Red Beacons in a Blue base? (& vice versa)




What constitutes a gamebreaker?

Its an optional feature why would it break the game, all I am reading is a lot of fear and BS...why not try it in test and see how it works instead of going all apes*** about how it might break the system.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Originally Posted by Feign View Post
I would kind of like for Snow Globe to admit he was wrong about the devs' assumed motivation for keeping Rogues out of hero bases and Vigilantes out of Villain ones.

I don't think I'm gonna get that though.
it doesn't mean that I was wrong in guessing their motivation.
Yeah, not so much.
Thing is, Snow, you keep presenting your guesses as statement of fact. You don't know what the dev's reasoning is any better than anyone else, so get off your freaking "all-knowing" high horse.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
What, that allowing cross faction use would break things? I've brought that up several times, and every single time somebody brings up the RP argument.
O rly?
You KNOW it will break things? How so? I think "standard code rant applies". I don't think I've ever seen you explain it mechanics-wise. Usually YOU are the one bringing out the RP/Storyline argument to back this up.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
So what? Losing Hero/Villain merits isn't that much of a penalty as players will either pick them up on other characters and send the results to their "active" characters or ignore them completely.
Nevertheless, the penalty does exist. Whether you think it is "harsh enough" is inconsequential.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
What are you willing to give up for opposite faction base access?
We are already giving up too much... that's the point.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
That sympathy doesn't extend to the bases though. What you are asking for here can be done without touching the base system at all.
Why? Why not use a feature that is already in existence? Why are you so afraid of this?

I've never really been much of a proponent for personal apartments in the past, but as I've said elsewhere, I think they might be an interesting solution to fill the gaps. They could be a scaled down version of bases, maybe a specially flagged plot size that allows for limited storage, travel, crafting & empowerment.

  • Uses a feature that already exists in game.
  • Provides an equal benefit for Vigilantes, Rogues, & Praetorians.
  • Adds additional opportunities for new content to be developed by the developers. Also adds opportunities for dev's to give the players something they've been wanting for years.
  • Provides RP'ers another option for character immersion
  • It's not Snow Globes idea

Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
Snow Globe...what's your problem?

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Not that I'm taking sides here, but not being able to get around an area where you're working counter to the established order sort of makes sense. I mean, if you're a vigilante, dishing out vigilante justice in the Rogue Isles, do you really think the villains are going to make it easy for you?

Still, I'd like to see both sides have equal access, if only for meta reasons.

Where do we go from here?



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
Demon asked me to check and see if my grandfathered cross-faction coalition with base access still worked.

It does in fact, amazingly the whole server doesn't appear to come crashing down when a villain chills in a base with a hero. I know, its a huge shock.

See here is the thing Snow, you're arguing against this and have been for ages now and the devs have already said they're going to try and allow this to happen again.

So that means you're just trolling at this point. Go troll elsewhere.

Original picture from beta time period

Picture I just took:

Maybe I'll make it a personal project this week to get a character into the Abyss VG and add teleporters to see if a vigilante can use them to travel in the Isles. Maybe a rogue in the Order of the Abyss can use the Shinsengumi teleporters, oh the horror.
Ransim, thank you very much for dropping in here with the verification that such a thing is still at least potentially possible, as evidenced by your current coalition situation. I'll be very curious to see the result of your vigilante/rogue telepad experiments, as it might provide even more insight into what may or may not be possible going forward. I don't know code, so I won't speculate beyond that, but more information is always better than less information when troubleshooting any problem.

For the record, I don't see this as "us against them" where the "them" is Snow, the Devs, or anyone. This isn't some personal vendetta or an ego-driven "I have to be right" deal. It's about looking at the problem that currently exists and seeing if existing resources can be used to solve that problem by uniting players and characters instead of looking at yet another way to create a divisive atmosphere with artificial barriers that seemingly flies in the face of the expansion's dismissal of some existing barriers. The expansion shows how few clear-cut barriers exist when personal choice of individuals is brought into the equation instead of blind obedience to any set of hard and fast rules. It's all shades of grey instead of only black and white.

People always complain about the lack of uses for bases in this game. I'm bewildered about why anyone would want to restrict the use of bases further, especially if that person has been involved in the base community to begin with. Bases with telepads are an existing resource in the game. What makes the argument against using said bases even more bewildering is that instead of tweaking existing content to provide the solution, Snow would actually suggest resources be used to provide the same functionality in a new area that the devs need to design, populate, and put into place.

Optional cross-factional base usage, even if restricted solely to teammates, is something I'd think every player could get behind. There's no real reason to prevent it from being up to the discretion of the team/SG leadership. If you don't see it fitting your view of how things should work, then don't allow it, just like you can disallow teammate or coalition base entry now. The devs are apparently interested in using this idea to some unknown degree, and I view this as further progress in maintaining functional usage for bases and possibly providing more in the future.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
Snow Globe...what's your problem?
I don't know, people insulting me for having a different opinion ranks near the top of the list...

As to coalitions between hero and villain groups:
Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Try doing that... Seriously try it. If you can't (and that poster agreed players can't anymore), then those groups are coalitioned in error and the coalition should be removed.
Originally Posted by ransim View Post
Demon asked me to check and see if my grandfathered cross-faction coalition with base access still worked.

It does in fact, amazingly the whole server doesn't appear to come crashing down when a villain chills in a base with a hero. I know, its a huge shock.
Not what I asked in this thread. I asked specifically if you could make a NEW coalition between a hero group and a villain group. You can't. You've admitted you can't.

The only "evidence" that your groups are grandfathered is due to the game not breaking that coalition, not from any developer statement to that fact. They are a pair of groups that avoided a code change. It doesn't surprise me at all that a coalition like that exists when it took months just to remove Items of Power when the old Cathedral of Pain went active for one week -- after they ran the IoP removal routine TWICE. The whole base system and group system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.

At any rate, the patch that removed the ability to form coalitions with the opposite faction wasn't described in a patch note (that I can find), which tells me that it was considered an exploit, not a feature.

Originally Posted by ransim View Post
See here is the thing Snow, you're arguing against this and have been for ages now and the devs have already said they're going to try and allow this to happen again.

So that means you're just trolling at this point. Go troll elsewhere.
Actually it doesn't mean I am trolling. All it means is that my opinion is different than yours. Having a different opinion is something that should be welcomed. I would suggest that you re-read the Forums rules & guidelines about calling people trolls.

Additionally the devs said they would look into it. Not that they would do it, but look into it.

Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Originally Posted by Feign View Post
Specifically referring to this part:
I would kind of like for Snow Globe to admit he was wrong about the devs' assumed motivation for keeping Rogues out of hero bases and Vigilantes out of Villain ones.
In addition, even though they are now going to be looking to even partially allow it doesn't mean that I was wrong in guessing their motivation.
Yeah, not so much.
Thing is, Snow, you keep presenting your guesses as statement of fact. You don't know what the dev's reasoning is any better than anyone else, so get off your freaking "all-knowing" high horse.
Feign wanted me to admit I was wrong about my "guesses". He provided no proof to the contrary. Neither have you. Yet you are continuing to insult me.

Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
You KNOW it will break things? How so? I think "standard code rant applies". I don't think I've ever seen you explain it mechanics-wise. Usually YOU are the one bringing out the RP/Storyline argument to back this up.
[Edit]Beta threads are no longer accessible, so no point leaving them in here.[/Edit]

Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Why not use a feature that is already in existence?
Because I think bases should remain hero/vigilante only or villain/rogue only. Using bases for this would not allow the developers the option to make new content specifically for vigilantes and rogues only. Making a new zone would open this possibility.

Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
I've never really been much of a proponent for personal apartments in the past, but as I've said elsewhere, I think they might be an interesting solution to fill the gaps. They could be a scaled down version of bases, maybe a specially flagged plot size that allows for limited storage, travel, crafting & empowerment.
I know you are trying to push forward your agenda to have personal appartments put into the game. I don't really have any issue with personal appartments. I think that personal appartments are a separate issue than the base system though.

Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post

  • It's not Snow Globes idea

I don't see how you can be less insulting, or making a less direct personal attack.

Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
Ransim, thank you very much for dropping in here with the verification that such a thing is still at least potentially possible, as evidenced by your current coalition situation. I'll be very curious to see the result of your vigilante/rogue telepad experiments, as it might provide even more insight into what may or may not be possible going forward. I don't know code, so I won't speculate beyond that, but more information is always better than less information when troubleshooting any problem.
I have a character that has the ability to hold 125 salvage on the test server. I got that ability through a bug in the game. This doesn't mean that it is still potentially possible.

Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
For the record, I don't see this as "us against them" where the "them" is Snow, the Devs, or anyone. This isn't some personal vendetta or an ego-driven "I have to be right" deal. It's about looking at the problem that currently exists and seeing if existing resources can be used to solve that problem by uniting players and characters instead of looking at yet another way to create a divisive atmosphere with artificial barriers that seemingly flies in the face of the expansion's dismissal of some existing barriers. The expansion shows how few clear-cut barriers exist when personal choice of individuals is brought into the equation instead of blind obedience to any set of hard and fast rules. It's all shades of grey instead of only black and white.
I don't see the lowering of all the barriers as a good thing. I see that we (or our characters) are defined by our choices and our limitations. If you remove all the limitations then nothing has meaning.

Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
People always complain about the lack of uses for bases in this game. I'm bewildered about why anyone would want to restrict the use of bases further, especially if that person has been involved in the base community to begin with. Bases with telepads are an existing resource in the game. What makes the argument against using said bases even more bewildering is that instead of tweaking existing content to provide the solution, Snow would actually suggest resources be used to provide the same functionality in a new area that the devs need to design, populate, and put into place.
In what way would not allowing vigilantes in villain bases be a further restriction? Likewise, in what way would allowing rogues in hero bases be a further restriction?

To my knowledge, prior to Going Rogue vigilantes and rogues didn't exist. Prior to Going Rogue, the developers put in code to prevent villains from entering hero bases and heroes from entering villain bases. Even though Ransim has a pair of bases with a loophole, I can't on a mixed team use the a base in an ITF or LGTF due to code that was put into place in Issue 12-13 almost two years ago.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Snow, you don't present your opinions as opinions, you present them as arguments and factual statements. I've told you this before.

Nobody got on your case until YOU started getting argumentative. YOU came in with an argumentative attitude.

When you present your opinions in such an argumentative and defensive manner, how else do you think people are going to react? So I took your own format, your own style, and tossed it right back atcha... and I see you didn't care much for it. That should be a clue.

As to my "agenda" for personal apartments, it is merely a counter-suggestion to YOUR "agenda" for new lounge zones... which you have repeatedly put forward in several other threads.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I have a character that has the ability to hold 125 salvage on the test server. I got that ability through a bug in the game. This doesn't mean that it is still potentially possible.
Sure it does, under the right conditions. You just need to figure out what those conditions were to duplicate the bug. Bugs are fixed by changing lines of code to prevent the situation from occurring. Examining the code as it currently exists, and comparing to how it was before the fixes were applied, when using simple logic, could potentially provide the potential insight to duplicate this "bug" as a feature. That's kinda common sense and scientific procedure. You look to see if/how a behavior can be reproduced and what factors went into the initial situation. Dunno about where you are, but that line of scientific method problem solving is taught in the elementary schools here or at least was when I was in school.

Since the devs have stated that some of this will be their intent, I'm willing to bet they'll be examining how changes in code effect base access. If you have a pre-existing condition that has been undone, that's presumably a starting point for potential investigation of how to possibly implement the previous bug as a new feature.

In what way would not allowing vigilantes in villain bases be a further restriction? Likewise, in what way would allowing rogues in hero bases be a further restriction?
Bases are currently available for use of team members of the same faction for doing single-side content. When you take away the ability of some team members to use the same facilities that are available to others in the same situation, you're restricting things beyond what they are now. That's the very definition of restriction, Snow.

To my knowledge, prior to Going Rogue vigilantes and rogues didn't exist. Prior to Going Rogue, the developers put in code to prevent villains from entering hero bases and heroes from entering villain bases. Even though Ransim has a pair of bases with a loophole, I can't on a mixed team use the a base in an ITF or LGTF due to code that was put into place in Issue 12-13 almost two years ago.
I added the bold to your text myself, because with that second sentence, you're acknowledging the concept here and making my argument for me. Thanks. The last part of the above quote is because the content in each of those TFs is restricted to one zone and were implemented as the first full-time uses of co-op teaming in a time before the barriers of crossing factions were removed. If the situation is properly resolved, it could potentially allow people to actually step into their base during those TFs to stash items for later market sale when their inventories are full instead of vendoring, or allow them to use their base's inspiration storage, or use their empowerment stations -- you know, those basic functions we currently have available in every other situation for teaming in the game. Again, removing restrictions is a good thing, Snow.

Fixing this situation could allow for a greater usage of bases in situations that don't currently allow for them. It removes the current restrictions and frees up bases for more use instead of less.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Nobody got on your case until YOU started getting argumentative. YOU came in with an argumentative attitude.
Kat, I disagree. My first post in this thread wasn't attacking anyone directly, it was directed at the idea that there shouldn't be any boundaries between heroes and villains. That and the numerous code problems I can make educated guesses at is the crux of the issue. Since that first post, some posters have felt the need to make personal attacks and those attacks were not in response to that post or posts in this thread, but other posts that I've made in the last couple of months.

I want a distinction between heroes and villains. By allowing vigilantes into villain bases and rogues into hero bases, it destroys the uniqueness between the major alignments.

I want something that can be done about the travel issue without having to spend countless work hours to try to unravel. I think it would be a waste of resources.

I would like more vigilante/rogue only stuff to be made. I think they need to be made into a distinct entities apart from their parent morality.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
Sure it does, under the right conditions. You just need to figure out what those conditions were to duplicate the bug.
I know the conditions to reproduce the salvage storage bug. I wrote up a three page document explaining how to consistently reproduce it for the developers. It took them a year and a half to fix it.

Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
Since the devs have stated that some of this will be their intent, I'm willing to bet they'll be examining how changes in code effect base access. If you have a pre-existing condition that has been undone, that's presumably a starting point for potential investigation of how to possibly implement the previous bug as a new feature.
I'm talking about at least 5 undocumented patches over at the period of 5-6 years. I've had to debug code like that. It isn't pretty. Fixing code like that tends to break things when they are removed because other coders borrow that code for other things and they don't document what they've used. Add employee turnover and it soon becomes easier to make something new rather than change the problem that was causing the issue.

Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
Bases are currently available for use of team members of the same faction for doing single-side content. When you take away the ability of some team members to use the same facilities that are available to others in the same situation, you're restricting things beyond what they are now. That's the very definition of restriction, Snow.
But they don't have that ability, you are asking for something to be added. In this case for rogues (villains) to be given access to hero bases and vigilantes (heroes) to be given access to villain bases. At the same time they have to make sure that "regular" villains and heroes can't access the opposing bases.

Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
The last part of the above quote is because the content in each of those TFs is restricted to one zone and were implemented as the first full-time uses of co-op teaming in a time before the barriers of crossing factions were removed.
Actually situations like what Ransim did was when the first "barrier" was put in place. The reasons, if I remember correctly, was to keep the two sides separate. This was done as early as Issue 6. The developers have put in more and more barriers to plug all the succeeding loopholes. One allowed players to drop Hamidon Origin enhancements into a villain base. This allowed cross-faction trading. There was another way found that you could teleport to a team leader's base if you died or used the veteran base teleporter. There are a bunch of others patches/barriers that I know of that all would have to be removed, if the developers could find them all.

Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
If the situation is properly resolved, it could potentially allow people to actually step into their base during those TFs to stash items for later market sale when their inventories are full instead of vendoring, or allow them to use their base's inspiration storage, or use their empowerment stations -- you know, those basic functions we currently have available in every other situation for teaming in the game. Again, removing restrictions is a good thing, Snow.
You see it as removing restrictions, and I see it as adding functionality. Even now they are not placing any more restrictions then was in place before Issue 18. What they did with Issue 18 was relax other restrictions. The restrictions relaxed dealt mainly with the ability to go to the opposing side's zones.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



My point of view is that if enough players make enough of a stink for a long enough time then the development side of the house will have to eventually do more than pay lip service to this aspect (bases and SGs) of the game. For some time now I've been proven wrong on that point but hope springs eternal.

We are reaching the point where the devs need to decide if they want bases to primarily be (a) decorative relics of the past (raids, two games, two markets, etc.) or (b) a viable functional part of the present and future (side switching, Praetoria, incarnates, etc.). And yes, I'm talking about bases here not more "workarounds" and easy fixes such as going elsewhere or shutting people out (i.e. out of Praetoria, out of travelling, out of associating with their mates... out of the picture).

If they choose option (a), then the devs need to tell us so (rather than a line of bull). If they choose option (b), then they need to devote the resources necessary to make it happen. I, for one, was very surprised and disappointed that, on the one hand, Paragon Studios would go to such great lengths to promote "walking the line", "going rogue", "shades of gray", Praetoria, etc. and then give bases a grand total of "limbo" if you switch sides to go with GR. That was a cop out. Now, are they going to change that or not?

I abhor the "wishy washy" nature of this whole thing. I take the latest word from Positron on this to be equivalent to [*use girly man voice here*] "Well, since you bugged us so much we are going to 'dip our toes into the water again' and see what we can come up with... but you know...if something breaks...".

After years now, my sympathy level on how screwed up the base code is as a reason for not doing anything (or doing the absolute least) is running low. Let's once and for all fish or cut bait.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



I agree. I have a sinking feeling that it isn't just one system they have to deal with though. What I'd really like to see is a near complete re-write of bases and group code.

On one side I don't think players have a consensus as to what they want bases for. On the other players don't have a consensus about what they don't want either.

As far as groups, that code is likely even more mired than bases. The group system in general works for the majority of players. A lot of players are now upset because a few more freedoms were given out with Going Rogue, the freedoms they wanted were not given out at the same time. Those player's expectations did not match what was given. This isn't the problem with the system, but rather the player expectations.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Simplest possible solution to this entire mess:

  • Allow characters to be a member of 1 red side SG ... and 1 blue side SG ... simultaneously.
  • Auto-kick/demote due to (lack of) log in/attendance will only accrue to a red or blue SG while that character's alignment is red or blue (and thus "in" the respective red/blue SG).
These rules are consistent for all factions and will permit characters to rotate loyalties without undermining the fundamental underpinnings of the legacy SG system. It also solves the problem of accruing prestige when changing loyalties.

Red = Villain + Rogue
Blue = Hero + Vigilante

Set this up at the character level rather than at the SG level (ie. cross-faction SG coalitions), for maximum player freedom of associations, and you'll be golden.

Note that this requires only TWO modifications to the entire SG Base construct ... a "dual citizenship" model for character relationships with SGs, and a modification to the Last Login accounting system SG's use in order to dual track attendance (with only one of the two tracks being used for auto-demote/kick functions).

S imple
E asy
E ffective

Question is ... is this something that War Witch would even sanction and devote resources to?

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Simplest possible solution to this entire mess:
  • Allow characters to be a member of 1 red side SG ... and 1 blue side SG ... simultaneously.
  • Auto-kick/demote due to (lack of) log in/attendance will only accrue to a red or blue SG while that character's alignment is red or blue (and thus "in" the respective red/blue SG).
These rules are consistent for all factions and will permit characters to rotate loyalties without undermining the fundamental underpinnings of the legacy SG system. It also solves the problem of accruing prestige when changing loyalties.

Red = Villain + Rogue
Blue = Hero + Vigilante

Set this up at the character level rather than at the SG level (ie. cross-faction SG coalitions), for maximum player freedom of associations, and you'll be golden.

Note that this requires only TWO modifications to the entire SG Base construct ... a "dual citizenship" model for character relationships with SGs, and a modification to the Last Login accounting system SG's use in order to dual track attendance (with only one of the two tracks being used for auto-demote/kick functions).

S imple
E asy
E ffective

Question is ... is this something that War Witch would even sanction and devote resources to?
While it seems on the surface to be simpler, what you are suggesting would be a nightmare to program. You're suggestion would have the potential of corrupting groups, bases, and characters.

I'd think that a total rewrite of both the supergroup system and the base system would be easier, and less prone to problems of this suggestion.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
While it seems on the surface to be simpler, what you are suggesting would be a nightmare to program. You're suggestion would have the potential of corrupting groups, bases, and characters.
And your evidence of this is ...???

Because as we all know, you wouldn't assert your opinions as if they were facts now, would you?

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I'd think that a total rewrite of both the supergroup system and the base system would be easier, and less prone to problems of this suggestion.
Well ... that just makes it official now doesn't it? It would be EASIER to simply REDO EVERYTHING than to implement 2 minor changes that would leave the overwhelming majority of the existing base system intact.

And your evidence supporting such an assertion is ... what??

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
... I've had to debug code like that. It isn't pretty. Fixing code like that tends to break things when they are removed because other coders borrow that code for other things and they don't document what they've used. Add employee turnover and it soon becomes easier to make something new rather than change the problem that was causing the issue....
This ... lol ... expl... lol... lains.. soooooooooooooo much. ROFL


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
And your evidence of this is ...???
The evidence is nothing of the sort. It is an educated guess based on my nearly 30 years of programming experience. When people tell me that a large program has "simple fixes", it instantly causes me to think about Interior Designers that change structure because it is "inconvenient". When a proper construction team comes in to fix the problem, they get annoyed with the Interior Designer that should have done it right.

Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Because as we all know, you wouldn't assert your opinions as if they were facts now, would you?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Any time I post it is my opinion. In this case it is an opinion based on my programming experience. What's your basis that it is wrong?

Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Well ... that just makes it official now doesn't it? It would be EASIER to simply REDO EVERYTHING than to implement 2 minor changes that would leave the overwhelming majority of the existing base system intact.

And your evidence supporting such an assertion is ... what??
Show me the code that these would be "minor changes". Show me how the base, character, and group systems are designed. Until then you are guessing as much as I am, and the standard code rant applies to everything in this thread. The fact that I recognize that even my suggestions are subject to that same code rant is one of the reasons I try not to ask too much from the developers.

What you are suggesting is, based on a very educated guess, a bandaid that has several problems with it.
  • It has the potential to change/corrupt the character if the group affiliation is stored as a part of the character. Logically this would be the best place to put the group ties to. However, I'm guessing that the developers are storing affiliation mostly in the group system, based on several factors (prestige earned, joined date, rank). Storing this on the character would also potentially cause more game checks (where is the prestige going to), and more game checks equals more latency.
  • The suggestion has the potential to interfere with who knows how many patches/changes designed to block access for specific groups.
  • The suggestion asks the supergroup system to do something it wasn't designed to do: store character info from opposite factions. Okay, we are getting this now. But instead of keeping things simple (opposite side can't enter/use the base, super leaders are demoted when they change sides, and opposite side can't get prestige), you want to add further complications.
Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
This ... lol ... expl... lol... lains.. soooooooooooooo much. ROFL
What? That I've had to come onto projects and have to read undocumented code, find out anything that used the problem code, and still meet a deadline to get the code working? The majority of the time it is quicker to scrap the existing code and replace it with properly documented functioning code.

One of the reasons I think that a rewrite is in order is that it would streamline and simplify code to allow for better access for everyone.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
*le sigh*

Snow, you could write the most awesome code known to man, but I'd still be of the opinion that your design would be unappealing.

My design suggestion is something else from my code-rewrite suggestion. I think we both know that.

Other than my suggestion of a new hub zone, I've not made a design suggestion other than to say I like things how they are now.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I'm personally all for expansion of player and SG choice, and see no particular issue with cross-beaconing, providing that you code the beacon control panels properly so that heroes/villains cannot go where they're not supposed to.

I see even less issue with allowing Vigs/Rogues into opposite-side bases by team invite, and no plausible issue whatsoever if these options are enabled or disabled at the behest of the holder of the Red Star.

I am very much of the opinion that if you don't like it, don't do it; I find it somewhat distasteful to watch someone argue to restrict the options of others who would wish to use those options in ways A) different from how someone else would apply them, and that B) are not in some way causing harm.



At this point, I'm even more convinced that Snow Globe wants to be RIGHT more than constructive. By that, I mean that Snow Globe simply wants to "win" the argument more than either be helpful, or foster new ideas.

Nice meeting you.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Personally I could care less what path is taken to fix this so long as it truly fixes the issues at hand.

If it means rewriting SG/Base access code from the ground up as Snow suggest might be needed, I'm not against that necessarily. It might be a short-term mess for a long-term fix in the new cross-factional world. We'll have to look at the impact of that if that path is taken (or at least considered) by the devs.

If it can be fixed by simply looking at ways to revert a previous change, then so be it. It might take time to isolate the actual code in question (and then make sure it doesn't turn the fog in Dark Astoria pink mysteriously) but if that's deemed the best fix, then so be it.

I'm not against waiting months for it to be done correctly in either case.

The key thing for me is that the solution actually fixes the issue in question without resorting to another band-aid workaround fix, like adding a Trident/Crucible equivalent for Rogues and Vigilantes, and instead allowing currently existing resources that each and every SG have available to them to be used by whoever they team with. Allow the resource of bases that people deem more and more trivial to have some use instead of providing yet another redundancy somewhere else.

As an aside, this additional Rogues/Vigilantes area would need to be more accessible than either Fort Trident or the Crucible as they currently exist (as in multiple zone access to the new area), and would need to have facilities that neither of them have, such as teleport to areas that are a bit father off the beaten path. If it doesn't, then there's no point to it. Heroes and Villains are then receiving less access and utility to their respective lounges than Rogues and Vigilantes.

The idea is to make it easier to traverse the vast distances of multi-zone travel required for mishes sometimes. Red side has mishes that take you to Oakes or Mercy, as an example, and neither of those is quickly accessed from Nerva, as an example. Bases can drop you there. Blue side TFs have mishes that take you to Boomtown, Perez Park, Dark Astoria, Faultline, or Crey's Folly. None of those are easily accessed from Kings Row, as another example. Bases can take you there.

So why not embrace that functionality? That's all I'm asking here.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



This whole thing reminds me so much of the pre market merge days that it's not funny. In those not so long ago times gone by there was a very vocal minority opposing the merger that fell into one of three camps:

(1) The morality purist - Villains have no right to wares obtained through heroic deeds.

(2) The "Don't see the problem crowd" - Hey I haven't noticed this effecting me and my playstyle. I can still get what I want. What we have works (can be made to work), [edit add: it must have been put into place this way for good reasons], don't mess with it.

(3) The gamebreaker - A market merge was going to cause more (other) problems down the line (Positron was once quoted in this camp).

Fortunately the market merged, the sky did not fall and the benefits were realized. Maybe lightning will strike again.

I'm a simple kind of guy (I make no bones about it). But I think it is pretty clear what most players want are: options, consistentcy, and a fair application of the rules.

To me that means (and here's where we going to disagree I fully acknowledge):

Heroes can't go into villain territory and vice versa. Got it.

If you are in SG mode and get all the exploration badges in a zone you can make the beacon that allows the base teleport to that zone (if you qualify to enter that zone).

City of Heroes fully promotes the "social association" aspects of the greatest MMO on the planet. There are co-operative zones and co-operative super groups (coalitions) of all shapes, sizes, and make-up for your playing enjoyment. The choice (super power) is yours. Play it how you like.

Sounds like a plan. Let's go for it.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
At this point, I'm even more convinced that Snow Globe wants to be RIGHT more than constructive. By that, I mean that Snow Globe simply wants to "win" the argument more than either be helpful, or foster new ideas.

Nice meeting you.
At this point I'm more convinced that Snow Globe has less ignorance than others here. The points on codes is totally correct, and if certain people unstood what it takes to write true scripts for gaming (or applications) they would understand the point as well.

However, it seems most people do their best to cover ignorance by hurling insults or hinting that the other side is lacking "facts".



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
At this point I'm more convinced that Snow Globe has less ignorance than others here. The points on codes is totally correct, and if certain people unstood what it takes to write true scripts for gaming (or applications) they would understand the point as well.

However, it seems most people do their best to cover ignorance by hurling insults or hinting that the other side is lacking "facts".
I see people essentially conjecturing potential issues and claiming "That it'll never work" to win an argument that has no ideologic merit when there is no conceivable way they could actually have seen the coding of the game or know the state thereof.

If a developer comes here and says that coding such a thing is impossible or prohibitive, then fine; I'll be completely happy to drop this whole thing. But until that fateful message lands on a thread, I still see not one valid reason that greater freedom of access should not be a thing to strive for and suggest.



As mentioned earlier in the thread, a hero or villain / loyalist or resistance is a matter of perception isn't it? How the majority of the players in the VG/SG act towards others outside the group is the what the base alignment should be.

A good idea would be that a base alignment would change via it's membership and what the leader decides it is and thus lose and gain support from the city based factions.

A base could be viewed as:
Hero / Villain / Mercenary on Primal Earth
Power Division / Resistance Cell / Corporation on Praetorian Earth

(IE. base could be a Villainous Resistance Cell that gets support from Arachnos and the Resistance or a base could be a Mercenary Corporation which only gets support via the markets)

Much of the concepts in the GR story line is spying on the other factions and fits into unified bases well. I won't go into detail because that would be a spoiler.

If a base leader is a wants a base pure hero, then they could set alignment based restrictions directly against other alignments and thus the base will be reported as Hero. This base can earn full prestige as before by Blues, and restricted prestige by Grays, an no prestige by Reds.

If a base leader is a wants a base pure villain, then they could set alignment based restrictions directly against other alignments and thus the base will be reported as Villain.
This base can earn full prestige as before by Reds, and restricted prestige by Grays, an no prestige by Blues.

If a base leader is a wants a base pure Mercenary, then they could set NO alignment based restrictions and thus the base will be reported as Mercenary. This base can earn full prestige by Greys, and restricted prestige by Blue and Reds. Base rent would be double the cost and only paid for via a market contact. [something like Syndicate or Crey]

Base alignments can only be changed once per rent cycle. When rent is paid an email message could be sent to the base leader. This message could tell them of the bases suggested alignment thus if they should perhaps change alignments.

How could base alignments play deeper into the game? Here are some ideas!
A villain using a hero transporter would be recognized by the Medical transport system as a foe and would be broken from a team then pulled right to a jail in the Zig. That player would have to do a updated version of Break Out and beam back to base or go back to the isles.

A Hero base could have extra paragon city support like stronger rezzing in the base in hero zones, call longbow reinforcement temp power, and other goodies

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec