A simple question.

Ad Astra



I just started my first supergroup. I got some questions regarding the base that I hope you all can answer for me.

First: Is there a way to have some sort of tailor machine or something in your base?

Second: What exactly is Control and Power used for?

Third: What exactly do raids mean? I know this game doesn't have the kind of raids that WoW does so please enlighten me.

Fourth: What's the best method of recruiting?

Fifth: What's the difference between each of the rooms?



I count five not exactly simple questions, but I'll try to answer them.

Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
First: Is there a way to have some sort of tailor machine or something in your base?

Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
Second: What exactly is Control and Power used for?
Powering items in your base, like teleporters to zones and hospital items.

Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
Third: What exactly do raids mean? I know this game doesn't have the kind of raids that WoW does so please enlighten me.
Raids are non-functional at this time. You used to be able to raid someone else's base. I think.

Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
Fourth: What's the best method of recruiting?
Playing with people, showing an example of what kind of person you are, THEN inviting them.

Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
Fifth: What's the difference between each of the rooms?
The kinds of stuff you can put in them.

For more information, go here: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Bases

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Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
I just started my first supergroup. I got some questions regarding the base that I hope you all can answer for me.

First: Is there a way to have some sort of tailor machine or something in your base?
At this time, no.
Second: What exactly is Control and Power used for?
Most non-decorative items require some degree of power and control for them to work. It's also what's turned off to make your base non-functional if you don't pay rent. As you build the base, you'll see (in item info) if something has a control and/or power cost, and what it is.
Third: What exactly do raids mean? I know this game doesn't have the kind of raids that WoW does so please enlighten me.
Raids aren't enabled at the moment. No idea when they will be. It's base PVP.
Fourth: What's the best method of recruiting?
Invite friends. Invite players that work well with you. Mention it in your server section that you have a new SG. DO NOT broadcast in zone.
Fifth: What's the difference between each of the rooms?
More data required. They're different sizes, shapes, and cost. They hold different items. The info is there in the base editor.



When you go into base edit mode, there will be an edit bar along the bottom as well as two smaller windows to display the details of your edit choices.
One of the smaller windows is for room/base details, it also has a tab for lighting (ambient).
The other smaller window is for item/wall/section details, which also has a tab for color (paint).

While you are in edit mode, your chat windows will disappear. To bring them back, just press "c". There is also a global chat channel you may want to join called Base Builders, Inc. Lots of base builders go there to ask questions, talk about techniques, ask folks to "come look", etc.,.


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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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I already know how to build. Also, to Memphis, why did you answer the questions when they were already answered?



Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
I already know how to build. Also, to Memphis, why did you answer the questions when they were already answered?
Umm, LH - didn't you notice that MB's answers were not exactly the same as Dech's?

Almost any question asked on these forums gets multiple answers from multiple posters. Your question to MB seems to imply that this is a "bad thing". Each poster will bring a slightly different perspective and frequently more information, possibly even more accurate info, although in this case Dech provided good basic answers.

Now, back on topic - when you are in-game, join the global channel "BaseBuildersInc." (the period at the end is important). Any questions about base building asked there will probably get fast answers and occasionally offers to come to your base and assist. Generally, you can also get tours of other bases for ideas and solutions to your current challenge.

Plus, generally speaking, the Base Construction forum is the best place for questions about anything to do with bases and as an extention, often the best place for answers about Supergroups.

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Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
Umm, LH - didn't you notice that MB's answers were not exactly the same as Dech's?

...although in this case Dech provided good basic answers.
Not to be anal, but it's Dechs. Possessive would be Dechs'. Pronounced "dex," notably not short for "Dexter." I'm not upset or anything; I know it's an odd name.

But yeah, Bill was a bit more detailed than I was. What kind of person jumps down the throat of someone trying to help?

I think I figured out why an unusually few people were eager to help you. I know I won't make the same mistake again.

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Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
I already know how to build. Also, to Memphis, why did you answer the questions when they were already answered?
Why do you constantly cop an attitude? Any time someone makes a post that doesn't fit your preconceived notion of what the answer should look like, you start an interrogation and/or take umbrage.

How long do you think you're going to keep getting helpful responses when any post that doesn't meet your quality criteria is greeted with a version of "What do you think you're doing?"

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Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
I already know how to build. Also, to ...
Sorry, I thought that my answer was pertinent to your questions 1, 2, & 5. If you look at the information in the two windows I described, you would have your answers. I've always thought that knowing where to find the information was more useful in the long run...

... But hey, my mistake for not handing you an answer wrapped in shiny paper and tied with a pretty bow...

Again, sorry.


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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off as someone with an attitude. To me it seemed like Memphis was trying to outdo the answers that Dechs provided, thus I viewed Memphis as someone who was rude and replied in a rude manner about him answering questions.

You have to keep in mind that I come from a community of players where people are constantly being rude to eachother, trying to out do eachother and constantly kissing up to the devs and gms of their game. I left said game because I was tired of how anal everyone was, I believed I was too nice to be there however it seems that some of their anality has rubbed off on me and due to this I have become a jerk when I did not mean to. I insure you it will be something I'll be working on improving my behavior and I'd like you guys to point out to me when I am being a jerk so I can know what to keep an eye out for. I do not want to be someone that is not fit to be a member of this community.



Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off as someone with an attitude.
Fair enough. Hard to read tone in text.

Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
To me it seemed like Memphis was trying to outdo the answers that Dechs provided, thus I viewed Memphis as someone who was rude and replied in a rude manner about him answering questions.
Even if this were the case, that's my place to take it up with Bill.

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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
Also, to Memphis, why did you answer the questions when they were already answered?
Go up to player questions. Honestly, I know you've only been around for a short time, but even in *that* amount of time you should have seen the longer-time vets have almost a good natured "race" to answer questions. (Just look for - almost any thread where Aett_Thorn replies, for instance.)

In addition, I had more details on some things, and so felt an additional answer would be useful. Would you like more information, or just a quick, vague answer? There's not a question of "outdoing" anyone. It's a matter of different perspectives and differing amount of information. I've been involved in base raids, though not for a while. I maintain and expand bases.

If Dechs has an issue with it, know what'll happen? There'll be a discussion either in PMs or, more likely, in the thread. Which means, horror of horrors, there will be even MORE information given! More people may learn *even more!*

Now. Look to the left. See that reg date? I don't normally bother with them, since people can leave and come back, or not come on the forums for a while (or ever.) However, for me it's pretty accurate. I've been playing *consistently* since then (actually since Feb 2005 instead of March, but close enough.) I *predate* bases and global names. I predate villainside and PVP. Would you like to actually have me answer with that degree of experience, or would you prefer getting pissy over getting more information? If the second, I'll just say "Go here: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Main_Page and don't ask anything that's covered there" and leave it at that.

For future reference, that *is* me getting rude, which I'd call perfectly justified in this case. Me answering a question? That tends *not* to be.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Not to be anal, but it's Dechs. Possessive would be Dechs'. Pronounced "dex," notably not short for "Dexter." I'm not upset or anything; I know it's an odd name.
Sorry about that Dechs. I put the apostrophe on the wrong side of the "s" from force of habit - I meant Dechs'.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Now. Look to the left. See that reg date? I don't normally bother with them, since people can leave and come back, or not come on the forums for a while (or ever.) However, for me it's pretty accurate. I've been playing *consistently* since then (actually since Feb 2005 instead of March, but close enough.) I *predate* bases and global names. I predate villainside and PVP. Would you like to actually have me answer with that degree of experience, or would you prefer getting pissy over getting more information? If the second, I'll just say "Go here: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Main_Page and don't ask anything that's covered there" and leave it at that.

For future reference, that *is* me getting rude, which I'd call perfectly justified in this case. Me answering a question? That tends *not* to be.
I'm with you on that one. I wanted to point to my own reg date (It's actually Jan, not Mar) and just note that I wish I had your post count to back up my experience. :/

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Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

Now. Look to the left. See that reg date? I don't normally bother with them, since people can leave and come back, or not come on the forums for a while (or ever.) However, for me it's pretty accurate. I've been playing *consistently* since then (actually since Feb 2005 instead of March, but close enough.) I *predate* bases and global names. I predate villainside and PVP. Would you like to actually have me answer with that degree of experience, or would you prefer getting pissy over getting more information? If the second, I'll just say "Go here: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Main_Page and don't ask anything that's covered there" and leave it at that.

For future reference, that *is* me getting rude, which I'd call perfectly justified in this case. Me answering a question? That tends *not* to be.

Y'know Bill, I was right with ya up until this point. I mean, the guy apologized VERY graciously 2 hours before your post. After that, what's the point of being snarky, except to reinforce his preconceptions from another community? Whether you think you're justified or not, that was really un-cool.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
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Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Y'know Bill, I was right with ya up until this point. I mean, the guy apologized VERY graciously 2 hours before your post. After that, what's the point of being snarky, except to reinforce his preconceptions from another community? Whether you think you're justified or not, that was really un-cool.
I read from where I last posted, and seeing that reaction to giving *help* rather pissed me off.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I read from where I last posted, and seeing that reaction to giving *help* rather pissed me off.
YOUR bad then, for not continuing to read the responses and flying off the handle instead.

Seriously... with all your touted forum experience, you should know better.

Jus' sayin'.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
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Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
YOUR bad then, for not continuing to read the responses and flying off the handle instead.

Seriously... with all your touted forum experience, you should know better.

Jus' sayin'.
How about leaving any modding to the mods.

Jus' sayin'.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Never said you needed to be modded, just a little bite of humble pie... and maybe some common courtesy.
Common courtesy would not have generated the comment in the first place. Now, shall we continue going 'round about this, or let an already dead issue be?



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Never said you needed to be modded, just a little bite of humble pie... and maybe some common courtesy. You're displaying some seriously bad form here.
And you're not? You're not the 'offended party'. Give it a rest.
Unless, of course, you're Bill's mother.

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Not like there's any point to me posting in here, but maybe those silent invisible bunnies that I imagine read and appreciate my posts will get some enjoyment from it...

It's not like Memphis Bill really got out of line with his second reply.
It reminds me of how jerks can consistently be jerks, but often-times it gets accepted... but when a nice person does something a bit jerky (But not even close to what some other true jerk did three times in the past two days) people jump all over them for it.

Hehe... I just find it a bit funny. I think it is poor to not speak up sometimes.
Part of what creates good socialization and community skills can be the repercussions of poor social etiquette.
Absolutely, the door swings both ways... but, I don't see telling someone to go to the Player Questions forum next time and a bit of a reality check thrown in as really out of line.

And I am generally a very nice person and hate seeing anyone act jerky.
Sometimes, people need to say something, whether it is the friendliest thing they could do or not. I'm all for extending a bit of understanding in their direction. It's okay, really, hehe. And no big deal, Impish Kat, we're all free to share our opinions. It just didn't seem like "poor form" to me, regardless if I would have done the same or not (Anyways... none of this is important, hehe).

Lone Hero...
Hehe, just relax a bit.
You'd be better served reading more.
I know I've given you the link to paragonwiki in another post.
It truly is a great friend.
Asking questions is good though
Just, ask in the Questions forum.
And try not to leave the name "A simple question" if you've got multiple questions going on, hehehe.
Not that anyone even jumped on you for that.
It just doesn't speak too well on you (Not a huge deal, just making a suggestion).

Now here's another serious suggestion on the original subject.
And it is sort of an answer about the "how to recruit".
Look for and possibly join an already existing SG.
Get to learn the game and form some friendships and see how things work and such.
Everyone that rushes to make their one-man SG not only sits in an empty SG, wondering how to get more people, but also cuts out another possible member from another group.

Of course, eventually, we all have to try and do things our own and lead things the way we would like to see things being led (If you feel that's your calling).
However, there is something to be said for taking some time to rise up and all.
Joining a Super Group doesn't have to be a permanent decision.
It's a great way to meet people and learn more and, most importantly, have some fun.

Anyways, just some thoughts.
I hope my bunnies are happy.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Common courtesy would not have generated the comment in the first place.
Which comment are you referring to, Bill?
The one where you jumped on a newbie's case (pulling out your "I"m a veteran" card) AFTER he made a gracious and public apology to you specifically?
Or the one where I called you out for your rudeness?
Or the one where your ego wouldn't allow you to admit you might have jumped the gun with your self-righteous response?

You have YET to acknowledge the apology in any way...
I have, and even offered my own apologies in return.

I may not be anybody's mother here, but I take pride in the CoH "friendly community" reputation we've garnered. So, when I see this kind of arrogant behavior, I sure as heck will not sit quietly.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Now. Look to the left. See that reg date? I don't normally bother with them, since people can leave and come back, or not come on the forums for a while (or ever.) However, for me it's pretty accurate.
MB, I like 'ya and all, but I'd have to say to most people (especially me), that info to the left doesn't mean a darn thing "important." Anyone who points to that gives me the impression that they're a self-important pompous *****, and has some sort of self-esteem issues going on.

I've been playing for over 5 years myself, but, you'd never be able to tell that from my reg. date or post count. Some people just don't participate on the boards as much. Could be any reason. Might even be a good one.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm actually on your side on the issue of someone flat out instulting one of the people willing to take the time out and answer his/her question. That's just ridiculous, and some righteous anger is only natural. Someone asks for help, and then ridicules someone for helping him? That's ignorant.

But, so is pointing to your reg. date and post count.

Someone who has 825 posts may actually contribute more helpful information/content to the boards than someone who has 45,000+ posts.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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