New Shield Charge




Originally Posted by ColossusUK View Post
As much as I can see where your coming from, I just need to say...what on earth are Fire/Kins still doing in the game?!
[Obi-Wan]I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if a million farmers cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced...[/Obi-Wan]



Originally Posted by ColossusUK View Post
I love my SD/SS as much as anyone else here but it was clear Shield Charge needed some tweaking. Tanks aren't expected to be doing the most damage in a team, and anyway, AAO and SC still make SD an awesome powerset.

As much as I can see where your coming from, I just need to say...what on earth are Fire/Kins still doing in the game?!
It's far easier to adjust one single overpowered power without affecting anyone else than it is an edge combo like Fire/Kin.



Originally Posted by Vel_Overload View Post
I'm suprised they didn't pull the 'cottage' rule on this. There are many other powers that are argueably in the same position or on the opposite end of the spectrum: Too weak to be viable.

Can we get a look at phase powers now please?

Or if I wanted to be completely controversial: How about Fulcrum Shift on Controllers?
Oh how about take containment away from Trollers? Honestly I think it was a mistake to give Controllers containment. Why does an AT that is primary Controll and secondary buff/debuff more damage than an AT that has a complete blaster set as a secondary? Controllers have a range modifier of 1.1 with containment and Defenders have one of 0.65. I say give Controllers the ability to have 2 pets out but take away containment.

Oh and before you kill me, this comes from someone that has several level 50 Controllers (and I don't like defenders much), but for the sake of balancing, it just does not seem right, like it is now.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



Originally Posted by Razia View Post
Oh how about take containment away from Trollers?
Nah. Just add Confusion to the list of things that Containment affects - then remove the Containment bonuses from all Controller AoE powers (leaving it on the single-target stuff; think of it as having to concentrate on a specific foe to take advantage of the Containment you've set up instead of just throwing stuff at everyone).



I have to agree. Containment is, for me, a really obnoxious mechanic, because it encourages spamming AoE immobs at the beginning of a fight, which well screws anyone dependent on melee cones.

...What? I like melee cones. (Except Shadow Maul).

Anyway, making Containment apply to single-target controls only, or just not having it apply to immobs, would make my Dual Blades scrapper very, very happy.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



That's a very reasonable change. It was too powerful especially if you run Elec/Shield. The two "mini nuke" was too good.

The new change still allows you to charge in and knockdown which is what this power's main purpose is.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I would point out that containment was not "given" to controllers as a buff. It was a trade-off in return for a nerf of controls to approximately 1/4th their original value. This also came with the nerf to controller multi-pets. The Devs stated goals were less lockdown, and more damage for soloability thoughout 1-50 and not just post pets. At the time most controllers, or the ones I played with, viewed this deal as a nerf to the AT. With time we got used to it and now most controllers leverage containment just like brutes leverage fury. Or any other AT maximizes their inherent.

I'm all for considering dumping containment in exchange for a return of my pets and controls. But since we're all taking about one very specific powerset combination when we talk about how controllers do "too much damage", I think we can probably think of some other solution that doesn't neuter what little damage an ice controller might do with containment.

Assuming, of course, that combination is any more broken than any of a number of other broken combinations. This game is rife with completely over the top combinations that trivialize content. That's oddly it's charm and makes it unique compared to other MMOs. Hopefully the Incarnate system and new end game content will challenge us all.

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



Originally Posted by PhroX View Post
Incidentally, regarding making Blaster nukes crashless, it seems to work fine on Fortunatas. Psychic Wail is a full scale nuke (albeit on a Fort's damage scalar) with no crash. It's very much a "use whenever it's up" power, but unless you've got ridculous amounts of +rech, then it's not up often enough to make it truly unblanced IMO.
Fortunata Psychic Wail is NOT a full scale nuke. It has 3 ticks of damage, one at 2.38, another with an 80% chance for scale 0.5, and another 0.5 scale tick at 50% chance. If all 3 ticks hit, it does scale 3.38 damage. It hits in a 25' radius, and has a 6 minute recharge.

A generic Blaster nuke (using Blaster Psychic Wail for the example) with a 6 minute recharge does a base of scale 3.0 damage, with the extra two ticks at 75% chance for scale 1.5, and 50% for scale 1.5. If all 3 ticks hit, it does scale 6.00 damage, to a 25' radius. That scale is off of a higher base damage, as well.

For comparison, the Blaster version of Rain of Arrows is, accounting for the Blaster's damage modifier, a scale 3.6 attack (it would be scale 4.05 on a Fortunata, because it uses a pseudopet that wasn't updated when their damage modifier changed - note that the Defender version is scale 4.05 if you account for a 0.65 modifier). Hail of Bullets is wildly variable, but the "average" is very close to Fortunata Psychic Wail's damage. Both of those powers have no crash, and a much lower recharge. Yes, all of the other nukes need love - and Fortunata Psychic Wail is among them.

While I'm at it, the Fortunata's damage modifier, at 1.0, is tied for the second-highest base ranged modifier with Arachnos Soldiers, and is identical to the modifier that Blasters had before the Defiance changes.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.