Thanks for sneaking that Praetorian Salute in!
It's in there?! What command did you use?
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Emote Menu > Interact > Top Section; Praetorian Salute
/e praetoriansalute
I just miss popdance is all
Also, when you use the ;newspaper emote, it opens the Praetorian version of the papers, instead of the stock CoH one.
I love that the newspapers are like that. I was kind of expecting it with the different papers for Paragon and the Isles, but I'm happy to see it nevertheless.
I'm also liking how my loyalists can /em drinkenriche while I'm afk.
What Zortel said.
It's very cool. Got that whole hail Caesar thing going on, though you could just as easily ignore the salute part and use the final stance for tribute/memorial moments.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
Speaking of new emotes, whatever happened to the new dances? Why were they taken out?
The new dances were just being tested and are actually for a future expansion.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
Also, when you use the ;newspaper emote, it opens the Praetorian version of the papers, instead of the stock CoH one.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
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I only noticed this today as I was hanging out with some SG friends and the course of conversing, I went to go to a regular salute emote...and lo and behold...Praetorian Salute!
Thanks! Very cool emote, that one. I know a few people want it, too.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse