examples of primary/secondary synergy




Dark/Stone Tank: Opressive Gloom+Fault=tanktrolling at its best
Ice/Psi Domi: So much Recharge-Debuffs that the MOBs are Brainfreezed , for Example 2 Cones: Shiver -65%, Psychic Scream -50% , 2 PBAOEs: Arctic Air -50% Recharge, Psychic Shockwave -50% Recharge and nearly all of the other Attacks add some -Recharge too.



Who needs to be a melee character to perma stun stuff:

Storm Summoning/Dark Blast/Dark Mastery Defender

Dark Pit stacked with Thunder Clap stacked with Oppresive Gloom

You've also got the Pseudo Controller:

Dark Miasma/Ice Blast Defender

With three holds from just primary and secondary along with a fear cone plus add a fourth hold from either APP/PPP.

Change Dark to Trick Arrow and you have up to 5 holds and a sleep.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Just going to list some of my alts I've found to have great synergy:

Katana/Invuln Scrapper - While the end-game performance isn't as jawdropping as with some other sets, low levels are so easy it makes you wonder if you have constant godmode active. Even at high-levels the performance is still good because of the following reasons: you have very high S/L Resistance, (at least) great Melee/Lethal Defense (you'll be in Melee 99% of the time) and the fact that most enemies deal S/L damage.

Cold/Sonic Defender - Just amazing in teams, and decent solo. Arctic Air + Maneuvers + Ice Shields gives everyone in the team around 30% Def for survival. Sleet + Howl (+Achilles proc) is an AoE -50% (possibly 70%) -Res debuff. Heat Loss for 0 End problems is just gravy!

Elec/Shield Scrapper - adding AoE to AoE can't go wrong.

SD/DM Tank - Survivability is great and Shield Charge + APP/PPP attack helps with AoE. With Darkest Night you don't even need much DDR, something SD lacks!

Ice/SS Tank - Ice takes care of SS's possibly problematic Endurance use, while SS adds KD to help Ice's survivability. Take Darkest Night, Gloom and Dark Obliteration, and enjoy.

Ice/Rad Controller - Arctic Air (Coercive Persuasion proc) + Choking Cloud (Lockdown proc) locks down (no pun intended) just about any spawn with hard and soft control. If that doesn't work (Cimerorans, curse you!) you'll still have insane -Rech (Arctic Air + Lingering Rad) along with the Rad toggles to stop them from doing much harm.

Ice/MM Blaster - /MM helps Ice's rather anemic AoE damage and is a great secondary all around. Everyone likes Drain Psyche. I guess you could just simplify this into */MM Blaster.

Demons/Traps - Only at level 30, but seems like it'll be a powerhouse.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Fire/Mental blaster.

Fire alone gives you the AOE to wipe out even-con minions without using Build Up or Aim (one of those is renamed to Concentration or something. The power still works the same way.) Mental gives you another AOE cone, with -Recharge for defense, and, very rarely, enough Recovery that you can use Inferno and keep shooting.

Ten guys every ten seconds with enough single-target to finish off the middle management in between. Survival is for cowards.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
Dark Armour and Energy Melee, Martial Arts or War Mace.
Stacking the stuns of your attacks with Oppressive Gloom is pretty awesome.
i'm currently working on a KM/DA Scrapper. KM's stuns aren't quite as consistent as MA's, but they still hit often enough that they will stack pretty well with OG on bosses. And of course the ability to boost Death Shroud's damage is nice.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...