For those who preordered GR through
There's a couple of thread about this over in the Going Rogue forum, but yes the codes Started going out yesterday (got mine at 9:55 EST) in batches, no idea how long it will take everyone to get it.
Has anyone gotten the email with their preorder goodie code? I know the people who preordered in-store got their codes on their receipts. It has been 2 days since launch and none of the people I have spoken to who preordered online has gotten their codes yet despite having received their copies of GR CC. So I called Gamestop customer support and the rep said that NCSoft has been late in providing them with the codes. I'm not buying the story though because he also claimed that a batch of emails with goodie codes has been sent out last evening and that another batch should be going out before the end of business today. And that's why I'm asking to see if anyone has gotten such an email yet. Though it's not the end of the world that my new GR characters don't get those enhancements, it does strike me as just bad business on GS's part that they were not able to deliver the codes in a timely manner.
The fact that GR was switched on a day early and that frespecs are being handed out today makes this delay that much more of a negative experience. I believe my expectation of having the extras, that are associated with the preorder, available on launch day to be a reasonable one. Any insight or input regarding this manner would be appreciated. |
This delay is standard procedure for Gamestop. They do it with all of their online purchases. I have gotten different products thru them and this was the same thing that happened each time.
Their Customer Service doesn't know squat. GS contracts CS out to a third party company and they only have a pre-written responses from GS to explain why there's a delay, and I've gotten the same excuses verbatim each time I was supposed to get a pre-order code emailed to me.
They simply don't care. They even try to word their online sales in a way that they don't have to give you anything they promised. They use terms like limited supplies even tho they are printing the codes on the reciepts for in-store customers.
What specifically are the bennies from this one? Because I bought a copy AT a gamestop, but had not preordered it. I got a goodie code, however, on my reciept. It reads as a perk, in addition to the code for GR itself (cc). I certainly hope that I didn't "steal" someone's code, entirely by accident.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
special IO's:
Exclusive Enhancements: The five exclusive Enhancements increase the damage and recharge value of a character power and have a small chance to trigger an additional ability. The Enhancements and their additional abilities are:
- Will of the Seers—Chance for minor psi damage.
- Clockwork Efficiency—Chance for minor energy damage.
- Might of the Empire—Chance for knockdown.
- Resistance Tactics—Chance for minor smash damage.
- Syndicate Techniques—Chance for minor lethal additional ability triggered.
Yeah I got those. They were from the reciept printout, so.... >_> someone in my area who preordered, I hope I didn't screw up your sale. It wasn't my fault, I told the guy I didn't have a preorder... :/
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I bought a copy AT a gamestop, but had not preordered it. I got a goodie code, however, on my reciept. It reads as a perk, in addition to the code for GR itself (cc). I certainly hope that I didn't "steal" someone's code, entirely by accident.
I do not begrudge you the code, ZI. If you check out the other threads, HERE and HERE, one of the main frustrations is GameStop randomly asserting in reply emails in essence that we who preordered knowingly took the risk that they would run out of preorder goodies, they have apparently run out, so tough luck. We have been asking for codes to be emailed to us, because in theory, one cannot "run out" of codes... which has led to discussions as to whether that is technically true.
Meanwhile, someone who did NOT preorder is merrily assigned a code that GameStop has asserted that they have run out of.
That is not your fault, and good on you: enjoy the bennies! It just makes the assertion by GameStop that the reason we can't have the codes is that they have none to give, blah blah blah extremely infuriating.
"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"
"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."
Yeah I got those. They were from the reciept printout, so.... >_> someone in my area who preordered, I hope I didn't screw up your sale. It wasn't my fault, I told the guy I didn't have a preorder... :/

Zek, if you haven't redeemed the code you got yet, you can pm it to me.
![]() ![]() |

It's the kind of thing that if NC had any control over it, they really should *take* my code away, and give it to someone who can prove they were stiffed on it. I wouldn't have an issue with that.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
![]() It's the kind of thing that if NC had any control over it, they really should *take* my code away, and give it to someone who can prove they were stiffed on it. I wouldn't have an issue with that. |
On a side note I've noticed we have a better class of consumer than some other games I've played where this same thing happened.
I saw people ragequitting and demanding their money back from the game company rather than making an issue of it with Gamestop.
I'm almost proud of the way the people I've seen here are taking it to Gamestop instead of blaming NCSoft.
This thread is good luck. I received my emailed code while reading it!
It's time for the Happy Happy Joy Joy Song!
Hello boys and girls, this is your old pal, Stinky Wizzleteats
This is a song about a whale
This is a song about being happy
Thats right!
Its the happy happy, joy joy song!
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy joy
I dont think your happy enough, thats right!
I'll teach you to be happy!
I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs!
Now boys and girls, lets try it again...
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy joy!
Iff-in you ain`t the grandaddy of all liars!
The little critters of nature...they dont know that they're ugly.
Thats very funny!
A fly marrying a bumble bee!
I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me!
WHY didn't you believe me?
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy, joy joy
Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy, joy joy joyyyy!
do any of you know if they work on european accounts?
or are we (as in the europeans) out of luck on this one ?
Well, we got our codes...and learned that they are only sending 1 mousepad even though we ordered 4 copies (two people in house getting 2 copies of the game on one order). And pretty much "tough luck, we're running low, so you only get 1".
So, grumpy over that.
We're checking with brick and mortar stores to see if anyone has any left that we can get our hands on so we can both have one.
That's the summary for the folks who will see the following "wall o' text" and "tl;dr" it.
For a longer "rant" of sorts...
This was my 2nd chance for I didn't want to buy from Gamestop in the first place but I wanted the goodies, so Gamestop it was. With 4 copies to buy, when my husband pointed out a coupon that would get us a little bit of a price break, I bit my tongue on my objections and said we could order from the webstore, but this was their last chance with me, if they screwed this up...that's it, never again. Well...never again.
You see, with CoV - I preordered the standard copy online before the Collector's Edition was announced. Gamestop was my only option if I wanted a female helmet type from the preorder, and I really wanted the female helmet option. So, I called to see about changing my preorder to the Collector's edition. Was told "no can do, you already got the preorder box/code and we can't prove you didn't use the code since you opened the box, so we can't cancel or change your order" I asked about if I could send back an unopened Gamestop preorder box, could they cancel the order - sure they could...but they couldn't put in a Collector's Edition preorder and hold back the preorder box as though it was a return from the original order so they'd be able to cancel the original order. (Little side note here, this may be incorrect now, but at that time, I was told that Gamestop and are two completely different entities having nothing to do with one another besides the same name and logo - aka the stores can't handle anything regarding web orders and the website can't do anything with store inventory, orders, etc - so no "pickup at store" options for preorders done online, or converting an online order to an in store purchase/pickup etc)
So off to a physical store, preordered Collector's Edition, shipped the preorder box in as though it had come from the original preorder from the webstore. Five days later, UPS delivered the preorder box to Gamestop's location...ten days later, Gamestop still hadn't processed the return despite several phonecalls to customer service alerting them that the preorder box was back in their hands. They finally process the returned preorder box, only to learn that they had shipped the original pre-ordered edition of CoV (basic) earlier that morning so it would arrive in time for launch day. So, they still couldn't cancel the order and I was told to simply refuse delivery from UPS and my credit card would not be charged and the order would be cancelled upon refusal of delivery when they knew the box was on the way back to them. Since I'd also preordered Collector's Ed, I was very clear that my CC must not be charged since I was attempting to cancel the order weeks in advance of shipping date for CoV.
Come release day, I picked up my copy of Collector's Edition at the store. A little bit later, my then boyfriend called me to tell me that while he'd been less than five feet from the front door and on his way to answer the door when UPS arrived, they had nevertheless dropped the package on the porch and headed back to their truck, the driver ignoring his yells to get his attention (and his running after the driver) to drive off.
So, package was marked "delivered" in the UPS system and my CC was charged almost instantly. I contacted UPS and chewed them out for their part in screwing up things (in part because they had been told repeatedly that our area was not a safe area for unattended package drops and ALWAYS require a signature - and we'd had several packages stolen to back up this request), they returned and picked up the package, but Gamestop had already done their bit to charge my CC and wouldn't refund it until the game was firmly back in their hands...again taking over two weeks to process the package once it arrived so my card could be refunded...all at a time when I was nearly broke from a move and had REALLY not been able to afford one copy of CoV comfortably, two was extremely painful. (I know, spending money on a game when already financially strained was my boneheaded move.)
Fastforward to GR.
As stated above, I really didn't want to purchase from Gamestop - particularly their webstore - in large part due to the experience with my CoV preorder. But, also as stated above, 4 copies of GR:CC were expensive, and we had a way to save a couple bucks and get the preorder goodies since it was a Gamestop deal, so, I bit my tongue on my objections and said we'd try them one more time.
This experience has been very different, but in many ways, just as bad or worse - to me. Firstly the preorder box didn't arrive in time for launch day play (nevermind GR being turned on a day early which had nothing to do with Gamestop). That was partly UPS's fault as their delivery time in my area is late afternoon (5-6pm generally), but it wouldn't have been difficult to have sent it to arrive the day before slated launch (it is an MMO and would rely on servers working with the expansion before it would work after all) - but that part I can forgive.
The preorder codes not being sent with the game boxes? How hard would it have been for them to print them and put them with the games in the shipping box? Or email them as CC's were processed? Or work out a way with Paragon and PlayNC that they could have handed the codes out when the orders were placed? Two FULL days after launch? And getting told by Gamestop reps in different calls:
"We'll send them out within 24-48 hours of game launch"
"We're out of codes already"
"We never got the codes, we're still waiting on them from the company"
"They're going out in waves, yours should be there in the next few hours or so"
Firstly - if the stores have codes to put on receipts...then Gamestop as a company got the codes. Out of codes...uhm...yeah I'm not gonna touch that one. Also, I get sending codes in waves - really - but they needed to email these waves closer together or start earlier. Yes, it's digital goodies - but they are goodies that you only get with brand new characters, and when do most people create new characters related to a game expansion launch? Yeah - day they can jump into the new content with a new toon...I have two brand new as of launch toons that won't ever see these goodies...gee, that's also how many character slots we were granted total with GR:CC. But that's another rant.
Then today we learn that, oh, since all 4 copies were on one order, and we're running low on the "desktop skin" only get one. Well then...which of us gets it? Because I'll tell you, we both wanted that, in a big way. We also both have setups where we could use two of em. So, we're trying to work with them to get additonal ones, but we'll only get them "if we have extras, after all, it is a while supplies last offer". If you had one when you shipped ours - and you're still shipping them, you had 4 when you shipped weren't out then. We didn't preorder at the last minute, we preordered within days of the announcement in case they DID run out, if supplies are limited, shouldn't order date matter? We placed an order for 4 preorders, that's 4 goodie packs - code, desktop skin, and all.
The physical stores? Yeah, they're sympathetic at least (well, some are) and we're picking up a second one at a physical store so we'll at least each have one. For what it's worth, 2 of the 11 stores we called to try to find one that still has a desktop skin that isn't attached to a preorder awaiting pickup (we wanted to make sure we're not taking one from someone else who preordered) had no idea what City of Heroes (or Going Rogue, or City of Villains) was and couldn't even find it in their systems as a game.
Next time Paragon/PlayNC, if you're making preorder goodie deals with a game sales company - can we please skip Gamestop? Or at least give us another option? At the very least I'm not patronizing Gamestop's webstore again, for any reason.
Sorry for the gigant-o-post, but I really needed to get that out of my system and in a place where maybe, someone will read it who can get the negatives of Gamestop experiences through to the folks who decide to make deals with Gamestop for their preorder packs and such.
Global @Nomme & @Nomme Again
Protector server
Well, we got our codes...and learned that they are only sending 1 mousepad even though we ordered 4 copies (two people in house getting 2 copies of the game on one order). And pretty much "tough luck, we're running low, so you only get 1".
I didn't even get my one desktop skin until I ******* at their customer service, then I had to ***** at them about my enhancements code to get that. It's a hassle, but I recommend you keep pushing them to give you what you were promised.
On another note, I tried using my $5 coupon at the Razer store and it didn't work. One email to the Razer customer service (email sent at 1:17 am: "...My code, which fails to work, is XXXXXX. If possible, I would appreciate a more detailed explanation of why my coupon is "invalid"...."), and I got a reply (1:46 am) saying: "...I ran a check on the code and it seems that the guys in charge forgot to create it. Can you please try again with the code and let me know if it works now?...". Tried it, and my code worked perfectly. So, two thumbs up for Razer customer service, one thumb down for Razer store management.
Has anyone gotten the email with their preorder goodie code? I know the people who preordered in-store got their codes on their receipts. It has been 2 days since launch and none of the people I have spoken to who preordered online has gotten their codes yet despite having received their copies of GR CC. So I called Gamestop customer support and the rep said that NCSoft has been late in providing them with the codes. I'm not buying the story though because he also claimed that a batch of emails with goodie codes has been sent out last evening and that another batch should be going out before the end of business today. And that's why I'm asking to see if anyone has gotten such an email yet. Though it's not the end of the world that my new GR characters don't get those enhancements, it does strike me as just bad business on GS's part that they were not able to deliver the codes in a timely manner.
The fact that GR was switched on a day early and that frespecs are being handed out today makes this delay that much more of a negative experience. I believe my expectation of having the extras, that are associated with the preorder, available on launch day to be a reasonable one. Any insight or input regarding this manner would be appreciated.
If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.