The Youtube OMG Draft Round 2: KITTEH!! & ABMV
1. Surprised Kitty the power of the cute compels me.
2. Pinky's Revenge psycho kittehs make every thing better.
3. The Engineer's Guide to Cats the deadpan humor is great and still has me laughing.
4. Human Cat Perch I still want to know how this started and why she even allows it to continue.
5. The Mean Kitty Song hmm cute cat with catchy song vs annoying girl with annoying song. No brainer really.
6. Tay Zonday "Never Gonna Give You Up" I love the muppets more but this is just so awesome.
7. Tight Pants/Body Rolls I will go for the one that actually put some effort into making this bleach needing production.
8. 4chan: The Music Video out of all eight I hate this one the most but that song is so catchy....
Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon
1. Dramatic Look Gopher
2. Pinky's Revenge
3. Cat Adopts Baby Squirrels
4. Gesundheit!
5. Little girl singing Zydrate Anatomy
6. The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
7. Mini Daddy
8. Gimme dat bacon!
1. Dramatic Look Gopher
Gotta go with the classic.
2. Nora, the Piano Playing Cat
3. The Engineer's Guide to Cats
Tough pick but cat yodeling puts this one in the lead.
4. Gesundheit!
(Awesomely Bad Music Video)
5. Little girl singing Zydrate Anatomy
I feel so bad for this girl that I want her to win.
6. The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
Muppets take this round.
7. Tight Pants/Body Rolls
Hard to top the WT*ery in this one.
8. 4chan: The Music Video
I can't believe I'm voting against my own pick. Why did this have to be my opponent? Dammit.
"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick
1. Dramatic Look Gopher
2. Nora, the Piano Playing Cat
3. The Engineer's Guide to Cats
4. Human Cat Perch
(Awesomely Bad Music Video)
5. The Mean Kitty Song
6. The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
7. Tight Pants/Body Rolls
8. 4chan: The Music Video
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
1. Surprised Kitty So cuuuute!
2. Nora, the Piano Playing Cat Pinky's a jerk.
3. The Engineer's Guide to Cats
4. Human Cat Perch Human Cat perch is awesome.
5. The Mean Kitty Song It's original, plus I dunno what the other one is, but it's weird.
6. The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
7. Mini Daddy Quite frankly I wish I could vote AGAINST both of them.
8. 4chan: The Music Video I guess.
1. Surprised Kitty
2. Nora, the Piano Playing Cat
3. The Engineer's Guide to Cats
4. Gesundheit!
5. The Mean Kitty Song
6. The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
7. Tight Pants/Body Rolls
8. 4chan: The Music Video
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon
1. Surprised Kitty
2. Pinky's Revenge
3. Cat Adopts Baby Squirrels
4. Human Cat Perch
5. Little girl singing Zydrate Anatomy
6. The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
7. Tight Pants/Body Rolls
8. Gimme dat bacon!
I haven't been around to vote on things! :/
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
2. Pinky's Revenge: This video still makes me crack up.
3. The Engineer's Guide to Cats: Poor engineers, one day they will devolve into crazy cat people.
4. Gesundhiet!: cute, random, funny, pure awesome.
5. The Mean Kitty Song: I just don't find the other one amusing at all.
6. Tay Zonday: This one has the advantage of actually being kinda bad. I can't say the same of the muppets as they are awesome.
8. 4chan: The Music Video: Pure weirdness and chaos somehow working together to great awesome badness.
1. Surprised Kitty
2. Nora, the Piano Playing Cat
3. The Engineer's Guide to Cats
4. Human Cat Perch
Awesomely Bad Music Video
5. The Mean Kitty Song
6. The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
7. Mini Daddy
8. 4chan: The Music Video
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

1. Dramatic Look Gopher
2. Pinky's Revenge
3. Cat Adopts Baby Squirrels
4. Gesundheit!
5. The Mean Kitty Song
6. The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
7. Tight Pants/Body Rolls
8. 4chan: The Music Video
1) Surprise Kitty (the cuteness is killing me lol)
2) Pinky's Revenge
3) Engineers Guide to Cats
4) Human Cat Perch (very lol)
5) Mean Kitty Song (so
6) Tay Zonday
7) Mini Daddy
8) 4chan the music video
Gonna leave voting open a bit longer then I intended. Gotta go have FFF (forced family fun) today. Will close and count when I get back.
Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon
Dramatic Look Gopher
Nora, the Piano Playing Cat
Cat Adopts Baby Squirrels
Human Cat Perch
(Awesomely Bad Music Video)
Little girl singing Zydrate Anatomy
Tay Zonday "Never Gonna Give You Up"
Mini Daddy
4chan: The Music Video
Thank you MT
Your results
1. Surprised Kitty-8
Dramatic Look Gopher-5
2. Pinky's Revenge-7
Nora, the Piano Playing Cat-6
3. The Engineer's Guide to Cats-9
Cat Adopts Baby Squirrels-4
4. Gesundheit!-5
Human Cat Perch-8
5. The Mean Kitty Song-8
Little girl singing Zydrate Anatomy-5
6. The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody-9
Tay Zonday "Never Gonna Give You Up"-4
7. Mini Daddy-5
Tight Pants/Body Rolls-8
8. Gimme dat bacon!-3
4chan: The Music Video-10
Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon
We now enter round two for both parts of this round you will help narrow the field down to just four entries in each group. For this round I ask that that you vote based on which one represents it's category best. Voting will be open 24 hours, you must vote for each pairing and only vote once. In case of a ter polls will stay open until said tie is broken.
1. Surprised Kitty vs Dramatic Look Gopher
2. Pinky's Revenge vs Nora, the Piano Playing Cat
3. The Engineer's Guide to Cats vs Cat Adopts Baby Squirrels
4. Gesundheit! vs Human Cat Perch
(Awesomely Bad Music Video)
5. The Mean Kitty Song vs Little girl singing Zydrate Anatomy
6. The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody vs Tay Zonday "Never Gonna Give You Up"
7. Mini Daddy vs Tight Pants/Body Rolls
8. Gimme dat bacon! vs 4chan: The Music Video
Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon