Your Heroic Non Praetorian Villainous AT




My character is a hero. Brute is just the AT name, and means nothing as far as she is concerned.



Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
My character is a hero. Brute is just the AT name, and means nothing as far as she is concerned.
The funny thing is that it DID until just recently even in-universe. I recall in the lead up to Issue 10 and the Second Rikti War there were Paragon "newspaper articles" that referred to the fighting against the Rikti, referring both to specific character names and their ATs. Which always gave me the amusing image of people finding out that their kids are going to be good or evil because of their powersets...

Teacher: "I'm afraid your little Jimmy started a fight in school again today Ms Smith..."

Ms Smith: "Oh, dear, I'll have to have another talk with him."

Teacher: "I'm sorry Ms Smith, but there's no easy way to say this. While he was fighting...Jimmy was actually getting stronger..."

Ms Smith: "...NOOOOOO!!!!"

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Or the horror of watching the bassinette glow green at regular intervals and realising you'd spawned a h3al0r!

My widow was easy - she was conscripted into Arachnos as a small child when she showed signs of talent, so it's taken a long time for her to get to a place where she can start to see through the system and make her own moral choices.



I rerolled my toon the Arachnos PR Agent from a Katana/SA scrapper to a VEAT with GR. I pretty much kept the same backstory. As part of a disinformation goal, and to present a better face to the world, he sent one of his agents over to Paragon to do good. The agent in question is a Rogue Isles citizen that has never been in trouble with the law, and due to good grades, went to Paragon College on a scholarship. He is just back trying to prove he is not all that bad.

I have a few other toons that will change, but for the most part, if I am rerolling for a preferred AT, (Brute>Tank, Blaster>Corrupter) I will keep their back story and send them through Praetoria.



Originally Posted by Jbot View Post
Or do the opposite and make a nictus.
Or we could make a deal with Mephisto and get a whole new cast of supporting characters at the cost of our marriage.



When I get around to it...

RaveSpider my Elec/Thermal Corr will be going to the Rogue Alignment. It fits her best. She's not a killer, she's not even perticularly evil. She's a thrill-seeking, pixie stick addicted, theif with a tendancy to commit acts of heroics (ie...if it wasn't for the theiving, she'd be a hero). Already she's proven to be more of a hero than a lot of heroes out there

Heavens Will my Fire/Earth Dom will be going Hero. Her background has always been, that she was just seen as evil due to the nature of her powers over anything else.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I did a hell of a lot of changing characters to make them sit where they fit. In fact,the only one I didn't change is the one I'm happiest with, who's basically a humanist Archvillain. Having been around for about half of human civilisation, he gained a certain level of perspective through sheer experience, and came to the conclusion that while humanity wanted heroes, what it needed was villains. With heroes always present to save everyone from their every fear, humanity becomes complacent, and lazy. With nothing to fear, they have no reason to strive, and with someone always there to win their fights for them, they become weak. So long as humanity expected its heroes to always save them, they would never be able to save themselves, and the day the heroes failed mankind would die. A villain, though, is a foe they must fight and can never truly defeat. They can only save themselves through constant vigilance and restless toil. They cannot rely on anyone but themselves to save them from danger, and then, if their greatest efforts fail, the villain can act to save them just as well.