Ninja / Dark questions...




Wanted to try a new MM. I played Necro, but didn't like it much. I have a DS and a Robotics MM, liked them both. So I came to the old ninjas.

In reading the forums, I came to the conclusion that I may be looking at this build the wrong way. It feels like I am missing something. Any suggestions to improve the build would be appreciated. Looking at a more solo type toon here.


I have 2 bow attacks in the build. Necessary? I'd like to have something to use other than harsh language if my Ninjas have things in hand...

You people are confusing me.. Everyone talks about recharge for Twilight Grasp. I confess I don't know dark that well. I slotted it more like Transfusion from the Kin set. I put 3 acc and 3 heals in it. I don't want to miss with it, and 3 heals takes the healing potential from 26% to 51% with an 8sec rech. Why the rech? That makes it less likely to hit, more often with less healing potential. I can only speculate that TG heals me 26% base from each foe hit which would make it redundant to add more healing potential. Is this the case?

I threw Grant Invis in there for some fun. I am wondering if it's worth it. I would assume most people would put Hasten in that slot, and I tend to agree with that in the back of my mind. I do hate to have hasten in the build soooo late...

Is smoke flash worth it? It seems more like the Grant Invis to me. But allows crits for 10sec for one ninja, seems nice...

The build...

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.803

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 50 Magic Mastermind
Primary Power Set: Ninjas
Secondary Power Set: Dark Miasma
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Concealment
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Soul Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Call Genin -- Acc(A), Acc(3), Dmg(9), Dmg(9), Dmg(11)
Level 1: Twilight Grasp -- Acc(A), Acc(5), Acc(11), Heal(17), Heal(17), Heal(19)
Level 2: Snap Shot -- Acc(A), Acc(3), Dmg(7), Dmg(15), Dmg(31)
Level 4: Aimed Shot -- Acc(A), Acc(5), Dmg(7), Dmg(15), Dmg(31)
Level 6: Train Ninjas -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(25)
Level 8: Swift -- Run(A)
Level 10: Combat Jumping -- Krma-ResKB(A), Ksmt-ToHit+(37)
Level 12: Call Jounin -- Acc(A), Acc(13), Dmg(13), Dmg(23), Dmg(29)
Level 14: Super Jump -- Jump(A)
Level 16: Tar Patch -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(37), RechRdx(40)
Level 18: Health -- Heal(A), Heal(19), Heal(34)
Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(21), EndMod(21)
Level 22: Darkest Night -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(23), EndRdx(33), ToHitDeb(43), ToHitDeb(46)
Level 24: Grant Invisibility -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(25)
Level 26: Oni -- Acc(A), Acc(27), Dmg(27), Dmg(33), Dmg(34)
Level 28: Shadow Fall -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(29), EndRdx(36)
Level 30: Petrifying Gaze -- Acc(A), Acc(31), Acc(34), Hold(36), Hold(36)
Level 32: Kuji In Zen -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(33)
Level 35: Smoke Flash -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(37)
Level 38: Dark Servant -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(39), RechRdx(39), Acc(39), Acc(40), Acc(40)
Level 41: Dark Embrace -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(42), EndRdx(42), ResDam(42), ResDam(43), ResDam(43)
Level 44: Fearsome Stare -- Acc(A), Acc(45), Acc(45), Fear(45), Fear(46), EndRdx(46)
Level 47: Night Fall -- Acc(A), Acc(48), Dmg(48), Dmg(48), Dmg(50)
Level 49: Hasten -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(50), RechRdx(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx(A)
Level 1: Supremacy
Level 2: Ninja Run



With the little I know about builds, I do know that 3 Accuracy enhancements is overkill, 2 at most is needed (And bow attacks get bonus accuracy so usually just one is needed)

Also I believe the recharge in TG is so that you can get the heal off faster (8 seconds when desperatly trying to keep your pets alive feels like a week) and it makes it possible to debuff more enemies (-tohit, -damage and -regen are all great things to have on enemies)

Also I belive it is more productive to have Hurdle instead of Swift if you are going for SJ or SS.

But again I'll leave it for someone with a bit more experience to fine tune your build and give more advice.



Yeah, swift to hurdle is just a prefrence. The diff is only one or 2 more bounces outdoors to get somewhere, no big deal. I just hate bouncing around in mishs to keep up...

You can't heal if u dont hit... Acc in my mind is never overkill on a Targeted heal... but I can compensate with IO sets...



Well you can only ever have a 95% chance to hit something, even if you have +1 billion tohit. Usually the only reason to go above 95% accuracy is for going against things that are higher level and things that have defence.

Also I was talking about the 3 accuracy enhancements you have in other powers, and your 2 bow attacks, IMO they don't need that many unless you plan to go against things with +Defence (Don't ninja's get a defence debuff in their T2 ninjas? I can't remember on my Nin/DM)



Your Dark Servant is already buffed for accuracy(pets like him already have a high to hit bonus). So 3 accuracies on him is an overkill, I would go with 3 recharges and 3 heals, his Twilight Grasp would be huge.

If you could put Maneuvers and Tactics on your build your ninjas and your powers would appreciate it(and everything would hit, specially if you already have kismet). You already have a decent defense bonus from Shadow Fall and Combat Jumping. 3 endurance reductions on Shadow Fall is overkill as well, I would just slot one Endurance reduction on Darkest Night, move the rest of the slots to Shadow Fall and set for defense bonuses.

I would slot Smoke Flash for recharge, not Endurance.

I wouldnt put 3 slots on Health. Your HP isnt that much, so the extra IOs wont make too much of a difference, since we are talking about % in here.

I would 6 slot your pets. You could get great sets like Blood Mandate that give you a lot of defense and bonuses if you 6 slots them. Also, consider the Procs, slotting the +5% defense for the pets helps a lot,specially for ninjas.

I dont think you NEED hasten, specially if you slot a bit more for recharge here and there. You would benefit a lot more from Leadership pool IMO.



OMG... The leadership pool. Can't believe I forgot that! That's what happens when u make a build at 3am... lol

Well, rebuilt it with the leadership pool. I 6 slotted the summons to use some IO sets later on, just don't know what I want yet.

It feels better for sure. Only hole I see could be vs. Cold and Fire if they get through the def. I will also probably add a few stasis resistance chips here and there.

Looking better?? : And thanks for the input Kiwi and Alexander Drako!

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.803

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 50 Magic Mastermind
Primary Power Set: Ninjas
Secondary Power Set: Dark Miasma
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Soul Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Call Genin -- Acc(A), Acc(3), Dmg(7), Dmg(11), Dmg(23), Dsrnt(37)
Level 1: Twilight Grasp -- Acc(A), Acc(3), Heal(5), Heal(9), RechRdx(9), RechRdx(23)
Level 2: Aimed Shot -- Acc(A), Dmg(5), Dmg(7), Dmg(15)
Level 4: Tar Patch -- RechRdx(A)
Level 6: Train Ninjas -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(19)
Level 8: Swift -- Run(A)
Level 10: Combat Jumping -- Krma-ResKB(A), Ksmt-ToHit+(11)
Level 12: Call Jounin -- Acc(A), Acc(13), Dmg(13), Dmg(15), Dmg(19), DefDeb(37)
Level 14: Super Jump -- Jump(A)
Level 16: Maneuvers -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(17), DefBuff(17), DefBuff(31), DefBuff(31)
Level 18: Health -- Heal(A), Heal(29)
Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(21), EndMod(21)
Level 22: Darkest Night -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(33)
Level 24: Shadow Fall -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(25), DefBuff(25), DefBuff(34), ResDam(36), ResDam(36)
Level 26: Oni -- Acc(A), Acc(27), Dmg(27), Dmg(33), Dmg(33), Hold(37)
Level 28: Tactics -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(29), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(36), GSFC-Build%(45), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(46), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(46)
Level 30: Petrifying Gaze -- Acc(A), Acc(31), Hold(34), Hold(40), Hold(43)
Level 32: Kuji In Zen -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(34)
Level 35: Smoke Flash -- RechRdx(A)
Level 38: Dark Servant -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(39), RechRdx(39), Heal(39), Heal(40), Heal(40)
Level 41: Dark Embrace -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(42), EndRdx(42), ResDam(42), ResDam(43), ResDam(43)
Level 44: Fearsome Stare -- Acc(A), Acc(45), Fear(45), Fear(46)
Level 47: Night Fall -- Acc(A), Acc(48), Dmg(48), Dmg(48), Dmg(50)
Level 49: Hasten -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(50), RechRdx(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx(A)
Level 1: Supremacy
Level 2: Ninja Run



My pleasure, my ninja/dark is one of my favorite characters to play, even above my highly resistant Bots/FF.

I just noticed one more hole... Howling. I wouldnt go without that. Maybe get rid of one arrow attack? That power is huge, AoE Debuff to Regen comparable to that of the Rad, it /stuns/ targets, and it happens to rez everyone near you potentially being able to rescue a wipe. Definitely one of the jewels of the set.

THe rest of it, looks pretty solid for a normal no-sets build



Originally Posted by Alexander_Drako View Post
I just noticed one more hole... Howling. I wouldnt go without that. Maybe get rid of one arrow attack? That power is huge, AoE Debuff to Regen comparable to that of the Rad, it /stuns/ targets, and it happens to rez everyone near you potentially being able to rescue a wipe. Definitely one of the jewels of the set.
Quoted because it can't be stressed enough.
I originally skipped howling, as my build was strictly solo I didn't see the need for a rez that wouldn't work on my pets.
Then an enlightened soul clued me in and around level 36 I vetspecced it into the build.
O. M. G.

I regret going so long without this little gem in my arsenal. The stun is powerful right outta the box and the -regen makes my zombies chew mobs like butter!

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



O.o .... interesting.. I also took it as a rez power. I see in Mids the secondary effects now. Well, I could do a few things to fit it in..

I can respec out of the arrow shot after DOs or after stamina and move it in there.

Also I could drop either Hasten, Night Fall, or smoke flash and move things down. I hate to lose Fearsome stare, both because the animation is awesome and it's a mag 3 fear.

Question is... how good is Smoke Flash in the long run? 30 end / use is steep for 15sec recharge and 5 toggles (eventually). Is that the Ace up your sleeve or just a casual use power?



upon further thought... maybe it would be better to drop aimed shot. Then I could fit howling in. It's not like the arrow shot is gonna save my life or anything... Harsh language and sands of mu it is!



Originally Posted by Torrentor View Post

Question is... how good is Smoke Flash in the long run? 30 end / use is steep for 15sec recharge and 5 toggles (eventually). Is that the Ace up your sleeve or just a casual use power?
I have it 3 slotted with endredux, 2 slotted for recharge and use it every time it is up.

You can use it for stealth or to get a mob out of trouble, but it's primary usage is more damage. Most will use it on the Oni to get more damage on firebreath and Rain of Fire.

For tough single targets, I use it on one of the Jounin.

I consider it one of the big advantages of going Ninja.



Originally Posted by Kiwi View Post
(Don't ninja's get a defence debuff in their T2 ninjas? I can't remember on my Nin/DM)
Yes, the Jounin have a defense debuff, making it a great place to stash an Achilles Heel proc.



I would move Darkest Night, Petrafying Gaze, and Shadow Fall up in your build as closely to when they're available as possible. These powers (along with Tar Patch) will get a workout each battle, believe it or not. They're so good, they're even worth pushing the Leadership pool back some!

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



I moved out the Aimed shot. The build is getting very tight! Really, they may need to add ten levels onto the cap just so I can get more powers! lol...

Right now the only way to get Fearsome Stare up higher is to switch it with L:Tactics or Smoke Flash. I really want that L:Maneuvers... And I would hate to lose that Acc bonus till lvl 44, but will look it over... I suppose I could move Shadow Fall, but that is my energy resist..

Round 3:

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.803

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 50 Magic Mastermind
Primary Power Set: Ninjas
Secondary Power Set: Dark Miasma
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Soul Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Call Genin -- Acc(A), Acc(3), Dmg(7), Dmg(7), Dmg(11), Dsrnt(37)
Level 1: Twilight Grasp -- Acc(A), Acc(3), Heal(5), Heal(9), RechRdx(9), RechRdx(15)
Level 2: Tar Patch -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(17)
Level 4: Darkest Night -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(5)
Level 6: Train Ninjas -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(19)
Level 8: Swift -- Run(A)
Level 10: Combat Jumping -- Krma-ResKB(A), Ksmt-ToHit+(11)
Level 12: Call Jounin -- Acc(A), Acc(13), Dmg(13), Dmg(15), Dmg(19), DefDeb(37)
Level 14: Super Jump -- Jump(A)
Level 16: Howling Twilight -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(17), EndRdx(23)
Level 18: Health -- Heal(A), Heal(29)
Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(21), EndMod(21)
Level 22: Maneuvers -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(23), DefBuff(31), DefBuff(31), DefBuff(33)
Level 24: Shadow Fall -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(25), DefBuff(25), DefBuff(34), ResDam(36), ResDam(36)
Level 26: Oni -- Acc(A), Acc(27), Dmg(27), Dmg(33), Dmg(33), Hold(37)
Level 28: Tactics -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(29), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(36), GSFC-Build%(45), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(46), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(46)
Level 30: Petrifying Gaze -- Acc(A), Acc(31), Hold(34), Hold(40), Hold(43)
Level 32: Kuji In Zen -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(34)
Level 35: Smoke Flash -- RechRdx(A)
Level 38: Dark Servant -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(39), RechRdx(39), Heal(39), Heal(40), Heal(40)
Level 41: Dark Embrace -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(42), EndRdx(42), ResDam(42), ResDam(43), ResDam(43)
Level 44: Fearsome Stare -- Acc(A), Acc(45), Fear(45), Fear(46)
Level 47: Night Fall -- Acc(A), Acc(48), Dmg(48), Dmg(48), Dmg(50)
Level 49: Hasten -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(50), RechRdx(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx(A)
Level 1: Supremacy
Level 2: Ninja Run



Ouch, there is no way I would wait til 44 to get Fearsome Stare. It's just to powerful to hold out that long.

IMO, I'd push back Maneuvers if not remove it entirely and grab FS at 22.
You'll get more survivability out of FS than the defense buff would provide. When an entire mob stops hitting you and cowers in fear, well defense doesn't matter as much then.

I picked Maneuvers and Tactics on my Necro/Dark but quickly realized it just wasn't worth it with bodyguard mode and all.
I would keep Tactics though!

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I picked Maneuvers and Tactics on my Necro/Dark but quickly realized it just wasn't worth it with bodyguard mode and all.
I would keep Tactics though!
Except that Maneuvers is needed to get Tactics!! Lol.. I may move smoke flash, Manuevers and Tactics down a bit and move FStare up though...

Thanks for the input everyone btw!



I have a 50 Ninja/Dark MM.

Anyone a nice high end build. I should be able to handle the costs hopefully...if farm farm.

Im actually using your latest build for now Torrentor. hehe



I must say the Ninjas EAT things in their way at a rapid speed. That with /dark tar patch makes the ninjas look like they are at warp speed.

A tar patch + darkest night and a Twilight grasp will probably get you from 1-20 without blinking.

I did update the build a bit.. Here it is now..

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.803

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Seppuku Moon: Level 50 Magic Mastermind
Primary Power Set: Ninjas
Secondary Power Set: Dark Miasma
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Soul Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Call Genin -- Acc(A), Acc(3), Dmg(7), Dmg(7), Dmg(11), Dsrnt(37)
Level 1: Twilight Grasp -- Acc(A), Acc(3), Heal(5), Heal(9), RechRdx(9), RechRdx(15)
Level 2: Tar Patch -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(17)
Level 4: Darkest Night -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(5)
Level 6: Train Ninjas -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(19)
Level 8: Swift -- Run(A)
Level 10: Combat Jumping -- Krma-ResKB(A), Ksmt-ToHit+(11)
Level 12: Call Jounin -- Acc(A), Acc(13), Dmg(13), Dmg(15), Dmg(19), DefDeb(37)
Level 14: Super Jump -- Jump(A)
Level 16: Howling Twilight -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(17), EndRdx(23)
Level 18: Health -- Heal(A), Heal(29)
Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(21), EndMod(21)
Level 22: Fearsome Stare -- Abys-Acc/Rchg(A), Abys-Acc/EndRdx(23), Abys-Acc/Fear/Rchg(31), Abys-EndRdx/Fear(31), Abys-Dam%(34)
Level 24: Shadow Fall -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(25), DefBuff(25), DefBuff(34), ResDam(36), ResDam(36)
Level 26: Oni -- Acc(A), Acc(27), Dmg(27), Dmg(33), Dmg(33), Hold(37)
Level 28: Maneuvers -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(29), DefBuff(33), DefBuff(40), DefBuff(43)
Level 30: Petrifying Gaze -- Lock-Acc/Hold(A), Lock-Acc/Rchg(31), Lock-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(34), Lock-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(45), Lock-%Hold(45)
Level 32: Kuji In Zen -- EndRdx(A)
Level 35: Tactics -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(36), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(45), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(46), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(46), GSFC-Build%(46)
Level 38: Dark Servant -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(39), RechRdx(39), Heal(39), Heal(40), Heal(40)
Level 41: Dark Embrace -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(42), EndRdx(42), ResDam(42), ResDam(43), ResDam(43)
Level 44: Smoke Flash -- EndRdx(A)
Level 47: Night Fall -- Acc(A), Acc(48), Dmg(48), Dmg(48), Dmg(50)
Level 49: Hasten -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(50), RechRdx(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx(A)
Level 1: Supremacy
Level 2: Ninja Run



Does ninja/dark work for defeating AVs solo?

has anyone ever tried with a solid build?

the single target damage seems to be pretty good (thats why i ask), only issue could be the survivabilty of the lower tier henchman i guess...




Originally Posted by RAWSIDE View Post
Does ninja/dark work for defeating AVs solo?

has anyone ever tried with a solid build?

the single target damage seems to be pretty good (thats why i ask), only issue could be the survivabilty of the lower tier henchman i guess...

Ninja/Dark can defeat AV's solo
It's one of the weaker AV killer of the MM primaries.

That said I managed to solo Swan as Ninja/Dark. She does a PBAOE damage drain that allows her to 1 shot you through full bodyguard mode. This was before IO's even existed. It was interesting soloing her actually. I'd save howling twilight for when she used that ability, then I'd just kite her and let the -regen keep her from healing too much untill it wore off and hope she didn't kill too many of my pets while I had to flee and couldn't taunt spam her.

Point is it can solo most AV's.

But not as easily as the other primaries(cept Zombies)