is defined by *her own* ethical choices rather than by reacting to someone else's.

I *wish* we could make the same kind of definition for our characters, but even with the new systems in place, the writers do not allow us to.



Then start writing a book, Moo.

Games will never have what you're looking for.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
Then start writing a book, Moo.

Games will never have what you're looking for.

Once again you're demanding the writers consider every single possible consequence. It's an awful comparison, too; authors have the freedom to do that, but game writers do not simply due to the medium.



Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
No you're not. You're awfully, horribly, terribly wrong to do so. You hyped up the content as something that it wasn't, created a character under that mindset, then got uppity when it turned out things weren't consistent. Half a dozen ranty paragraphs changes nothing in that regard.
Fine, let me give you just one, then: I don't like how it turned out and I wish it had turned out less like City of Heroes and City of Villains rolled into one. Think you'll find a way to attack me over that, too?

It's interesting how you completely avoided a possible discussion for the sole purpose of telling me I'm wrong. Let me make a proposition to you - if I admit I'm wrong and write a passionate apology, would that make you feel all fuzzy inside? Because I will if it will.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Fine, let me give you just one, then: I don't like how it turned out and I wish it had turned out less like City of Heroes and City of Villains rolled into one. Think you'll find a way to attack me over that, too?

It's interesting how you completely avoided a possible discussion for the sole purpose of telling me I'm wrong. Let me make a proposition to you - if I admit I'm wrong and write a passionate apology, would that make you feel all fuzzy inside? Because I will if it will.
No you must write a passionate slashfic about Manticore and Synapse.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Fine, let me give you just one, then: I don't like how it turned out and I wish it had turned out less like City of Heroes and City of Villains rolled into one. Think you'll find a way to attack me over that, too?

It's interesting how you completely avoided a possible discussion for the sole purpose of telling me I'm wrong. Let me make a proposition to you - if I admit I'm wrong and write a passionate apology, would that make you feel all fuzzy inside? Because I will if it will.
Ahahahahaha. Shine on, you crazy martyr.

Simply pointing out you've based your entire complaint on something you invented, not how the game is presented. But hey, those wrists won't cut themselves I guess.